I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 157 The Effect of Level 5 Beauty

Chapter 157 The Effect of Level [-] Beauty

"Huanhuan, what's wrong with you?"

Ye Qing called out again, and found that Huanhuan was a little dazed.

Why did the little face suddenly turn red again?

It's all up to the ears.

did i do something

"Ah! Young Master, what did you just say?"

Huanhuan came back to her senses, a little startled, and her chest heaved more and more frequently.

There is a trace of anxiety in the eyes that cannot be concealed!

Ye Qing didn't speak, but picked up the soup gu and drank the ginseng soup in it. When Huanhuan regained his composure, he said:
"I said, do you want to become more beautiful than you are now? I have a special method."


Sure enough, is it really going to be beautiful?

That special method... Huanhuan's fawn was about to break through completely, jumping faster.

My mind is almost muddled.

I agree!
I still agree!
Is it really going to start so soon?
Didn't Your Highness say that I'm still young last time?
how come...

"Come on, as long as you agree, I will make it for you myself. Don't be afraid, the process is very simple, just one click!" Ye Qing put the soup Gu back on the wooden mat, and looked up at Huanhuan.

At this time, I found that Huanhuan's entire face seemed to be cooked.

The person stood still, his eyes blurred again.

What's happening here?
Ye Qing was also a little confused.

Just one click is enough, isn't it just one click for a woman to become a woman!
If the son doesn't do it himself, neither can anyone else.

Huanhuan became more and more confused.

Suddenly, his head was patted lightly, and Ye Qingyi stood up and walked to the side.

Then he put a hand on her forehead.

"Although it's a bit hot, it's not as hot as a fever. Huanhuan, do you have something on your mind!"

"Ah! No, I don't have one, my lord." Huanhuan shook her head lightly.

But there was a hint of sweet shyness overflowing under the eyes.

His hands pinched the waistband of the skirt jacket.

"Forget it if you don't have one. If you're tired, take a good rest these few days. It just so happens that no one in the house will go out." Ye Qing ordered, then grabbed her hand and said:

"Close your eyes and feel it with your heart. When you open your eyes later, you will find that you may become more beautiful!"

Huanhuan exhorted.

As if he thought he had heard wrong.

Stand up... do it!

Don't you want to go to bed...?

He looked up his small head, Huanhuan looked suspiciously.

Ye Qing nodded and said: "Of course, it's here, close your eyes, don't think about it, feel it with your heart, it will be soon!"

"Oh, good son!" Huanhuan hurriedly lowered her head and closed her eyes.

As Ye Qing said, at this moment she forced herself to calm down.

Ye Qing's words are orders and everything.

You can't go against the will of the son.

"System! Use the five-level beauty card!" Ye Qing gave an order to the system.

"Good master, use the card now!"

The next moment, Ye Qing saw a purple light descending from the sky!

Ye Qing couldn't help but let out a little gasp.

"Purple light, why is it purple light!"

Wasn't it all green light before?

"Master, do you want to be green?"

"..." Ye Qing.

"What do you mean by system? Why, it can adjust the light color."

"Yes master!"

"Then why didn't you make purple light before?"

"I thought master you like green!"


Not to mention the mischievousness of the system, when Huanhuan was injected with this purple light, her delicate body trembled.

She could clearly feel a warm current flowing in from top to bottom.

In this cold season of autumn and winter, the body and mind suddenly become mild.

At the same time as at this time, the sprouting and uneasy emotions in my heart just now were instantly suppressed.

The whole person's spiritual platform is clear, and his thoughts are suddenly clear.

"Young master... what did you do? It's so strange!"

Huanhuan's face was full of surprise, and she opened her eyes, full of curiosity.

Ye Qing wasn't competing with the system either. He was watching Huanhuan and was surprised by the effect of the five-level beauty card.

In the past, Huanhuan, even though she was handsome in appearance, with good facial features, and was born as a court lady, overall it was easy to make people like her, and there was a sense of tenderness that protected her.

At this time, her complexion is more tender and smooth, with a striking luster, just like polishing and waxing.

The facial features have been modified a lot, and they have changed greatly from the original ones. The bridge of the nose is straighter, the cheeks are slightly fuller and more sensual, and the pink is mouth-watering.

The eyebrows are also thicker and more stylish than before, as if they have been painted with light makeup, but they can't conceal the fresh and natural sense of reality.

The eyes are also brighter and more energetic than before.

The small mouth is slightly red, and the lip color is a little pink, which makes people want to take a bite and suck it hard.

Especially Ye Qing, who had just paid for the beauty of a woman, unexpectedly had some irresistible urges.

But thinking of Huanhuan's age, Ye Qing instantly threw away all bad thoughts.

She stared at Huanhuan and smiled slightly: "Huanhuan, from now on you bid farewell to the queen, now you are another self, you have become more beautiful!"

"Ah! Young Master, what are you talking about? How could I become beautiful." Huanhuan was still confused.

I haven't even experienced the step of a woman becoming a woman, so how can she become beautiful.

But the young master's eyes just now seemed a little special.

I have never seen the son look at me with such eyes, as if he wants to eat me.

"Come on, come here, look in the mirror and you will know what has changed in you!" Lord Ye pulled Huanhuan to a bronze mirror next to the bookshelf, letting Huanhuan see for himself.

The five-level beauty effect, compared with the original level two, the gap is simply too big.

"This... is this still me?"

Huanhuan looked at herself in the bronze mirror, covered her face, and couldn't believe it.

Although the woman in the bronze mirror was very similar to herself, her eyebrows, nose, pupils, and hair hanging from her head were all very different from her original self.

She couldn't understand why this happened.

Huanhuan muttered a few words, stared at the bronze mirror for a long time, then turned to look at Ye Qing, still a little dreamy.

"Young master, is this really me? Why did I become...beautiful!"

Huanhuan suddenly felt uneasy.

The change is too big and too fast.

If Ye Qing wasn't here, she really wanted to scream.

She can really go crazy.

But with Ye Qing and a solid backing, she can still hold on.

"Who else can it be if it's not you, I said, I will make you beautiful, and it will come true now." Ye Qing took Huanhuan's right hand and stroked gently:

"Don't worry, it's real, it's not a dream, it won't disappear when you wake up!"

"Young master, this is what you changed!"

Huanhuan remembered Ye Qing's words, and then realized that she had been thinking wrong all the time tonight.

That's what the old man meant.

It turns out that the young master knows the magic of immortality and can make people beautiful.


However, Huanhuan felt a little lost in her heart.

Ye Qing didn't want to change her from a woman to a woman...

"Of course, otherwise, who else has such abilities, well, go back, go back and have a good rest, don't get too excited, and give everyone a surprise next morning, so that everyone's jaws will drop when they see you!" Ye Qing rubbed Huan Huan's small head actually glanced down under his collarbone, and muttered secretly:
"Why hasn't it changed..."

(End of this chapter)

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