Chapter 158

The next day!

When everyone saw Huanhuan, they all froze for a moment.

Then I was surprised.

After Huanhuan became more beautiful, it had the biggest impact on Wu Linglong.

In this mansion, in terms of beauty, no one can match her.

Apart from her, there are only two women in the mansion who can get Ye Qing's attention.

One is ruthless, but although this person is outstanding in appearance and powerful in martial arts, he is not inferior to himself.

But with a pair of legs crippled, there is basically no threat.

Huanhuan is Ye Qing's closest and most important woman, but she is ordinary and cute.

The matter of not being able to understand men and women was supposed to be suppressed by the charm of her slightly exerted body.

Originally, she used to be a unique existence in the mansion.

As a result, when she woke up, Huanhuan changed from Cinderella to Little Swan.

Immediately made Wu Linglong, who was born in intelligence, alert and feel threatened.

"No, I can't let a little girl compare to her. I must know the secret of her beauty..."

Well, women are born with an unusual emphasis on beauty,


Chang'an City!
A house in a certain alley in a certain square in the east of the city!

Lan Fei, who had disguised himself, pressed his bamboo hat, glanced left and right, and then walked in.

Walking through the backyard to the hall, as soon as you stepped in, you heard Hong Tianbao's voice.

"Lan Fei, have you figured out the situation of the main altar of the Tiandihui, and their internal defenses?"

A strange light flashed in Lan Fei's eyes, he was slightly displeased, and his brows were slightly frowned.

But he still replied truthfully: "That's right, the information I just obtained last night, I spent a lot of money to get it this time, and I brought the map with me."

After speaking, Lan Fei found a seat nearby and sat obliquely, without looking straight at Hong Tianbao.

Everyone is the young sect master of their respective sects, no one is higher than anyone else, and no one is lower than anyone else.

So Lan Fei didn't intend to take out the map at all.

Hong Tianbao took a look at Lan Fei. Although they were young sect masters, they were all young and vigorous. They looked down on each other in their hearts. They all wanted to suppress each other, and even more wanted to prove that they were better than each other.

So Hong Tianbao continued: "I have also mastered Ren Woxing's rules of conduct. This afternoon, he will go out of the city in disguise to handle errands. At that time, I will personally take our people from Mount Taihua to kill him."

"What do you mean, you go kill Ren Woxing, where is the main altar of Tiandihui?" Lan Fei suddenly had a bad feeling.

Immediately sat up straight.

Suspicious eyes!

Waiting for Hong Tianbao to give a reasonable explanation.

"You and I are two factions. Naturally, the people who lead their respective sects will act separately. This is convenient." Hong Tianbao said:
"Our Taihuamen got Ren Woxing's whereabouts, so we went to kill Ren Woxing, and your Xiaolongmen got the internal structure map and defense situation of Tiandihui, you go kill those little guys, and release them easily by the way. A fire, does this still need to be discussed?"

The people in Taihua Mountain nodded and looked at Lan Fei with a smirk.

Lan Fei's eyes widened and he snorted.

Quite dissatisfied!

But he didn't turn around and refute.

"The arrangement is really admirable. Lan Mou has finally seen what a small pattern is!" Lan Fei stood up, led the people away, stopped in front of the door, and said without turning his head:

"I hope the Taihua Sect will not disappoint people. If Xiao Xiaoren can't kill him, then from now on..."

Halfway through the conversation, Lan Fei stopped talking and left without looking back.

Staring at the gate where Lan Fei was walking, Hong Tianbao sneered and said with a cold smile: "Lao Ba, Lao Jiu, Lao Shi and Eleven stay behind and keep an eye on Xiaolongmen for me. Altar, I will let people from Xiaolongmen be buried with my junior sister!"

"It's the Young Sect Master!"

The four people from the Taihua Sect held their swords and led the way.

In the afternoon, Hong Tianbao took most of the Taihua Mountain people out of the city in two groups, one group went ahead of Ren Woxing, and the other group walked behind Ren Woxing.

Once you find any other changes in Ren Woxing, you can kill Ren Woxing.

The night is still so dark!
A bitter cold wind blows from the north.

Dozens of dark shadows also approached from the north like ghosts.

There were eight eyes behind them, and these eight eyes suddenly stopped outside the wall of Minwufang.

"Are you still following?"

After hesitating for a while, someone finally said: "Follow! You must follow!"

Then the eight eyes suspended in the air for a moment, and continued to move in a curved pattern among the rubble in the room.

After walking for a while, they stopped again.

"Okay, just watch the people at Xiaolongmen, and count the time!"

It's about to be exposed.

The strange fortress of the Tiandihui General Altar in the distance almost blends with the blackness of the night.

Dozens of black shadows climbed like civet cats, and when they reached the top, two black shadows glide and fall like bats.

"Neither our Xiaoyao Mansion nor the main forum of Tiandihui welcome visitors from the two counties, please go back!"

In the middle of the night, the young man's thick, warm, angry and murderous voice sounded in the main altar.

A group of black shadows who had not come down from the top immediately restrained their attitude of sliding down.

The two black shadows who came down also immediately borrowed a covering wall beside them to hide half of their bodies.

"It's a bluff, your gang leader is not here, just bow your head and kill him!"

A black shadow snorted coldly in disdain, but didn't make a move.

"I'm saying it again, get out if you don't want to die!"

The anger increased, and suddenly a torch was lit at an entrance and exit below.

The face of the speaker is reflected very clearly.

With a long sword in white clothes, a wild and unruly face, and eyes full of murderous intent.

"Li Bai!"

Li Bai with the strength of the fourth rank!
All the shadows were taken aback!
How could this guy be in the Tiandihui!
Could it be... there is an ambush in Xiaoyao Mansion?

"Are you surprised? My lord already knew that you would come, but I didn't expect you to delay coming for a few days. It's really disappointing." Li Bai sneered:

"It's just a small misunderstanding between my Xiaoyao Mansion and the two factions. Why do you have to fight to the death? If you don't leave, then we won't be polite!"

After Li Bai finished speaking, he saw several figures walking out of the corridor.

Ouyang Feng, Xue Rengui, Li Cunxiao, Linghu Chong, Zhao Yun and other familiar figures from Xiaoyao Mansion are all there.

Xiaoyao Mansion has been prepared for a long time, not only the Cao Mang who was born in the rivers and lakes, but also the fierce general who was born as a soldier.

There are many crises in the main altar of the Tiandihui, and it is far from being as weak as imagined.

In the fight, Xiaolongmen is not dominant.

"We have more than 30 masters, Li Taibai, do you think you can stop it!"

Lan Fei spoke, but with some bluff, he really counted the number of people from Xiaolongmen and Taihua Mountain.

Since Li Bai and Xiaoyao Mansion believed that there were two factions attacking the main altar of the Tiandihui, they would be wrong.

"More than 30 masters, how many powerful bows and crossbows can they withstand!" Li Bai sneered, then stepped on his foot, jumped up, and drew his sword out of its sheath, with the potential to kill.

The two Xiaolongmen disciples who had just come down saw them, turned around and jumped up to escape.

Seeing that Li Bai really wanted to do something, Lan Fei hesitated a little.

A cold light flashed across his eyes, and finally he had no choice but to utter a word.


It's not worth it to turn a sneak attack into a strong attack, and a massacre into a desperate effort.

The Xiaolongmen people quickly withdrew, and soon the top of the Tiandihui main altar was only Li Bai, who was hunting in white, and several entry-level masters from Xiaoyaofu.

The Taihua Mountain disciple who was in charge of monitoring Xiaolongmen had a look of shock in his eyes.

Then some anger.

Lan Fei ran away with the doormen, and did not fight with the people of Xiaoyao Mansion. Xiaolongmen has no faith and no righteousness, only talkative, and is not reliable at all.

(End of this chapter)

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