Chapter 160
That's right, they can't beat them. If the two of them weren't for the strength of the second rank, they wouldn't be able to survive now.

Originally they came to kill Ren Woxing, but they were surrounded by Ren Woxing and his trading targets.

Fate is no longer in their hands.

Hong Tianbao blushed, bit his lips tightly, and thought quickly in his mind.

"How to do how to do!"

The disciples of the third grade school were easily beheaded by the opponent.

The same is why the gap between the three ranks is so big.

Why did that man's swordsmanship just now look so similar to Linghu Chong's unique move from Xiaoyao Mansion.

Are they from Xiaoyaofu?
Not likely!
The half-disabled man, the old man, and the cold swordsman with gray eyes and no emotion were all unknown in the information.

If Xiaoyao Mansion had such strength, it would have reported it long ago.

Just look at that crazy Li Bai and you will understand.

Shaking his head and throwing away these messy things, Hong Tianbao forced himself to calm down, and said in an arrogant tone:
"Everyone, I have no intention of being your enemy, and I don't know what your deal is. We are just here to kill anyone who wants to do what we want. We are disciples of Mount Taihua, my father Hong Baxian, please give me some favors, seniors!"

After finishing speaking, Hong Tianbao took the initiative to withdraw his sword momentum, and made a fist-cup ceremony towards Yang Guo and Qing Qingyang.

Up to now, it is definitely impossible to fight, the only way is to move out of the Taihua Gate and Hong Baxian to come out.

I hope that the other party will not dare to kill after knowing that he is the son of the Six Great Sects and Hong Baxian.

As long as he doesn't kill himself, this is his bottom line.

To live is more important than anything else.

"Hahaha, it turns out that the young sect master of Taihua Mountain, speaking of it, I, Lantiangu, and you will also... kill!" Yue Bujun stepped forward with a sword, and halfway through, he suddenly gave a cold shout.

Hong Tianbao and the others were pleasantly surprised, they were indeed from Lantian Valley.

No wonder it's here to make a deal.

However, Yue Buqun's sudden killing move also caught Hong Tianbao and the three of them for a moment.

When they came back to their senses, Feng Qingyang and Jing Wuming pierced with long swords using their body skills.

Hong Tianbao didn't choose to resist at the first moment, but stepped down, leaped into the air, and fled down the mountain with all his strength.

Yang Guo, who hadn't moved yet, stepped on the ground lightly twice, and chased after him.

On the flat ground halfway up the mountain, after several sword strikes, two Taihua Mountain disciples with second-rank strength fell to the ground.

Hong Tianbao didn't dare to turn his head back, his head was sullen and he didn't even look at the road, he went straight to the disciples of his sect at the foot of the mountain.

Yang Guo at the back was expressionless, stepping on the leaves and following closely, like a modest gentleman, the enemy would not turn back to attack the prime minister, and would never injure others with a dark sword.

Let Hong Tianbao escape.



I finally saw the black shadow of my disciple!
Hong Tianbao was overjoyed, and only then did he look back.

Just one glance made him even more elated.

Because only Yang Guo, one-armed and half-crippled, chased after him.

The other party is a third-rank, and he is also a third-rank, even if he is weaker, but with the help of his disciples, even if he can't kill Yang Guo, a semi-disabled person.

It is more than enough to take the opportunity to escape.

Let me do it!Lantian Valley, you are waiting.

I, Hong Tianbao, and the Taihua Sect misremembered this account.


The disciples of the Taihua Sect who were staying at the foot of the mountain suddenly discovered the movement of Hong Tianbao and Yang Guo.

They pulled out their swords one after another, and it seemed that some fish had slipped through the net and escaped.

"It's me, cut off the Lantian Valley bastards behind, and I will ask for great credit for you after returning to the mountain gate!" Hong Tianbao reminded him for fear that his own people would attack him.

Sure enough, the Taihua Sect disciples who were about to rush to kill them all turned their eyes to Yang Guo who was chasing after him.

"Young Clan Master..."

When someone saw Yang Guo behind him, he suddenly accelerated, and then he slashed down with the epee.

Hong Tianbao also noticed the strong wind coming from behind, his body stood on end, he turned instinctively, and then struck back with a sword.

With a sound of "Clang!", the sound of Jin Ming sounded, and a flash of fire was wiped out.

Then he didn't wait for Hong Tianbao to withdraw his sword, and didn't wait for the left-behind personnel from Taihua Mountain to rush over to save them.

Yang Guo's afterimage disappeared on the spot.

In the next moment, it appeared at the position where Hong Tianbao used his strength to jump.

The extremely heavy giant sword did not know what magic method was used, and it was lightly lifted from bottom to top.

It seemed surprisingly slow, but it split Hong Tianbao in half in an instant.

And there was a continuous trace of blood.

Even Hong Tianbao never thought that he would die under such a sword.

He looked down unwillingly, only to see a blood curtain rushing out.

It was only then that he felt the pain of speechlessness, and then the thoughts in his mind were shocked, and he was suddenly confused, and his eyelids sank.

The sword and the upper half of the body fell below the ground!
"Ah! Bastard, if you dare to kill the young sect master of our Taihua Sect, you are doomed!"

Hong Tianbao died, and the brains of the remaining Taihuamen disciples were suddenly stimulated.

How could something happen to Hong Tianbao, how could he die, they came out with them, one was to do business, the more task was to protect Hong Tianbao.

This is the son of the sect master Hong Baxian.

The future gate master of our Taihua Gate.

In an instant, several bewildered Taihuamen disciples rushed towards Yang Guo.

Several people besieged Yang Guo, using all their killer moves.

Yang Guo swung his heavy sword and fought these people for three rounds, then he kicked one person flying, then killed one with his sword, and cut another's neck with another sword.

There was another one who wanted to escape but was pierced by Yang Guo's sword from behind, and he was too dead to die.

The person who was kicked away first had already regained his composure, and then Ru fell into Bingku.

Abandoning his legs and sword, he fled.

Yang Guo killed these people, glanced at the fleeing man, then walked to Hong Tianbao's side, and scraped out Hong Tianbao's sword and all the important things he carried with him.

As the young head of the Taihua Sect, Hong Tianbao must have many important things on him.

Whether it's treasures or signaling, they will all become happy spoils.

Soon, Ren Woxing, Feng Qingyang, Jing Wuming and others went down the mountain, and a fire broke out on the mountain, destroying the corpses and eradicating traces.

Seeing Yang Guo kill Hong Tianbao, everyone looked at each other and let me go: "Brother Yang Guo, you did a good job, let's keep alive!"

At this time, Ren Woxing changed into a set of night clothes, and all the accessories on his body were gone.

Since the fire just now, there is no such thing as the title of "Let me do what I want" in this world.

For a long time, Ren Woxing had to go into hiding to perform other tasks.

Because he is no longer the leader of the Tiandihui, but a thousand households of the Jinyiwei.

Yang Guo said: "Let go of one, I think I've lost my courage, you can chase it a little bit!"

Ren Woxing looked at Yue Buqun and said, "Yue Buqun, you can go, here you are a little weaker, and you just happen to act more realistically!"

"Don't worry, I'll go right away!" Yue Buqun was helpless, the others were all bosses, either first rank or third rank.

He is only first-rate, not enough at all, and he is not even qualified to discuss.

After Yue Buqun left, everyone burned the corpses of Hong Tianbao and others, and cleared the traces up and down the mountain.

Then it disappeared into the forest like the wind.

In the middle of the night, two figures quickly jumped up from the valley in the south.

Both of them were wearing blue robes, and they were holding identity cards with blue light around their waists.

"There are masters fighting here, and they are extremely cunning, destroying corpses and obliterating traces. I don't know whose idiot is out of luck!"

"There should be at least one person with the strength of the third rank. Look at the position where the branch is broken and still has strength!"

"Forget them to go fast, otherwise, even the third rank will stop making trouble in our Lantian Valley!"

"Forget it! In troubled times, one more thing is worse than one less thing. Now maybe there are eyes on our Lantian Valley. Let's go!"


Soon the forest was silent again.

Only the remaining ashes and charcoal after the fire are still flickering under the blowing of the wind...

(End of this chapter)

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