Chapter 161 is five thousand times

Murong negative looked up at the gate of Xiaoyao Mansion, a little excited, but also a little complicated!

He made the right bet, Ye Qing really made contributions in the Northern Expedition.

As a result, Jin was promoted to the title of Xiaoyaohou!
But for Ye Qing's contribution, Murong didn't want it to be so.

If Ye Qing hadn't assisted Han Zhan and others, the clan's Zuoxian King's tribe would not have been severely damaged, and the result of the border war would have developed in the opposite direction.

It cannot be said that Ye Zhen, the emperor of the Great Zhou, could really be beheaded.

From then on, the Great Zhou was plunged into civil war, so that the Great Turks could profit from it and take the opportunity to seize Xihe County, Hedong or Beidi County.

It's a pity that there is no regret medicine.

Otherwise, he would definitely not have given the map to Ye Qing.

"I hope to get more information from the Xiaoyao Mansion, and get enough things that are beneficial to the rise of my Great Turk, otherwise I will not be able to return to my hometown to meet the Great Khan in this life."

Stepping into the gate of Xiaoyao Mansion, Murong adjusted his clothes and restored the smile on his face.

After passing the entrance, Murong Cheng saw Ye Qing coming out of the hall, and immediately said:
"I have met His Highness! It is an honor for Murong to have His Highness come out of the hall to welcome you!"

"Hey! Brother Murong, you are being polite. Do we need to be so polite?" Ye Qing walked over, gently patted Murong's hand and said:
"Because I was busy a few days ago, I wanted to go to Brother Murong to thank you. The map you gave me was a great help. It helped me defeat the Turkic dog thief in Dazhou. It’s not that I’m too mild-mannered to ask for credit for you, I’ve already told His Majesty about you!”

This is distressing!
When Murong negative heard this, his heart felt like a thousand arrows piercing his heart.

I am a sinner of the Great Turks!

I want to give this dog prince a map!

He was cursing blood dripping in his heart, but Murong Negative still kept a bright smile on his face, instead he replied ecstatically:

"It's good to be able to help His Highness. His Highness has made great contributions to the title of Marquis. The grass-roots didn't come to congratulate His Highness, but let His Highness invite him. It's really embarrassing!"

How awesome it is!
This can be hidden, it is worthy of being an undercover trump card.

Ye Qing sighed in his heart, then pulled Murong into the hall and said: "It's not worth mentioning for a marquis. I invite you here this time, mainly to thank you. In order to make up for you, I specially left two money-making jobs for you." I don't know if you are interested in the business!"

"Your Highness, please tell me that as long as the grassroots are needed, Murong Rong is willing to go up the mountain of swords or into the sea of ​​fire, and he will never frown!" Murong Cheng vowed.

How sincere and sincere the attitude is!

The unhappiness in my heart was quickly suppressed.

He knew that he should be really trusted by Ye Qing.

Otherwise, I would not invite you to the mansion to discuss business.

"I knew that my Brother Murong was forthright, as expected of a straightforward man from Xihe County!" Ye Qing said:

"Let's talk about the first business first. If it is done, I will guarantee brother Murong's wealth!"

"Please tell me, Your Highness!" Murong was also a little curious.

Thousands of times!
Ye Qing really dared to brag.

What kind of business can be so profitable.

If this is the case, then he must work hard to earn money, buy supplies for the Great Turks and send them back to the prairie to make atonement for the Great Khan.

Then use these materials to strengthen the soldiers of the Great Turks and attack the Great Zhou.

Ye Qing signaled the servants to take out the lacquer box with his eyes, and then opened it.

"This is?" Murong Negative's sense of smell was very keen, and he smelled a familiar smell.

Salt is so important to the Turks.

Grasslands do not produce salt and rely heavily on imports.

Dazhou relies entirely on smuggling, and the rest is coarse salt purchased at high prices from Beishiguo and other places.

Ye Qingdao: "This is salt, I call it Snowflake Salt! The value of this thing, I think Brother Murong has been running the business all year round, so he should know its profit and value!"

It really is salt!'s really as white as snowflakes!
Murong was a little shocked.

Although he had guessed, Ye Qing still surprised him when he said it himself.

Salt can be made so pure, it is definitely a holy thing bestowed by God.

It must have touched the fairies of Ah La Mountain, it was their holy tears shed!
Murong negative body trembled, excited.

"May I have a taste, Your Highness?"

Ye Qing nodded, and Murong Ling wiped it with his hand.

He found it so salty that he wanted to cry.

This taste is so authentic, it tastes like salt.

No impurities at all!

"Thank you, Your Highness, for giving me the salt!" Murong Yun knelt down suddenly, knowing that Ye Qing asked him to come and cooperate, and he was willing to sell salt for this reason.

Sells Snowflake Salt.

It's a real money-maker.

"Get up, I called you here just for this salt, and you have tasted it, so I'll make a long story short, I want you to sell them to all the nobles in the grassland for this price!" Ye Qing stretched out five fingers.

Murong said: "Your Highness, you mean fifty words?"

Ordinary coarse salt is five or six yuan a catty, and snowflake salt is ten times higher, which is very kind.

Ye Qing shook his head, Murong Cheng said again: "Your Highness said five hundred words!"

Ye Qing still shook his head, Murong took a deep breath and wiped his breath, and said, "Your Highness is thinking of five thousand Wen!"

"No! It's five thousand times!" Ye Qing laughed.

Five thousand times, according to the current market price, coarse salt is fifty yuan, five thousand times is twenty-five thousand yuan!

Surrounded by Murong Cheng's ups and downs in shopping malls and border areas, and being a spy in Dazhou, he was also frightened.

The ass slid forward involuntarily.

Five thousand times!
You want to steal money!

Just thinking of this number made his teeth feel cold.

"Your Highness, is it too expensive!" Murong couldn't believe it, and he didn't want to sell it so expensive.

It is so expensive, how can everyone afford it.

Ye Qing smiled: "Is it expensive? It's not expensive at all. This is snowflake salt. It is extremely pure and noble, luxurious and silky. Only noble people can enjoy it. We sell not only its value, but also its noble meaning."

God TM's luxury and silky smooth!

Noble but not worth the money, not a fart.

As a businessman under the cover, he has been in business for so many years, and he understands that those unrealistic things are basically a fart.

The naked benefits are fundamental.

"Your Highness, I'm afraid it's not easy to go far away from the grassland. You know, those bitter people have no money!" Murong really didn't want to sell such expensive snowflake salt to his own group. The aristocrats spend money, but isn't it good for the warriors who use their wealth to fight the Great Turks?
Ye Qing knew that Murong Cheng wanted to know, and also knew that he would refuse, so he shook his head slightly and said:
"No, there is never a shortage of money on the grasslands. You can't imagine how rich they are. What they lack is the best thing like snowflake salt, and you don't have to sell it with money to buy snowflake salt. You can exchange it with other things, even It's okay if it's something worthless..."

We've been rich, what are you talking about in the grasslands, Murong Ling secretly slandered him, but he was quickly attracted by what Ye Qing said later, and hurriedly asked:

"Your Highness! Can I exchange it with something worthless?"

(End of this chapter)

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