Chapter 162
"I heard that the wool on the prairie is burned as waste after being sheared. In fact... I'm quite interested in them."


Murong was stunned.

Some were dumbfounded.

Ye Qing is right, this thing is indeed useless waste.

Whenever the grassland weather gets warmer, the herdsmen have to shear the sheep, one is to keep the sheep cool and have a comfortable summer.

Second, when the sheep are cool and comfortable, they will grow faster and fatter.

So when the weather is hot, it is important to trim wool on the grassland.

But the wool thing is useless, it smells bad, and it can't be eaten or used.

Throwing it on the grassland takes up space and covers the grassland, which affects the growth of forage and is unfavorable to water and soil.

So the best way is to burn it with a fire.

"Your Highness, do you want that thing?" Murong asked with deep curiosity:
"What are you doing with it, Your Highness?"

Ye Qing said with a mysterious smile: "The southeast of my Great Zhou Dynasty is the Chuyue Kingdom, and the southeast of the Chuyue Kingdom is the overseas islands. I heard from businessmen who have traveled, that the people of those island countries have never seen sheep, and they don't know what sheep are. I am very interested in this wool and am willing to spend money to buy it, so I want to get a batch of high-quality wool and see if I can do business with overseas island countries.”

"So that's the case, then you can really wipe it off." Murong Cheng had the original expression.
Feelings are Ye Qing found a business route.
The overseas islanders are ignorant and ignorant, they have never even seen sheep, and they are interested in wool.

It's really a big world, everything is there.

As a businessman, Murong knew that this business relied on traveling from south to north, selling from east to west, in order to generate value.

What is useless in one place is desperately needed in the other.

Only in this way can we make money.

So no doubts.

On the contrary, I really hope that Ye Qing can continue this business.

There is never a shortage of wool in the prairie, as much as you want.

Anyway, it is useless waste, which can be exchanged for some money.

It can be regarded as a measure to supplement the finances of the Great Turks.

"Since His Royal Highness needs it, Murong Rong is bound to do so. He must finish this matter and collect enough wool for His Highness." Murong Ling said confidently, patting his chest.

As for wool, he can get as much as he wants, fearing that Ye Qing won't be able to eat it.

"Okay, okay! I know I'm not mistaken. Brother Murong is really my confidant and brother. I should understand it!" Ye Qing waved his hand in great joy:
"Come and serve wine. Today, I want to get drunk with Brother Murong and have a feast. Kill the cow for me. I want to treat Brother Murong with beef!"

Murong negative was also secretly happy in his heart, the smile on his face was also sincere from inside and outside, he hurriedly said:
"Your Highness treats each other with sincerity, and Murong is flattered by it, but my Dazhou prohibits the killing of cattle, please take back the order, otherwise, because this matter is spread, someone with a heart will use it to slander Your Highness's reputation and bring confusion to His Highness , it is Murong's fault."

Ye Qing shook his head and said: "Brother Murong, you don't need to be like this. Don't worry, what we killed was not a farming ox. What we killed was a beef cattle brought back from the north. This ox was a gift from His Majesty. It doesn't matter. Brother Murong just enjoys it."

"So that's the case, then Murong Fu is disrespectful." Murong Fu finally understood, thinking that Ye Qing dared to break the taboo because of him.

It turned out that what was killed was the spoils of the Northern Expedition.

In the pursuit of Gaonu City, Da Zhou won first and then lost, and captured a lot of Turkic food and grass.

This cattle and sheep is one of them.

However, Turkic cattle are different from Dazhou cattle.

Da Zhou's cattle are farm cattle, which can work in the fields.

The imperial court has strict prohibitions, and they cannot be slaughtered privately.

Even if it is sick, dead or disabled, it needs to be filed with the government, and the people in the government will buy it back and sell it according to law.

The Turkic cattle are another breed. They have lived in the grasslands since they were young. They have no restraints, cannot be domesticated, and cannot help cultivate the land, so they are used for food.

Eating Turkic cattle will naturally not be held accountable.

Not considered prohibited.

"Hey! It's a pity that there are not many cows, and they will be gone after eating. It's a pity that such delicious food can't be eaten every day, and can't be shared with the world!" Ye Qing changed the topic and became melancholy.

Murong took the words and said: "Your Highness likes to eat beef, what's so difficult about it, as long as His Highness needs it, I can turn it around and get grassland cattle for His Highness."

"Oh! That would be great. I know Brother Murong is a warm-hearted man. He is my best friend and closest brother in Xiaoyao Mansion." Ye Qing liked it very much.

Seeing Ye Qing's interest, Murong Cheng changed the subject and lamented: "It's just that cattle are easy to handle, but it's not easy to enter the customs. Your Highness also knows that the borders of Da Zhou and Turkic grasslands are tense, and business restrictions are severe... ..."

At this point, Murong Cheng didn't want to continue talking, he hung Ye Qing and asked Ye Qing to turn to him.

Only in this way can the border trade embargo be further opened.

So as not to appear abrupt and obviously deliberate.

Ye Qing mentioned earlier that snowflake salt and wool need to be traded in large quantities, and it is difficult to carry out large-scale activities without opening a gap in the border.

Murong Cheng wanted to tear down the business wall between Dazhou and Turks from Ye Qing.

"The problem you mentioned is really a big problem, and it's really difficult!" Ye Qing pretended to think, and after thinking for a while, he said:

"Actually, I think my Dazhou and the Turks can relax appropriately. The two countries just have to go to war in order to survive. If we can establish a mutual trade market and build a foundation of trust, maybe the two countries can coexist peacefully in the future, and everyone will live in peace. thing."

Murong was stunned, he didn't expect Ye Qing to say such a thing.

To make him happy.

The Turks have fought with the Great Zhou for hundreds of years, and they have a deep hatred for each other. How could it be so easy to coexist peacefully and peacefully.

Ye Qing was too naive.

However, Murong Cheng was a little moved by what Ye Qing said about the mutual market.

Because Dazhou can not trade with Turkic, Turkic side does not have what Dazhou needs.

But Dazhou did have many things that the Turks needed.

If they can trade with each other, it will definitely be of great benefit to Turks.

But Murong Cheng sighed without leaving a trace: "Your Highness, this matter is probably extremely difficult. Let alone whether Turkic will agree, even the officials of my Great Zhou will not agree. After all, Turkic is not as good as my Great Zhou." Need something?

If there is no conflict of interest, who dares to mention the mutual market, why is it in the mutual market? "

"No, no, Brother Murong, you are wrong. Who said Turks don't have what I need?" Ye Qing shook his head and said:

"I need horses in Dazhou, and Turks have good horses. Isn't that what I need in Dazhou? Turks also have wool. I need wool in Dazhou. Turks also have medicinal materials and leather unique to grasslands. I need them in Dazhou. And this edible cow... such a delicious thing, is what I need in Dazhou!"

Murong felt that Ye Qing's words were absurd.

Horses are indeed needed by Da Zhou, but I am not a Turkic, I only sell them in limited quantities, and the price is high, how much can you buy in Da Zhou.

As for wool and beef cattle, you want them, but Da Zhou wants them.

However, medicinal materials and leather are really loved by the Great Zhou Dynasty and the empires of the Central Plains, but they are not necessary.

Soon the stewed beef was brought up, and then served with good wine, Ye Qing chatted with Murong again.

In the end, the two drank a little too much, and their tongues were a little tired. Ye Qing patted Murong on the shoulder and said:
"Brother Murong, it's up to you whether you can make a fortune. Sell snowflake salt to the grasslands, buy wool, and buy as much beef as you want. I want your majesty and all the officials to enjoy their meals." After eating such delicious food, I don’t have to worry about your Majesty and the officials disagreeing with the Turkic trade..."

"What you are shouldering is not only a plan to make a fortune, but also the eternal responsibility of peaceful coexistence with the Turkic countries and eternal peace. You understand... After you go back, work hard..."

(End of this chapter)

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