I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 163 Wool Winter Clothes Industry

Chapter 163 Wool Winter Clothes Industry
"Your Highness! Don't worry, I will be fine...beep...beep"

Murong Cheng was really half-drunk, and he kept forcing himself to be sober.

Everything else can be messed up, only one's own identity must not be revealed.

This is Xiaoyao Mansion, the residence of the sixth prince of the Great Zhou Empire.

Once the identity is exposed, it is dead.

Fortunately, he staggered and finally got out of Xiaoyao Mansion, got on his own horse, and was taken back by his subordinates.

"My lord! Murong Yijing has left!"

Gu Yangyang came back to report.

Only then did Ye Qing change his drunkenness, and waved him to go down.

Everyone present also quickly returned to normal, only Guo Jia was really half-drunk and a little high.

"Feng Xiao, if you drink too much like this, I'll have someone restrict your drinking." Ye Qing felt a headache when he saw Guo Jia who was turning his head from side to side. Guo Jia was the worst alcoholic in the house except Li Bai. Got drunk.

He couldn't help but said coldly:
"Alternatively, next time you are drunk, I will pick you up, arrange some relations, and send you to the palace to get a job!"

When the words fell, Guo Jia's eyelids twitched, his pupils widened, his body was still, and he was completely drunk.

"My lord, you won't... Come to the truth!"

Guo Jia asked weakly.

The lord is a ruthless person, but not so ruthless!

The following is an excerpt, what is the meaning of life.

Ye Qing still said with a cold face: "What do you say!"

"Cough cough! Don't worry, my lord, Jia is not drunk and capable of doing things." Guo Jia immediately became serious and asked with all his energy:
"Where did we discuss just now!"

"Hahahaha, Feng Xiao, you can't do this! I still like your naughty appearance, why don't you pick it off!"

"Feng Xiao also said that you are not guilty, we have nothing to discuss, you deceived the lord, you should be picked..."

Everyone laughed and wanted to tease Guo Jia, Ye Qingzheng said in a serious voice: "Okay, let's get down to business, Murong should be moved, next he will help us open up the grassland market, next we will not only be in Nancheng County To create a number of industries and solve the livelihood problems of the people, we must also persuade the imperial court to implement mutual markets, open borders, and promote trade.”

"My lord, Jia is unclear about one thing. What do we use this wool for? Is this beef cattle really just for food?" Guo Jia pointed to the core of the problem.

Others also have a lot of confusion.

Beef cattle are easy to say, at least they can be eaten.

It can be sold and processed in restaurants to earn money.

This wool is useless, and it is a waste of money to buy it!
But Ye Qing never did meaningless things.

Every seemingly insignificant thing or thing can play a huge role in his hands.

Such as lime, such as the defective products burned out of sand and so on.

Ye Qing glanced at everyone one by one, and explained with a smile:
"Wool and beef cattle are treasures, and their functions are beyond your imagination."

"First of all, this wool can be used to weave winter clothes to keep out the cold. It is not only light in weight, but also very warm. If all my soldiers in Dazhou wear them in the future, they will be able to continue fighting in winter and go further north. It can hit the hinterland of the Turks!" Ye Qing explained.

Everyone was shocked after hearing this!
This wool can be made into clothing.

And keep warm and keep out the cold.

real or fake.

You must know that every winter, because of the lack of winter clothes, the soldiers of Dazhou can only curl up in the city of Sebaoke.

Don't even think about going out to fight, I'm afraid you won't be able to go far and you'll be frozen to death.

If you want to go deep into the Turkic hinterland to fight in winter, it is even more impossible to pursue anything.

Because the logistics couldn't keep up at all, the vast prairie, this alone could kill the soldiers of Da Zhou.

Therefore, if the Great Zhou fought against the Turks, it could only be active in the first few months after the beginning of autumn. Because of this point, first, there would be surplus food after the autumn harvest, and there would be laborers.

In the other three seasons, it was either because it was too cold to fight, or because it had to be busy with farming to save its life.

Naturally, it is impossible to continue fighting.

If, as Ye Qing said, this wool can solve the problem of keeping out the cold, then Dazhou can fight in winter. It is hard to say whether the Turks will go south to plunder Dazhou, or Dazhou will sneak attack Turks and penetrate deep into the grassland hinterland.

"My lord, if this is true, then God will bless me, and my rise will be unstoppable!" Zhang Yi said excitedly.

Shang Yang said: "I just don't know how this wool can be turned into winter clothes. The process is complicated or not, and how much is the processing cost? Can it be used by my Dazhou army and ordinary people!"

Needless to say, the purchase cost of wool is almost zero.

As long as there is a little money, the Turkic people are eager to get it all in Dazhou.

After all, this thing is useless waste to them, and it also pollutes and affects the pasture.

"The process shouldn't be complicated, but our Xiaoyao Mansion doesn't have this technology yet, so someone needs to experiment." Ye Qing said:

"I do know the general steps. First, cleaning, then sorting and selection, then drawing and threading, and finally dyeing and weaving."

It doesn't sound too complicated.

It's almost like linen and silk!

Ye Qing continued: "There is still a long time until the early summer of next year. We can find someone to experiment slowly. I believe that we should be able to research the technology and operation process of wool clothing by then."

"What the lord says is true!"

Everyone agreed.

There is still half a year to go, and it should be done.

Everyone is looking forward to it.

"This woolen garment is a big industry, and every step involved in it requires a lot of manpower, so it can provide a lot of employment and earning opportunities for the people of our Nancheng County, and our Nancheng County will be able to stabilize and prosper based on this." Ye Qing explained very naturally:
"Moreover, these industrial chains need some female workers. This will not delay the harvest of farmland, affect agricultural development, and half of the labor force will be used for blood transfusion for the development of the county. So Shang Yang, you have to formulate compound female workers to become monks." The resulting laws and regulations will be used as guidance from now on, so as not to be too obtrusive by then!"

There is also this effect.

Emancipate female workers so that they can also contribute to the country and provide productive force for production development.

The small Nancheng County is equal to a quarter of the population.

Prosperity and taxation under the rule will naturally go to a higher level.

The main character is a genius design.

The layout is vast, I can't wait.

"Don't worry, my lord. After the meeting is over, I will formulate some new laws and regulations, and I will ask the Ministry of Punishment to ask the empire to adopt and include them." Jurisprudence is Shang Yang's forte.

As long as it is in line with the laws of the development of the empire, it should be implemented and implemented without leaving room.

After everyone digested this information, Ye Qing said again: "As for the matter of beef cattle, it is actually a misunderstanding since ancient times. Whoever said that cattle in the grassland can only be used for food and not for farming is a big fallacy. .

I want to buy a large number of Turkic beef cattle, not for food, but for the cultivation of millions of people in Dazhou. "

(End of this chapter)

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