Chapter 164
"Isn't it for eating?"

"My lord, you want to use them to plow the land!"

Guo Jia, Li Ru, Zhang Yi, Shang Yang and others looked at each other.

Although he had already guessed that Ye Qing's intention would not be so simple.

But it still surprised them.

"My lord, you want to domesticate these cattle, but someone has already done it before, and no one has succeeded!" Shang Yang shook his head slightly, a little pessimistic.

The others nodded in agreement.

Ye Qing was neither the first nor the last who wanted to take the Turkic bull's idea.

Someone did this a long time ago.

But no one succeeded, even if it took a long time to domesticate, they failed.

Ye Qing knew that the four of them would think so, so he said with a smile: "That's because their approach is wrong! Or, at this stage, everyone's method of using cattle is wrong!"

"My lord, what's the point of this? Could it be that the Turkic calves are captured for domestication!" Guo Jia thought of a feasible method.

When the other three heard the words, their eyes lit up.

But then Li Ru shook his head and said: "This is not feasible, because the Turkic people will not sell calves to the Great Zhou. If they want to domesticate Turkic cattle from a young age, it cannot be implemented on a large scale!"

Neither this nor that!
Exactly how can it be done.

Everyone turned their eyes back to Ye Qing.

"As I said just now, everyone's method of using cows is wrong. Cows can't be driven by ropes like horses." Ye Qing explained:

"You have to use a rope to pass through the two nostrils of the cow. With the cow nose rope, no matter how strong or strong the cow is, it will be obedient. With a little training, you can let it go east. You let it go east. If you go west, you can go west, no matter if it is a bison or a beef cattle, whether it is tamed from childhood or never trained, it doesn't matter!"

Pierce the bull's nose with a rope!
This is a novelty.

People have never heard of it.

Just wear a rope, and the old stubborn cow will be obedient.

It's kind of weird.

In everyone's inherent consciousness, cattle are things that need to be tamed for a long time like horses.

Moreover, this kind of animal is not as smart as a horse, and usually likes to be tricky and tricky, so when plowing the land, two or three people need to help it smoothly.

Therefore, the old cows who can cultivate the land are often uncles.

I usually serve it with delicious food and drink, and I am afraid of hurting and tiring it when I work.

It is worth more than human life.

"Why don't you believe it?"

Ye Qing said: "If you don't believe me, you can try it out now and ask someone to buy a cow back!"

"My lord, I believe that there is no rush for the test!"

"That's right, my lord. In this special period, it's better for us to be careful. Outsiders can see every move in the mansion, so be careful not to let someone steal your technology!"

Everyone expressed their belief, but Ye Qing knew that they still had doubts.

But I didn't explain much, just said: "Okay! After this special period, we are experimenting, and then you will understand how the little watch root and nose rope can turn decay into magic."

After discussing the matter, Ye Qing asked everyone to go down to rest and work in the afternoon.

After all, I drank a lot of wine just now, so it is still necessary to sober up and get drunk.


East of the city!

The four disciples of Mount Taihua were waiting for Hong Tianbao to return victorious, and were thinking about how to sue Xiaolongmen.

Suddenly a blood man flew in from the courtyard wall, and fell to the ground in embarrassment.

"Three Senior Brothers!"

The four of them turned pale in shock, and when they saw the pale-faced disciple of our sect, they all rushed over.

The man who was caught by the third senior brother sucked the water greedily, and spat out with difficulty: "Quick! Look behind... is there... is there... the enemy is chasing you!"


The four of them were taken aback!
Who dares to chase and kill the disciples of the Taihua Sect, and even chase them to the corner of the capital.

However, there were still two people, one jumped onto the tile beam, quietly opened the back door, and both looked out.

After listening carefully, they all shook their heads and said, "No one!"

Hearing that there was no one, the third senior brother was completely relieved and heaved a long sigh of relief.

Gently close your eyes.

After running away for a night and a long time, he was already tired.

Obviously he was hunted down by a first-class Yue Buqun, but it seemed like he was killed by a fourth-rank powerhouse.

This feeling that life and death were only one step away made his heart tingle and his scalp tingle.

The four looked at each other, carried the third senior brother in, put them on the mat, fetched water, gave the third senior brother a drink, and then asked:
"Senior brother, what's the matter with you, what about the young sect master and the other senior brothers?"

More than a dozen people left the city, and now only one third senior brother came back.

what's going on!
Looking at the appearance of the third senior brother, it seems that he has been chased and killed by a powerful enemy, and he is in a state of urgency between life and death.

"Young sect master...other senior brothers..." At this point, the third senior brother choked up tears of regret, his voice trembling, and his eyes were blurred and murmured:

"They're all dead! They're all dead! They all died in the hands of Lan Tiangu..."


The four Taihuashan disciples were dumbfounded, and they were on the spot in a daze.

Hong Tianbao is dead!
Except for the third brother, all the brothers are dead!

How is this possible, how could it be that he died in the hands of Lan Tiangu.

We have no enmity between Taihua Mountain and Lantian Valley!

Half an hour later, the five disciples of Taihua Mountain hurriedly and cautiously left the capital through the east gate!
Hong Tianbao sent people to monitor Longmen yesterday, and Lan Fei also sent people to monitor Taihuamen today.

After receiving the report from the watcher, Lan Fei was also a little confused.

"Let's go, still in a hurry, what the hell is Taihuamen doing?" Lan Fei couldn't figure out what the good-looking people from Taihuashan were doing out of the city.

The subordinate replied: "Young Clan Master, only one person who followed Hong Tianbao to kill Ren Woxing came back, and he was extremely embarrassed and careful, with sword wounds on his body. They left in a hurry, and there were many things in the stronghold that were not in a hurry to clean up. I guess something happened to Taihua Sect."

"Hong Tianbao didn't return to the city, and only one person came back cautiously. Could it be that they..." Lan Fei pondered for a while, then slapped his thigh and said:

"Everyone follow me out of the city immediately, let's chase after him to see, something must have happened to Hong Tianbao!"

Immediately, the people from Xiaolongmen followed Lan Fei and hurried out of the city to chase the five Taihuashan disciples.

This pursuit lasted for a day and a half.

Going east, it didn't stop until Huayin City.

"Young sect master, are we still chasing him? They seem to have returned to Mount Taihua!"

A disciple of Xiaolongmen asked, from Huayin City to the south is Mount Taihua.

Starting from entering Huayin County, it is Hongnong County.

The vicinity of Huafu City is the site of Taihua Mountain.

If you go out of the city and go south, you have to submit a door worship post.

Otherwise, it will be regarded as intrusion, even if they belong to the same six sects, there will be misunderstandings.

"I didn't see Hong Tianbao along the way. Either something happened to Hong Tianbao and he didn't even bring his body back, or Yijing brought people back to Mount Taihua." Lan Fei shook his head and murmured softly:

"I'm more inclined to the first one, because no one has seen Hong Tianbao's return, and with his arrogant manner, it's impossible to be so low-key."

"Then Young Master, what shall we do?" someone asked.

Hong Tianbao had an accident, and he should have gloated over his misfortune, but he couldn't be happy anyway.

Because this is the young sect master of a sect, it is a big deal for someone to die.

Taihuamen must be furious.

Lan Fei glanced at the people under the door, then at the direction of Mount Taihua, and said:
"Let's go back to our own mountain gate, things are getting more complicated, Da Zhou may really be about to change..."

Lan Fei and the others left Huayin City, followed the north of the Yellow River and went north until they arrived at Longmen Mountain, where the gate of Xiaolongmen was located.

Half a day after Lan Fei and the others came back, Xiaolongmen announced the closure of the mountain gate, forbidding any disciples to go out, and at the same time recalled all the disciples who went out for training.

(End of this chapter)

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