Chapter 165
Chang'an City!
Fufeng Palace!

"What? People from Xiaolongmen left Beijing and returned to the mountain gate?"

Ye Tao couldn't believe his ears, the people from Xiaolongmen came and ran away in despair within a few days.

This simply refreshed his cognition.

"Lan Fei's majestic young master of Xiaolongmen, so useless, is this still the Six Great Schools?" Ye Tao sat down on his buttocks, and sneered:
"Trash! He left without letting a fart go. Xiao Longmen's face was completely thrown away by this kind of trash."


Hongnong Palace!

"The people from Mount Taihua left? Hong Tianbao didn't return to Chang'an, what's going on?"

Ye Wei was also deeply confused, and he couldn't understand it either.

Hong Tianbao came with killing intentions, but there was no sound, he disappeared and evaporated.

This is so weird!
"My lord, according to our inference, Hong Tianbao should have brought people from Mount Taihua to hunt down and kill Ren Woxing, and Ren Woxing left the city and went east, and his whereabouts after that are unknown.

Then Hong Tianbao didn't show up again, only one of the Taihua Mountain disciples who followed him came back, and he was in a terrible state, as if he had encountered a catastrophe, after that, the other four people from the Taihua Sect also left the capital..."

Ye waved his hand, indicating that there is no need to talk.

He's not stupid, and there are always indications.

Something happened to Hong Tianbao.

He is the king of Hongnong, and his fief is in Hongnong.

Not only is it good with families in Hongnong County and other counties, but also has an ambiguous relationship with Taihua Mountain.

He wanted to get Taihuashan's support, but Taihuashan didn't express his support for him, nor did he express his disapproval.

So he knows Taihua Mountain very well.

He understood Hong Tianbao's personality better.

The people in the entire Taihua Mountain are extremely strong, although they are the bottom of the six factions.

But acting is the most high-profile.

After all, a dog that bites does not bark.

Only by constantly showing muscles and a strong posture can others be in awe.

So this has also formed Taihuashan's behavior style.

Such a high-profile style of acting came to an abrupt end, but slipped back to Hongnong County in a low-key manner!
It's weird that nothing happened!

"It can't be that the sixth child did it!" Ye Wei couldn't help putting his suspicion on Ye Qing, but after thinking about it a little, he shook his head and muttered:
"It shouldn't be like that. The people in Xiaoyao Mansion have been nesting in the civil affairs workshop and have not moved. Even Li Bai and others just stayed in the world to protect themselves. They didn't even make a surprise attack on Xiaolongmen. They must be afraid of the six factions. How could they dare Kill Hong Tianbao and all the disciples of Mount Taihua!"

"If it wasn't him, who else could it be? Is it the father?"


Old Chu Palace!

"Even if Ye Qing didn't do it, he has nothing to do with it!"

Ye Cai sneered with great certainty: "Hong Tianbao chased Ren Woxing out of the city, it must be a trap set by Ren Woxing, but I don't know what method he used to deceive Hong Tianbao, an idiot! "

"My lord, if he really let me do it, then he is too bold. That is the territory of Lantian Valley. If he blames Lantian Valley, even if the people of Taihuamen let him go, Lantian Valley will not let him go." Pass him!" Ye Cai's men asked in confusion.

Ye Cai said sneeringly: "You think the little Ren Woxing has the guts, it must be Ye Qing's order, this lowly servant girl just relied on making some military exploits and winning the favor of the emperor, so she did whatever she wanted.

Not only did he offend the Taihua Sect, but he also offended the Xiaolong Sect, and now he has also offended the Lantian Valley. It is really becoming more and more lawless. "

Ye Cai insisted that Ye Qing did it, and it was not without reason.

Because Ye Qing burned his mansion.

So he felt that in the entire Great Zhou, no one except Ye Qing would dare to do such a thing.

"Then what shall we do, Your Highness?"

Ye Cai glanced at his subordinates, then pondered for a moment before saying:
"First, spread the word that Ye Qing's Xiaoyao Mansion did it, and that Ye Qing ordered me to do it.

The second is to mobilize all of our power and go find Ren Woxing. I don’t care if he died outside the territory of Lantian Valley. A living person sees a dead body. Turning into ashes doesn’t count! "

Ye Cai's men said: "It's the prince, I'll do it now!"

After his subordinates left, Ye Cai said to the others: "Change clothes for me, I'm going to the palace to see my mother now!"


No matter what Wang Rubao guessed, at this time Ye Qing woke up and met someone.

"My lord, this is the situation of the quarry. Generally speaking, the quarry is booming now, and the situation is very good. Next, we will launch several lime kilns, and the quarry will also expand to recruit more idlers. Common people!" After a period of training outside, Yi Da became more able to speak at this time.

I am more proficient and optimistic about my career and business!

Speak passionately.

Ye Qing nodded his head, knowing that the lime yard is indeed very impressive under the management of Yi Da.

"Yida, you've done a good job. I'm relieved to leave the lime field to you!" Ye Qing said:

"Now I have a more difficult task to entrust to you, it depends on whether you are willing to take it!"

"My lord, tell me, no matter what the task is, as long as I can do it, I will do my best!" Upon hearing that there was a new task, Yi Da did not postpone it.

On the contrary, I am very excited now.

From brick factories to lime yards.

Ye Qing had high hopes for him, it was asking money for money, asking people to give.

And each one is a great thing that changes the big week.

He is proud of what he does!
The value of life is realized!
Ye Qing said: "Okay! I knew that this matter can only be entrusted to you. Listen carefully, this matter is more important than the previous two, because the thing we are going to do next is the most important thing in the country. It can Build the Great Zhou Empire stronger, it can not only change the Great Zhou, but also change the entire Longteng Continent..."

Yi Da heard the words, his body straightened up, his ears pricked up, and he listened more seriously, not daring to slack off in the slightest.

Ye Qing thought about the making of cement and the preparation of the cement factory, but he still thought that Yi Da, who had more experience in running factories and kilns, should do it.

So I briefly instilled in him the basic process of cement, as well as precautions.

For the sake of secrecy, factories cannot be built outside the city.

At the same time, in order to avoid pollution, it should not be too close to the center of Chang'an City such as Minwufang.

So I can only choose a remote workshop next to the south city wall with few people.

This workshop, temporarily here in the industrial zone, implements militarized management.

There will be garrison guards, responsible for security and other matters!

"My lord, don't worry, I'll go back and hand over the work in hand to my deputy, and then I will transfer the old technicians from the lime yard and the brick factory to conduct experiments in this field. Once it is successful and scaled up, I will expand the production!"

After listening to Ye Qing's instilled knowledge, Yi Da knew that the cement business he was engaged in was something more important than the sky.

This is a great change, more important than changing the court.

It is urgent and urgent.

Ye Qing patted him on the shoulder and said: "Don't be in such a hurry, you have been busy outside the city for more than two months, and it is rare to come back, take a good rest for a few days, digest and study the things I said, and it will not be too late to start work.

At that time, I will ask Luban's engineering team to build a new factory for you. "

"It's the lord! Yi Da must do his best and dare not neglect!" Yi Da swore with warmth in his heart and tears in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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