I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 168 Li Bing's Vision

Chapter 168 Li Bing's Vision

Li Bing was not intimidated by Zhang Yi's words, but straightened up, raised his right arm and said:

"Although Nancheng County covers an area larger than the current Wannian and Chang'an counties, and even larger than Lantian County, its population is far less than that of Chang'an and Wannian, especially the population density outside the city is even smaller than that of Lantian."

This point is not refuted by everyone, it is true.

Although Nancheng is a slum, it becomes more desolate as it goes south.

Even the people in the various districts in the city are not full, let alone outside the city.

Compared with the dense population in the eastern and western cities of Wannian and Chang'an counties, Nancheng County is much smaller.

Of course, compared with Nancheng in other counties, the density and total population of Nancheng are ten or eight times higher.

This is also one of the reasons why Li Bing was designated as Zhong County.

But it is also the reason why Zhang Yi, Shang Yang and others disagree.

After all, the prefectures outside of Kyoto are counties with a population of more than [-].

This standard has been far exceeded by Nancheng County.

But they didn't interrupt immediately, but waited for Li Bing to continue.

Ye Qing nodded lightly at Li Bing, encouraging him to continue.

Li Bing was not only a water conservancy engineer, but also served as a prefect. He was considered an upper-middle-class talent among civil servants.

There is no problem at all in governing a county.

Li Bing continued: "Of course there is no problem with Nancheng County in terms of population, because it is within the capital city, but outside the city, I think you all know how barren it is. , mostly mountain hunters.

Spring floods outside the Nancheng Gate, summer drought, autumn and winter dryness, the land is not easy to plant, the crops are not good to grow, and the people are not easy to survive. Not only can they not bring a little bit of benefit to Nancheng County, but on the contrary, they have to invest a lot of money and labor every year. Filling in, so after comprehensive consideration, it lacks the advantages in the city, so naturally Nancheng County can only be classified as a Zhongxian County! "

Although Shang Yang, Guo Jia, Zhang Yi and others are talented, they are not familiar with this aspect of business.

I also just took over the materials of Nancheng County, so naturally I don't know much about them.

At this time, Li Bing spoke eloquently, and everyone believed it eighty percent.

The second point is that they have not yet put into action, field investigation, and have not gone through the so-called cycle of four seasons of spring flood, summer drought, autumn and winter dryness.

Naturally, I can't believe it all.

Ye Qing said: "Li Bing, what do you think?"

"My lord! Although the outside of the city is barren, with floods in spring and drought in summer, it is not without advantages, because the land in Nancheng County outside the city is located between the two rivers, which are both advantages and disadvantages!" Li Bing said:

"The disadvantage is that as mentioned above, it will be flooded in spring, because the water of the two rivers, Li and Chan, can easily rush into this stretch of land, making it a whole country.

However, in summer and autumn, there is not enough water in the upper reaches, and there is a shortage of water. At the same time, due to the nature of the land, it is difficult to store water on the surface and underground, so the weather will be dry if the weather is slightly hotter. This makes it extremely difficult for the crops to grow here. Even if they grow, the output is extremely limited. . "

So it seems that this Li Bing still has a few brushes.

Guo Jiarao asked with interest: "Lu Hai, since there is such a disadvantage, how can there be any advantage?"

Lu Hai, Li Bing's name!

Li Bing bowed to Guo Jia. Among the group of people, only the perverted Guo Jia had kindness towards him, so he was also extremely humble. This made Guo Jia very embarrassed, and hurriedly sat up straight.

"The advantage is that the land in the south of the city is sandwiched between the two rivers, and it is easy to get water. If the decay can be turned into magic, and the water from the two rivers can be used and guided, then the barren land in the south of the city will be full of fertile land, which can increase the number of people in Nancheng County. The grain production and grain storage can also bring benefits to the stability of Nancheng County, and accumulate a good reputation for the Lord and Xiaoyao Mansion through the ages!" After Li Bing finished speaking, he bowed deeply to Ye Qing and said:

"My lord, Bingdu has the courage to ask the lord, willing to complete this important task of benefiting one party, and boldly asks the lord to concentrate all manpower, material resources, financial resources, and energy to complete this measure in one fell swoop."

Li Bing, Li Bing!

You really are a water control.

Come up to do big projects.

He should be shot to death if he was replaced by another person.

Also concentrate all manpower, material resources, financial resources, and energy, how dare you say it!

Now the main force of Xiaoyao Mansion is development.

Who will use all manpower, material resources, financial resources, and energy to improve people's livelihood.

Isn't this full of food?
The capital cost of water conservancy is high, the construction period is long, the effect is slow, and the profit is not. It is so-called that the predecessors planted trees and the descendants took advantage of the shade.

Who would want to save future generations.

If the competition for storage fails, or the Xiaoyao Mansion is not guaranteed, the water conservancy projects being done now will be wedding dresses.

Guo Jia, Zhang Yi, and Shang Yang didn't finish speaking, and collectively looked at Ye Qing.

Let's see what choice Ye Qing makes.

Li Bing is no worse than Zhang Yi!

Ye Qing also pondered for a while, also thinking about it.

"I can give you manpower, material resources, and financial resources, but I can only give you time until next spring, can you finish it?" Ye Qing suddenly raised his head and stared at Li Bing!

The deadline is very short!

Four or five months, less than half a year!

During this period, the cold and twelfth lunar months accounted for the majority.

I dare not pick up another person.

Because it simply can't be done.

Li Bing was also stunned, thought for a while and replied firmly: "My lord, if it's just repairing the embankment and raising the dam to solve the waterlogging, I can do it!"

Li Bing didn't dare to talk too much, because the time was really too short.

Solving the Lao Yijing is his biggest bottom line for squeezing himself!
Even so, Guo Jia, Zhang Yi, Shang Yang and others still smiled.

This is a man who does things.

At least there's no fuss, no unrealistic guarantees.

But Ye Qing seemed dissatisfied, and asked again: "If you are given enough time, what are you going to do?"

: "If there is enough time, first: building dikes and dams can change the flood situation in the south of the city to once in 50 years;
Second: Deepen the river bed and deepen the water level, which can change the south of the city to a flood every 100 years;
Third: Dig more channels and ditches in the upper reaches of the two rivers. The vertical direction is north-south. It can change from small to large, and from small to wide. A flood.

Fourth: Open up wasteland. When seizing water diversion and flood drainage ditches, pile the dug up soil on the original wasteland to raise the land above the flood line, build Tianzige manor, and use thick soil to conserve groundwater potential, which can make the In the south of the city, there is a flood every 1000 years and a drought every 100 years! "

Li Bing replied clearly and seriously.

After hearing Li Bing's words, everyone was surprised.

It's also a little unbelievable.

First, every 50 years, and finally every thousand years.

It can also resist severe droughts that are rare in 100 years.

You, Li Bing, want to go to heaven.

This is such a big project, not to mention Xiaoyao Mansion, even if you sell Chang'an City, you won't be able to complete such a big project.

It will take many years and generations of people to work continuously to complete it.

Although what Li Bing said was feasible, the price was somewhat prohibitive.

If he hadn't cultivated himself well, I really want to vomit on him!

My lord, don't be fooled by him, this is even more Zhang Yi than Zhang Yi!
A complete prodigal, no... a prodigal country!

You are crazy to use the power of the whole country just to develop a county.

(End of this chapter)

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