I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 169 Building Reservoirs and Planting Trees

Chapter 169 Building Reservoirs and Planting Trees
So, at the end of Li Bing's talk, he felt a little weak, and kept paying attention to Ye Qing's expression!
Would it be possible to kill yourself if you changed the protagonist!
Even Lu Ban, a good friend who also majored in civil engineering, couldn't hold back his face, and turned his head away.

Of course, after the speech, Li Bing also became a little nervous.

Everyone in the hall stared with bated breath.

"That's all, is there anything else!" Ye Qing asked.

Others, where dare to have them, are enough for several generations to do.

Li Bing shook his head.

Ye Qing gave a long sigh and said, "There are still two missing. If it is combined with the other two measures, it will be more perfect."

Not enough, there are two other measures.


My lord, you were really fooled by Li Bingda.

Li Bing was surprised when he heard this, and hurriedly asked: "My lord, what are the other two measures?"

It's not good enough on its own.

If there has been no waterlogging for thousands of years, does the Lord have a plan for 5000 years and 1 years?

Ye Qing didn't answer directly, but took two scrolls of bamboo slips and put them on the table, and then took an ink pot in his hand.

"Look, this is 潏水 or 浐水. Why do we only want to guard against it and follow it? Can't we block it and fight with him?" Ye Qing put the inkpot into two bamboo slips The road in the middle of the river:
"How about we build a reservoir with a dam in the middle of the upper river, so that in spring, the water from the river flows into the main river reservoir from the mountains and forests, and the flood can be intercepted and stored. When summer and autumn are dry, the reservoir can regulate the release of water. Feed the dirty.

If the drought and flood are conservative, it can be manually adjusted to complete the flood improvement in the shortest time, but the total time spent is not more than 1"

"Of course, Lu Hai's method can also be implemented and improved by every ruling official and contemporary people in the future, and finally achieve real flood and drought resistance, and create countless fertile fields."

Dam the river!

This... this... I have never heard of it!

Build a reservoir?

I have never heard of it, and I dare not even think about it.

I have heard of grain depots, treasuries, and warehouses, but this is the first time I have heard of reservoirs.

There are also ponds and lotus ponds, but they are all small in scale!
This reservoir, especially the reservoir Ye Qing mentioned, must be a huge water storage project.

To be able to hold all the floods of the entire rainy season, just imagining it makes the scalp tingle.

It makes people breathe harder, dare not think deeply, for fear of collapse!

Even Li Bing, who works in water conservancy, is dumbfounded by playing so big!
"Why Hailu, are you scared? Afraid you won't be able to do it?" Ye Qing knows that in this era, let alone reservoirs, even digging artificial canals is a huge project, and most people dare not do it.

To build a reservoir, firstly, there is no technology, secondly, there is no material, and secondly, there is no financial and material resources.

Naturally, it will not expand in this direction, and it will not even fantasize about it.

Li Bing pumped his throat, and asked cautiously: "My lord, I'm not afraid of Bing, but I'm worried that the cost of building such a reservoir will be immeasurable, it's really horrifying and I can't even imagine it!"

"I don't dare to imagine, then from today, you can start to imagine, and use this as your goal to complete it." Ye Qing said solemnly:

"Actually, building a reservoir is not as difficult as you imagine, and it is not necessary to build only one reservoir in the same river. It can be built in batches according to the terrain, or it can be diverted to suitable places nearby. It can be small and large, and small and large. "

"Nancheng County is a place for experimentation. Everything can be verified and gained experience here. In the future, reservoirs or dikes and canals can be promoted to other counties and counties, benefiting the entire Zhou Dynasty and the world." Ye Qing stood up and walked Li Bingdao: "How about Hailu, do you dare to take it? Are you willing to do it?"

"Li Bing... dare not die!" Li Bing knew that the time had come to realize his greatest value. With Ye Qing's appreciation and support, he could build Guanzhong into a large reservoir, let alone build a reservoir.

Ye Qing nodded approvingly: "Okay! Sure enough, I am not mistaken. Don't worry, I will help you solve the problems of manpower, material resources and financial resources. You only need to think and verify. You can make a model first. The principles and matters needing attention in reservoir construction, as well as its bearing scope, I believe that as long as we work hard, it will be realized.”

"It's the lord!" Li Bing nodded in response, with tears in his eyes, and secretly swore that in this life, he will be involved in water conservancy projects, and in this life, he will be involved in reservoirs.

Really want to engage in such a big project!

Zhang Yi, Li Ru, and Shang Yang were speechless, their faces turning bitter.

Money, food, goods and people have all been transferred away, and we will have a hard time in the future.

While feeling happy and envious of Li Bing, Lu Ban asked, "My lord, you said that there are two measures. The construction of the reservoir is one point, but what about the second point!"

Only then did Li Bing and the others respond.

That's right, the reservoir is a big project, Ye Qing won't have any earth-shattering surprise ideas!

Seeing that everyone was facing a formidable enemy, Ye Qing smiled and said:

"Don't worry, the second move won't cost a penny."

"This measure is very simple, that is, to plant trees along the river, in rows, no matter in depth or horizontally, all trees must be planted.

Trees should also be planted near the reclaimed fields, whether it is an avenue or a path, one of which can solidify the sand, mud and grass, and the other can contain water to maintain the moisture in the soil and underground," Ye Qing said:

"Even if you want to develop less land, you need to grow some trees. As the saying goes, if you want to be richer, build roads, and if you want to be richer and have more children, grow more trees!"

Plant trees?
So simple?
It's really like what Ye Qing said, it doesn't cost a penny at all.

Just dig the saplings up the mountain and transplant them. It really costs nothing.

But a variety of trees can save water and soil.

This is the first time everyone has heard of it.

And the slogan Ye Qing said!

Why is it half joking, half true.

"Okay! That's all for this matter. Hailu, you go down to make a plan first, and then go to the field to investigate again. I will give you [-] days to make a plan and come up with the best plan. I will send someone to protect you. Be as detailed as possible!" Ye Qing gave Li Bing a final confession, and Li Bing nodded back, then proceeded confidently and urgently.

Lu Ban wanted to go down with Li Bing, but Ye Qing stopped him and said, "Wait a minute, Lu Ban, I have one more thing to tell you!"

"My lord, is there a new building that needs to be built!"

When Lu Ban heard Ye Qing calling him to stop, he was a little Alexander.

The new county government has not yet started construction, and then a cement factory came, and now he is out of resources and can't spare time and energy.

Ye Qingdao: "This time, instead of building a house or a fort, I want you to make a kind of plow, improve the current straight plow, and make a curved one, which can greatly improve the farming efficiency of the common people.

This plow can not only plow deeply, but also save energy. Once you succeed, you will be famous all over the world, and will be admired and worshiped by future generations. "

(End of this chapter)

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