I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 170 Taihua Mountain re-enters Beijing

Chapter 170 Taihua Mountain re-enters Beijing
Qu Li!

Worship for all ages!

Luban's heart shook violently!

Can the little carpenter also have this honor?

Although the countries in the Central Plains are based on agriculture, agricultural science is the most important thing in all countries, and it is only inferior to the existence of scholars.

But... is it really possible to do that?

Luban couldn't imagine.

Seeing Ye Qing's expression that didn't seem to be fake, and there was no need to fake it, Lu Ban asked: "My lord, this Qu Li is really so powerful!"

"Of course, you will understand the convenience after you do it. The construction of the county government can be put aside for a while. You can send your disciples to build the cement factory and supervise and supervise it yourself. I will tell you the principle of Quli. I believe it will not take ten days. You can perfect it in eight days." Ye Qing said to Lu Ban very clearly.

Lu Ban was convinced when he heard the words.

From Ye Qing, he learned a lot of clever thinking and ingenious design concepts.

The others also put down their work and listened carefully to Ye Qing's discussion with Lu Ban.

After a long time, Lu Ban slapped his thigh and said: "My lord has a wonderful idea, I can't wait, Ban will do it right away, and I will give you the first version before tomorrow, and I will ask you to review it then!"

Lu Ban couldn't wait to leave after speaking.

Ye Qing didn't try to persuade him to stay, but just waved his hand to signal him to go down.

"My lord, once this plow is successful, it will change history. It can save more than double the labor for Dazhou, and create more than twice the grain for Dazhou. The national strength of Dazhou will leap to a higher level." !" Shang Yang is the most sensitive about this aspect, although Qu Li is small, but it has far-reaching influence and can liberate more labor.

At that time, the extra labor can participate in creating value in other aspects of the empire.

The revitalization of the empire is no longer a dream!

Why does the lord always have these powerful things on him?

Wool theory!

Pull the cow to force the rope!
Refined Snowflake Salt!
Now it's Qu Li again!

Each one seems complicated, but it is extremely simple to do.

And influence is a good thing to change the fate of the country.

Ye Qing said with a smile: "So everyone can do things with confidence, our empire will be more prosperous because of our existence, and a powerful empire will be built from our hands."

"It's the lord!" Hearing what Ye Qing said, the blood of Zhang Yi and Shang Yang became more swollen, their passion was greater, and their drive was stronger.

But only Guo Jia yawned a little, and said with a face full of beatings: "My lord, you see that you have taught Lu Ban and Hai Lu, why don't you come up with some practical methods that will benefit us in governing Nancheng County!"

Guo Jia!

good idea!
"Hehehe!" Ye Qing stared at Guo Jia, showing a wicked smile and said:

"I have a method, not to mention governing a county, there is a simple administration method to manage a county and a country, but I can't tell you now, otherwise you can't even manage a county, and the government still needs you to do it. It’s better to just find someone outside the house to do it.”

Obviously, Guo Jia wanted to be lazy.

In Ye Qing's mind, future generations don't know how many good strategies, but he can't tell them too little now.

"Uh... My lord, tell me, I'm not doing it to be lazy, but mainly because I want to learn..."


Lantian County!
"How? Have you found any clues?"

Several middle-aged men wearing Taihuashan robes gathered from several directions, and the oldest man among them asked.

This person is an elder from Mount Taihua, with a very high status.

"Second Elder, I don't have one here. Except for Ren Woxing to go out of the city, Ye Qing's people have evidence of their alibi." The man in charge of Chang'an City replied helplessly:
"And the emperor's people didn't move either. He was indeed afraid of our Taihua Mountain, so he didn't dare to break face with our six major factions at this time."

The second elder looked at the other person, who also said helplessly: "The people from Lantian Valley did leave the mountain gate that night and came in this direction.

But now they closed the mountain gate, and only replied that it was not them, and they did not agree to our request to enter the mountain. "

The Second Elder frowned slightly, and the suspicion of Lantian County became even greater.

However, he did not make a decision, and several other people also said: "We have found nothing here, but what is certain is that Ren Woxing died strangely, and the other party destroyed his body and wiped out the traces. We did not find Ren Woxing's body, only his body. Carry things.

The Tiandihui took back the leader's order, but we didn't keep it. "

After speaking, the Second Elder became thoughtful.

Others did not dare to interrupt.

"Let's go! Go to Chang'an, go to Xiaoyao Mansion to ask for the murderer!" The second elder said with a cold voice.

Everyone was stunned.

Someone asked: "Second Elder, isn't there no direct evidence?"

Entering Chang'an City, that is to fight the emperor.

If there is no evidence, just talk to the emperor directly, and then everyone will not be able to step down.

The second elder twisted his faces full of gullies together, and snorted coldly: "It doesn't matter whether this matter was done by Xiaoyao Mansion or not, it all started from this, it was done by Xiaoyao Mansion, besides, that Li Bai madman, kill me The two disciples under the name of the sect, can they be washed clean?"


With Li Bai murdering before him, even if Xiaoyao Mansion didn't do this, he can still go to Xiaoyao Mansion to question him.

Similarly, if the cause of the Young Clan Master's matter cannot be found out in the end, there is a reason to push it to the Xiaoyao Mansion to strive for the maximum benefit of the Taihua Clan.

Didn't Ye Zhen and the Great Zhou court want to tear themselves apart from our Taihua Sect?
Then there is nothing to be afraid of, just make a big fuss.

Why do you need to take others into consideration when Taihuashan acts.

The next day!

The team of five from Mount Taihua entered Chang'an City.

Came straight to Xiaoyao Mansion!
The death of Hong Tianbao and all Taihua Mountain disciples in the outskirts of Lantian Valley happened when the city was full of wind and rain.

Not only did the heat not fade, but it intensified.

It has attracted much attention from all parties.

At this time, the second elder of Taihua Mountain appeared with four people in an undisguised manner.

It was immediately discovered and watched by all parties.

The five of them also intentionally made things bigger, so they walked slowly.

So that more eyes can come to watch.

"I knew that people from Mount Taihua would definitely take revenge on Xiaoyao Mansion, and they really came!"

"Seven days have passed, and it seems that Mount Taihua has found evidence!"

"Not necessarily! I have found the evidence. I am afraid that the person who came to Xingshi to inquire about the crime is the head of Taihua Mountain, Hong Baxian. I recognize this one who is walking in the front. He is the second elder of Taihua Mountain. It seems that the weight is not enough. !"

"This brother is right, if other sects or forces offend Mount Taihua and kill Hong Tianbao, it would be appropriate to send the Second Elder there.

The Xiaoyaohou Mansion involved in this question, the Sixth Highness is the prince, and His Majesty had to send Black and White Wuchang into the mansion to show his attitude through the scriptures, if Hong Baxian did not come, the Sixth Highness would not be moved. "

"What this brother said is also reasonable. Let's follow up and see how things are going. What if it wasn't done by the Xiaoyaohou Mansion!"

"Hehe, you're young. I'm afraid it wasn't made by the Xiaoyaohou Mansion, but the Xiaoyaohou Mansion. There is no right or wrong in this conflict of interests..."

Inside the Xiaoyaohou Mansion!
Ever since Taihuashan and others entered Chang'an City, Li Ru had received a report from Jin Yiwei Anzi.

So Li Ru reported to Ye Qing immediately!

When the five people from Taihua Mountain really entered the civil affairs workshop, everyone knew that they were really coming to Xiaoyao Mansion, so they stopped thinking about it.

"My lord, what should we do now? This time, Taihua Mountain came to light, and this is an attempt to overwhelm others. Should we deal with it head-on, or should we ignore it?" Zhang Yi asked.

For one day, they had expected it and discussed it.

I just didn't expect it to come a little early.

Before Yue Buqun and the other four made the headlines, the second elder of Mount Taihua didn't find any evidence, so they directly killed them.

Misplaced in time, is it still going according to plan?

You must know that the original plan was to deal with Hong Baxian.

Now it's a bit overkill to be replaced by a second elder who is neither important nor important.

(End of this chapter)

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