I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 171 You are a Thing

Chapter 171 You are a Thing
"It's just a second elder, you and Li Bai can just send him away!"

Ye Qing said not very carelessly.

"I'll go!" Zhang Yi was taken aback!
Li Bai is a master of the fourth rank, so it is right to hold the line.

He, Zhang Yi, is just a master in Nancheng County, without a title or background, it seems that he is not qualified to confront this second elder.

"That's right, you go, Guo Jia is lazy, he only knows how to drink and flirt;

Shang Yang is too upright, everything is done according to the rules, and he lacks some flexibility;

Only you are good at words, know how to judge the situation, and know how to deal with it flexibly, so you will go whoever you don't! "Ye Qing smiled and said:

"This is an opportunity for you to display your talents in front of everyone. If you do it well, it will be of great benefit to both Xiaoyao Mansion and you personally. Don't worry about it. With me and Xiaoyao Mansion as your backing, don't be afraid He is the second elder of Mount Taihua.

With the same fourth rank, Li Bai is enough to crush him! "

After speaking, Ye Qing looked at Li Bai who was leaning outside the door.

Li Bai nodded slightly at Zhang Yi and said, "Where the sword goes, where the heart goes, with Li Bai, no one can hurt you!"

Hearing this, Zhang Yi couldn't help but her blood surged up, she cupped her fists and said, "So, rely on brother Taibai!"

"It's easy to say! It's easy to say. Afterwards, a pot of wine will make you happy..." Li Bai said halfway, when he saw Ye Qing's staring eyes, he immediately shut up and made a please gesture to Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi bowed to Ye Qing, then bowed and retreated.

Ye Qing said to Shang Yang, Guo Jia and others: "If you want to see the excitement, you can go out and have a look!"

"My lord, we believe in Haifeng! You don't need to look at it, you can roughly guess what he wants to say?" Guo Jia shook his head and said that he didn't want to join in the fun.

With so much murderous intent outside, following Ye Qing is the most guaranteed.


"Who is coming! Those who come will stop, and those who trespass on Xiaoyaohou will be killed without mercy!"

At this time, Jin Yu was on duty at the gate, and Yu Jin commanded a hundred soldiers, who lined up in several rows to guard the front.

Swordsmen and gunmen are waiting in full battle.

A chilling air frightened everyone who tried to get close to twenty paces away.

At the same time, the bows and crossbows on the castle towers on both sides of the gate were all facing outwards, but those who did not respect the law of Xiaoyao Mansion were pierced by thousands of arrows.

Even the Taihua Mountain disciples have always been arrogant and domineering, even if the second elder has the strength of the fourth rank, he dare not rush forward.

Instead, he stopped with four doormen.

The Second Elder of Taihua Mountain gestured to a man on the left with his eyes.

The man nodded lightly, then stepped forward haughtily and said: "We are disciples of Mount Taihua, under the order of my master of Mount Taihua, come to Xiaoyao Mansion to ask the perpetrator of the murder."

Wow!With a single click, everyone watching the scene raised their eyes in unison.

Then whisper to each other.

As expected, Mount Taihua came to Xingshi to inquire about the crime.

When they came up, they wanted Xiaoyao Mansion to hand over the murderer, without even discussing or greeting.

Extremely strong, it really lives up to its reputation!

Not only did Ye Qing not be taken seriously, even the emperor had no scruples.

Has the Taihua Mountain Sutra become so high-profile?

"Taihua Mountain has made a move, this time it depends on how Xiaoyao Mansion will take it!"

"If you are so strong and domineering, I'm afraid you can't be kind! After all, His Highness the Sixth Highness is not a weak person. If you are arrogant with him, basically there will be no good results!"

"That's true, but I guess that lunatic Li Bai is about to come out. This guy likes to chop off his head. I don't know if he has restrained himself now!"

As soon as they heard the word Li Bai, everyone couldn't help but look serious, and their faces were solemn.

Shut up and don't talk about other things, but enjoy watching the show.

After all, Li Bai is such a fierce and arrogant person, it's better not to talk about it, just in case he gets into trouble.

I don't know how the head flew off the item.

"Joke, I don't have the so-called sinners you want in Xiaoyaohou Mansion, please go back!"

With a cold expression on Yu Jin's face, he waved his big hand, and the crossbowman on the tower raised his crossbow.

The soldiers in front of the gate of the mansion took two steps forward, then waved their weapons and shouted in unison.

Although there are only a hundred people, they are as imposing as a mountain, like Lin Wanjun.

Killing intent surged.

In terms of tyranny and domineering, it is three points stronger than Taihua Mountain.

The people who watched the excitement took a few steps back involuntarily, for fear of being accidentally injured by the soldiers of Xiaoyao Mansion.

He was even more afraid that the ruthless and eyeless arrow would shoot into his body.

"I've heard for a long time that the soldiers of Xiaoyao Mansion are all elite and tough. They killed the Turkic people so decisively that they threw away their helmets and armor. When I saw them today, they are truly extraordinary and awe-inspiring!"

"The most elite infantry in Xiaoyao Mansion are not these infantry. I heard that infantry have never really fought the enemy on the battlefield. The real brave ones are the cavalry guards. Tsk tsk, this infantry is so brave, the cavalry guards don't know what kind of elite cavalry guards are." brave!"

Regardless of the comments of the surrounding people, the five people in Taihua Mountain all showed anger when they heard the words.

One of them shouted coldly: "Little first-rate martial artist, dare to make a mistake, I really think that I, Taihua Mountain, dare not break into your little mansion!"

"You can come and wipe!"

Yu Jin's eyes flickered, he drew his sword and pointed, he was straight and strong, without the slightest intention of being weak or shrinking back.

"Good! Very good! This is the attitude of the Xiaoyaohou Mansion! This is the attitude of the Great Zhou royal family! Is this the attitude of the Great Zhou court!"

The second elder of Taihua Mountain suddenly opened his mouth and asked three times in succession.

Every word is heartbreaking!

The tone is like an interrogation sentence.

It was as if Hong Baxian came in person and was about to have a decisive battle.

If there is a disagreement, Taihua Mountain will have a civil war with Da Zhou.

Becoming an enemy of the six factions and destroying the foundation, Da Zhou will become a sinner through the ages.

The discussion is even louder!
It seems that Mount Taihua is going to occupy it!

The soul asks three times, if Xiaoyao Mansion allows this Yu Jinwufu to answer back and forth, I am afraid that he will really be labeled as a big hat.

Yu Jin blushed, he was not a reckless man, he knew what to say and what not to say.

For a handsome general, this makes sense.

"The attitude of Xiaoyao Mansion depends on who the other party is!" Just when it was difficult to confine the criminals, Zhang Yi and Li Bai walked out slowly, and Zhang Yi read aloud:

"Wolf is coming, Xiaoyao Mansion has hunting knives and long bows; friends are here, Xiaoyao Mansion has delicious food and wine! May I ask which kind of Taihua Mountain is it? Which kind of Taihua Mountain should I do? Which kind of Taihua Mountain would I like to make?"

What a sharp rebuttal.

When everyone saw Zhang Yi coming out, they knew that things were going to be exciting.

Sure enough, a set of wolves and friends came, instantly dispelling the aggressive aura of Taihua Mountain.

The same three rhetorical questions made the people in Taihuashan embarrassed.

If you choose wolves, then you are not human. If you don’t pay attention to the Xiaoyao Mansion and the Dazhou royal family in Taihua Mountain, then you can draw your swords out of their sheaths, use your longbows to the full moon, and just fight.

Friends, heh, is that still Taihua Mountain?

It's also not a good answer.
"What are you, you are also worthy to come out to talk to the second elder of my family, and let Xiaoyaohou come out by himself."

A Taihua Mountain disciple angrily pointed at Zhang Yi and cursed.

Zhang Yi, a commoner, is not qualified to talk to Mount Taihua at all.

Since it's not easy to answer, then simply don't answer, and use power to overwhelm others.

Use status to break all laws, pay attention to status!
"I! I'm alone!" Zhang Yi continued to walk forward, directly away from the guards of the swordsmen, and said with a sneer:
"You are a thing! I really don't deserve to talk to you, it hurts my intelligence!"

(End of this chapter)

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