I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 172 Who Can Take My Sword

Chapter 172 Who Can Take My Sword


You are something!

I am not worthy to speak to you.

Your cursing is too oblique!

All the people watching the fun burst out laughing.

It hurts the mind, talking to something really hurts the mind.


The Taihua Mountain disciple who responded was so angry that his face was blushing and his fingers were trembling.

"What are you? You are just a thing. Can you represent Taihua Mountain? You will be ashamed. It is a gratifying thing that Taihua Mountain has something like you!" Zhang Yi opened her mouth and said.

The continuous cannonballs blocked this person so much that he couldn't even speak, his tongue was curled up in his mouth, and his eyes were so bulging that they were going to explode.

His face was livid, his hands were clenched into fists, and his veins were bursting!

"Presumptuous! Who are you?" The second elder drew his long sword and shouted angrily:
"My Taihua Mountain sword is designed to kill the arrogant and ignorant! Kneel down and apologize, but you can save your life!"

Zhang Yi stood still and looked at the second elder: "Xiaoyao Mansion Zhang Yi is the same, Zhang Yi has no strength to restrain a chicken, I don't want Taihua Mountain to treat each other like an enemy, even if Zhang Yi dies, he will be honored." !"

A dignified fourth-rank powerhouse wants to kill a little scholar with his own hands.

If it is spread out, the reputation will be ruined.

Zhang Yi took the opportunity to ridicule Taihua Mountain for being too pretentious, and turned around to put money on her face and add trouble to Taihua Mountain.

Facing an unarmed scholar in Xiaoyao Mansion is like facing a formidable enemy, isn't Taihua Mountain not good?

The voices of discussion were even louder, and many people complained about Taihua Mountain.

At the same time, Zhang Yi also has a high opinion of Zhang Yi.

"I've heard that Zhang Yi can speak well, but I didn't expect his words to be so sharp!"

"The mouth is invincible, if this Zhang Yi goes to the enemy country to negotiate, I don't know what it will be like!"

"I just want to know if the second elder of Taihua Mountain will dare to kill Zhang Yi!"

"This Zhang Yi can be regarded as extremely courageous. He is less than sixteen steps away from the Second Elder of Taihua Mountain, and his face does not change. He can still speak such provocative words in an orderly manner. He is really a man!"

The second elder's face was also extremely pale at this time, and his eyes were about to burst into flames.

If the eyes could turn into thousands of arrows, Zhang Yi would have been shot into a hedgehog, and he would have been heartbroken.

"Zhuzi Zhang Yi, be rude to death!"

The Second Elder's eyes flicked to the lower right corner, and the Taihua Mountain disciple understood what he meant, stepped on his feet, and drew his sword to attack Zhang Yi.

How about being invincible?

So what if Xiaoyao Mansion is tough?

So what if it doesn't make sense?
Whoever ignores Mount Taihua will die!

The purpose of Mount Taihua has always been to be unreasonable and arrogant.

If Ye Qing can't come out, then kill Zhang Yi and sacrifice to heaven first!
"The Sword of the Great River is coming from the sky!"

Everyone heard an afterimage flashing past Zhang Yi's eyes, and then the sword light came into their eyes, accompanied by a polite word, the Taihua Mountain disciple who rushed halfway stopped his body.

The expression on his face stiffened, and there was a hint of disbelief in his eyes, and then the long sword in his hand fell to the ground, and he fell down.

There was no blood on his body, and he died quietly and strangely.

And Li Bai's figure is on the left side of Zhang Yi at this moment, holding the unsheathed sword in his hand, facing the other Taihua Mountain disciples including the second elder with a wild and arrogant expression:
"Li Taibai is here, who can receive my sword!"

What a fucking irritable!

Really kills!

Li Bai's sword, if you take out the sheath, you will die!
There is no room for hesitation and remorse!

This... is very Li Bai!

It's okay to kill last time, but this time the second elders are here!

Still so insane.

This is to bring Xiaoyao Mansion into the abyss!

The spectators all looked sideways, horrified.

I just felt a chill hit my neck.

For a white-clothed swordsman like Li Bai, I really love and ruthlessly want to kick him twice.

"Arrogance, whoever insults me on Mount Taihua will die!"

Li Bai killed someone, and the second elder was completely angry.

Unable to suppress the anger in his heart anymore, he swung his long sword into the air, leaped forward, and turned into a horse. The speed was so fast that people were too impatient to think about it, and they couldn't catch up!
Li Bai swung his long arm across, pushed Zhang Yi behind him, and drew his sword without moving his body.

"Qiang!" sounded.

The two swords intersected for a short time, and the cold glow followed Mars.

After the second elder of Taihua Mountain made a sword strike, the afterimage circled to one side, and the long sword stabbed at Li Bai's lower body again.

Li Bai's eyes and ears were clear, and he swung his sword in a starting gesture.

Then he took a step, turned his wrist lightly, and the sword sharpened!
"Taihua Seven Kills!"

"Will be drinking!"

Everyone only thought that Li Bai and the second elder of Taihua Mountain flashed their swords several times and heard three sword strikes.

Li Bai rushed forward, while the second elder of Taihua Mountain retreated slightly, and afterimages flashed back and forth within a concentric circle about the width of his arms.

Then with a pop, the second elder of Mount Taihua was kicked out of the concentric circle, and landed heavily in front of the other three disciples of Mount Taihua.

The speed was too fast, and when the three wanted to reach out to pick it up, the second elder of Taihua Mountain fell to the ground with a sutra.

And the afterimage of Li Bai in concentric circles disappeared.

Returned to the position of the sword pose just now.

As if it had never moved.

In the battle of masters, one or two rounds can determine the outcome.

Most of the indistinguishable winners and losers are tied, and in the end it doesn't matter.

"Mount Taihua is defeated!"

"The same is based on swordsmanship, but Li Bai's sword is even better!"

"Li Bai's strength lies in his speed. The speed of his movement and sword is beyond our reach. The fourth-rank level... is shocking!"

"Second Elder!" The three Taibai Mountain disciples asked with concern.

They really didn't expect the second elder to lose.

The second elder is also a fourth rank!

Moreover, he is one round older, richer in experience, and has more ability to comprehend swordsmanship.

Even if he couldn't kill Li Bai, he wouldn't be defeated so quickly.

In just a few sword strikes, he was injured and defeated.

Where did this come to ask for guilt, it was simply a matter of humiliation.

"Don't worry!"

The second elder glanced at the injured sleeve, although Yin Hong's blood flowed out, there was still a slight pain in his heart.

It made people feel angry, but he couldn't show it clearly, he wanted to save face for Taihua Mountain, so he shook his head and said it was okay!
"The old man has been in the rivers and lakes for decades. He studied hard and practiced so hard that he has today's martial arts. I didn't expect that there are strong people in Xiaoyao Mansion. Your sword skills must not be unknown. Where did you come from? Why did you go down the mountain to disturb the world? .” The two elders stood still and asked in a deep voice.

Li Bai's swordsmanship is even more famous than their Taihua Mountain's.

Moreover, Li Bai's strength was far superior to him, so he was horrified.

The second elder guessed that Li Bai's teacher was definitely not unknown.

This guy dared to be more arrogant than them, he must have a lot of background.

He really couldn't think of a stronger existence than the Six Sects in Dazhou.

And the six sects... Taihua Mountain is famous for its swords, and Xiaolongmen is famous for its boxing and kicking skills.

Lantian Valley is famous for its hidden weapons and body skills, and Tumen Town is famous for its sword skills.

Qishan majors in the Book of Changes and Bagua, and pays more attention to inner strength and mental methods.

Baibo Valley is more secular and messy.

Could it be Baibogu's disciple who came out of the side door.

"Hahaha, if hard work is useful, what do you need a genius for?" Li Bai laughed wildly and sang:
"I hope that the drunk will not wake up, and the glory of the king will last forever!"

(End of this chapter)

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