I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 173 Glory of the King

Chapter 173 Glory of the King

The second elder of Taihua Mountain spat out a mouthful of blood.

Crazier than their master Hong Baxian!
If hard work is useful, what else is there to do with nature?
The old man He Zhu has practiced swords all his life, but he is not as talented as a child!

"Glory of the King! I wrote it down!"

The second elder's blood poured into his head, his eyes darkened and he passed out.

Before fainting, he memorized the four words of glory of the king!
"Second Elder! Second Elder!" Three people from Mount Taihua shook the elder of our sect, trying to wake him up.

Now you are defeated!

What to do next, you just said a word.

You fainted, we panicked.

"Li Bai, Taihua Mountain and you..."

"Get out! I'm beep beeping off your head!" Li Bai stared sideways, and raised his sword hand slightly.

"You wait! We won't let it go!"

Three people from Mount Taihua carried the second elder and rushed away from the crowd.

They were really afraid of Li Bai.

Even the second elders can't beat them, and they are looking for death if they try to be strong.

Li Bai is too arrogant to talk about it without reason.

"A strong man is like silk, a role model for my generation!"

Li Bai won, and won quite beautifully.

Immediately gained the admiration of many people.

People have crazy capital!
The dignified second elder of Mount Taihua was defeated in just one round, and even vomited blood!

This time there was no murder, Yijing was very calm and rational.

And those words that Li Bai said, why are they so flavorful!

"Glory of the King, I don't know which mountain gate this is, but he dares to use this name so madly, his despise of the heroes of the world is admirable...!"

"I think this Glory of the King must be the most powerful mountain gate in the world, and it only recruits people with extraordinary talents. Li Bai is so powerful. I really look forward to the follow-up children to surprise the world..."

With one piece of paper and one weapon, the Xingshi of the Taihuamen was sent to question the crime.

The process is a bit high-profile, and the ending is a bit unexpected.

Zhang Yi cupped his fists at Li Bai and said, "Brother Taibai's swordsmanship is exquisite and his chivalry is unparalleled, let Yi admire him!"

"Hahaha, Mr. Zhang, you are being polite. I prefer to be called Shixian by others. Let's go for a walk, let's have a drink and exchange words..." Li Bai said with a laugh, and he came up and put his arms around Zhang Yi's shoulders. Where is the demeanor and aura of a master.


Fufu Palace!

"What? The dignified Second Elder of Mount Taihua actually lost to Li Bai, who is also a fourth rank. Is Mount Taihua just paper?"

Ye Tao felt that the world was not friendly at all.

After Ye Qing left the palace, the whole Chang'an changed.

Unbelievable things happened to Xiaoyao Mansion and Ye Qing!

"My lord! The second elder of Taihua Mountain was not only defeated, but also injured by Li Bai, and finally fainted!"

"..." Ye Tao!
"What words can stun the second elder of Taihua Mountain?"

In Hongnong Palace, Ye Wei forced himself to calm down and asked the subordinates who reported.

Mount Taihua, known for its sword, was completely defeated in the face of its own superiority.

He was defeated and injured by Li Bai in one round.

This Li Bai Yijing is so strong.

Where did Ye Qing find such a master?

Ye Qing is different from other princes, he has no one to support him, and he has no natal background.

"Back to the lord, Li Bai said... If hard work is useful, what do geniuses need to do!"

"Cough cough!"

Not to mention the second elder of the party involved, Ye Wei almost choked to death after hearing this.

What arrogance!

Dare to say such contempt for the world, it really brings disaster to Xiaoyao Mansion!

But after thinking about it, I suddenly found that Li Bai's words were very reasonable.

If hard work is useful, what do you need for your family background?
No matter how hard you try, you can't match the predestined identity at the moment of birth.

Ye Qing is excellent, but without the support of officials and aristocratic families, what can he do?

Will father pass on the throne to you because of your excellence?

Think more!
Even if he thought about it, the officials and the family would not agree. My silly sixth brother, you have gone farther and farther in helping the emperor eliminate dissidents and remove obstacles.


Old Chu Palace!

"Hehe, I knew that Mount Taihua was trash!" Ye Cai said disdainfully with an expression that he had expected a long time ago:

"You bastard Second Elder, under the same situation, I can't hold on for a round. Taihua Mountain is really the bottom one, but that's okay, Taihua Mountain loses face, and Hongnong County will also be damaged. I think my third brother It's also a little uncomfortable!"

The subordinate asked: "Your Majesty, what should we do? Now that the situation has been created, Taihua Mountain is incompetent. The reputation that should have benefited from Taihua Mountain was all taken away by Xiaoyao Mansion."

"Hmph, if you want to get these fame for nothing, you have to think about it." Ye Cai ordered coldly:

"Go, give me more publicity, use Li Bai's tone to provoke Hong Baxian, and say that the second elder of Taihua Mountain is not enough to watch, even if Hong Baxian comes today, he will kill him with one sword!"

When Ye Cai's subordinates heard this, a bright light flashed in their eyes.

Still the prince is brilliant!

Isn't Li Bai crazy?
Doesn't it mean that who can take his sword?

This time, let you go a little more crazy.

Hong Baxian can't kill you!
"Wait! I was spreading a word, saying that King Glory wanted to become the number one sect in the Great Zhou Dynasty, not only did he not pay attention to Mount Taihua, but he also ignored the other five sects!
I want to eradicate the six factions, unify the Jianghu, and even want to dominate the entire East..."


In the Tai Chi Palace!

"Glory of the King! This name has a strange smell!"

Ye Zhen murmured softly, no trace of joy or anger could be seen on his face, this time when he heard the news, he was unusually calm.

This made Liu Buren, who reported the news, uneasy.

Li Bai of Xiaoyao Mansion is not an ordinary Taihua Mountain disciple who killed this time.

Instead, he beat the second elder who vomited blood.

This time, it is the frontal toughness of Mount Hua.

Slap in the face head-on, without any scruples.

Thoroughly annoyed Taihua Mountain.

This time, even if Hong Tianbao's death was not caused by Xiaoyao Mansion, Hong Baxian would attribute it to Xiaoyao Mansion.

"Your Majesty, Li Bai's mountain gate is indeed a bit strange. Judging from the performance, they...they want to be the king of the rivers and lakes!" Liu Buren thought for a while, and then began to speculate maliciously.

Although Ye Zhen didn't show his expression at this time, he must be suppressing his anger in his heart.

Taihua Mountain is a big Saturday school, and the emperor didn't intend to break up with them!

The actions of Xiaoyao Mansion, especially Li Bai's actions, escalated this matter step by step, to the point where there was no room for reconciliation.

The next time people from Mount Taihua go to Beijing, they may break up directly.

I'm afraid Hong Baxian came in person.

Da Zhou couldn't afford the price.

Taihua Mountain represents not only one Taihua Mountain, but the entire Six Schools!


Ye Zhen stared at Liu Buren with disdain.

Liu Buren immediately shut up, with sweat dripping from his forehead, with a respectful expression.

He lowered his head, not daring to look at each other.

"If it wasn't for the Taihua Sect, I still don't know that there is such a sect called Glory of Kings behind the sixth child to support him!" Ye Zhen's voice was warm, and he said coldly with dissatisfaction:
"After several months of investigation, you haven't found anything useful, so why don't you get out and deal with it!"

"It's Your Majesty!"

Liu Buren seemed to be pardoned, bowed his head and bowed back, his back was wet a lot, as if he had walked through the gate of hell!
The glory of the king!

This time, I, the shadow guard, will find out no matter what.

If I, Liu Buren, can't find out, I'll just...forget it!Check it out!
(End of this chapter)

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