Chapter 174

"My lord! The people from Mount Taihua let us send them away!"

Li Bai and Zhang Yi came in at the same time, and Li Bai triumphantly asked for credit.

Don't mention how bright the smile on your face is!
This time, he and Zhang Yi have combined swords, and the cooperation of one article and one weapon is perfect.

The lord should give him a big reward!

Ye Qing didn't speak, but looked at Zhang Yi with a smile.

Zhang Yi said: "My lord, Taibai defeated the Second Elder of Taihua Mountain within one round, and fainted that second elder with anger, and forced the disciples of Taihua Mountain to retreat. This has made a name for my Xiaoyao Mansion."

Li Bai couldn't help nodding, and secretly cast a strong affection towards Zhang Yi.

It seems to be saying, brother did a good job, Lao Li, I really saw the right person!
"In this way, Li Bai should be rewarded!" Ye Qing turned to look at Li Bai.

Li Bai replied humbly: "My lord, Zhang Yi, is being polite. In fact, he was the one who made the most meritorious deeds. Zhang Yi's words refuted Taihuashan speechless, and he was so angry that he committed the murder. I just happened to beat him at the right time! It’s no credit at all!”

"Hehehe! You are indeed useless!" Ye Qing's face suddenly changed, with a serious face, Li Bai was taken aback, and a bunch of question marks appeared in his heart!
Ye Qing said: "Why, I don't understand, did you use the sword again, no one picked up the corpse at the door!"

"Uh!" Li Bai reacted from his complacency.

The first time he came out was to kill a disciple of Mount Taihua.

It was only the second time that he fought against the second elder of Taihua Mountain.

"Li Bai didn't respect the order, and he preempted killing. He was punished for three months and alcohol was banned for two months." Ye Qing ignored Li Bai's expression, and said to Zhang Yi:

"Zhang Yi's words were sharp, and he was angry with everyone in the Taihua Sect. He seized the key point, pursued and beat them fiercely, refuted the opponent to the point of silently committing crimes, and praised my Xiaoyao Mansion's prestige. The salary was doubled, and one piece of merit was recorded. In the future, I will be rewarded for my meritorious deeds!"

Zhang Yi glanced at the bewildered Li Bai, and had no choice but to reply, "It's the lord!"

Ye Qing looked back at Li Bai again, Li Bai smacked his mouth, cupped his fists innocently and said, "Li Bai obeys!"

After finishing speaking, Li Bai's heart was bleeding, and he was in excruciating pain.

Money or not doesn't matter.

Thousands of gold come back after being gone.

my wine...

"Li Bai, do you feel aggrieved!" Ye Qingjue decided to teach Li Bai a good lesson, saving this guy from being completely clueless.

Li Bai replied with mixed feelings: "Li Bai dare not!"

"Oh, I dare not say that you are dissatisfied." Ye Qing stood up and said, "I'll give you a chance. Since you like to drink alcohol and kill people recklessly with your sword, how about we compare them to wine poems? You win, I will revoke your prohibition order and reward you at the same time! If you lose, how about adding two more months!"

Li Bai's heart shook and his eyes lit up.

Comparing it to poetry, it is still poetry on wine!
This is my forte!

Guo Jia, Zhang Yi, Shang Yang and others also suddenly became very interested.

My protagonist's poetic talent is not low!

As for Li Bai, although his contact time was short, he still recited a few soul-stirring witty poems from time to time.

The same talent is compelling, poetry and swordsmanship.

Here's a good show!
The protagonist and Li Bai are more familiar than familiar?
"How about Li Bai! Do you still need to hesitate?" Ye Qing asked again.

Li Bai replied angrily: "My lord invites me, but Li Bai dare not refuse, and I am willing to fight with my lord!"

"Okay! Since you agree, let's start. The so-called latecomers win, I will take a small loss and write two songs first, you are free!" Seeing Li Bai's agreement, Ye Qing read immediately without waiting for his reaction:

"The first song is named after your most proud sword skill, General Jinjiu.

Don’t you see, the water of the Yellow River comes from the sky and rushes to the sea without returning.

See you, Gaotangmingjing has white hair in sorrow, and the morning is like blue silk and snow in the evening.

Life is full of joy, so that the gold is empty for the moon.

I am born to be useful, and come back when my wealth is gone.

Cooking sheep and slaughtering cows is fun, and you will have to drink three hundred cups.

Military generals, clerks, will drink, don't stop drinking.

A song with Junge, please listen to me.

Bells, drums, and jade are not expensive, but I hope I won’t wake up after being drunk.

In ancient times, the saints and sages were lonely, and only the drinkers kept their names.

In the old days, the young master had a feast of banquets, and fought with thousands of people to have fun.

What is the master's word for less money, you have to sell to the king.

Five-flowered horses, thousands of golden furs, Hu'er will exchange for fine wine, and sell the eternal sorrow with you. "

This poem... is bold and majestic, like a thousand troops and horses, and powerful.

The water of the Yellow River came to the sky and rushed to the sea to never return.

Gaotangmingjing has white hair in sorrow, and the morning is like blue silk and snow in the evening.

This method, this exaggeration, this state of mind!
I can't wait!

I am born to be useful, and I will come back after all the money is gone. Why are you so familiar.

Li Bai fell in love with this song "Jiangjinjiu" all of a sudden.

Somewhere, this poem seems to be calling me!
Li Bai was excited and excited.

"The second song "Drinking Alone Under the Moon":
If the sky does not love wine, the wine star is not in the sky.

If the land does not love wine, there should be no Jiuquan in the land.

The world loves wine, and loves wine worthy of heaven.

It has been heard that the sage is better than the sage, and the path is turbid as virtuous.

Since the virtuous saint has drunk, why bother to the gods.

Three cups lead to the road, and one fight is natural.

But if you have fun in wine, don't pass it on to the sober. "After Ye Qing finished reading, he looked at Li Bai, who was still immersed in it, and said again:
"If you are still not satisfied, here is another piece of "Weicheng Song":
The morning rain in Weicheng is light and the dust is light, and the inn houses are green and willows are new.Advise you to drink one more glass of wine, and go west to the border without any old friends. "

Three cups lead to the road, one fight is natural, wonderful!

I advise you to drink more wine, go west to the border without any old friends, and the way is endless.

Another masterpiece.

And there are two songs in one breath!

The talent of the master, agile and productive, no one can match it!

Even Li Bai took a few breaths!
The second song why dare to have a sense of deja vu.

The same is the kindness that melts into the bone.

As if it was tailor-made for yourself.

Could it be... the lord knows everything about me.

Understand what I think in my heart, and know my way of life.

The poetry competition is just to wake me up.

Taking wine as the topic, it completely let me see the fun in sake.

Tell me not to forget my heart and ideals because of drinking gaffes.

Layers of fit, well-intentioned.

Li Bai and Meng Lang are ignorant!

Thinking of this, Li Bai's blood surged up, and tears rolled in the corners of his eyes.

Li Bai closed his eyes lightly, took another deep breath, bowed deeply and said: "My lord is a great talent, even ten Li Bais are not as good as me, thank you lord for reminding me, let Bai understand that there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people.

Thanks to the lord for the warnings and pointers again and again, let Li Bai understand that being a person is not too frivolous, you need to be more careful, calm, and always save yourself and speak carefully. "

Li Bai admits defeat!
Um!Is this still the Li Taibai I know?
Everyone is surprised!

Li Bai's poems are not bad either.

This is defeated.

Won't you struggle a little more?

Let's enjoy it together!
"Oh! If you don't give it a try, you should be able to beat me with your talent!" Ye Qing was a little surprised to see that Li Bai was so obedient all of a sudden, and he spoke strangely.

This is not like Li Bai's style!

And when did I tell you that there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people.

I just want to use your poems to convince you and soothe your irritated little heart.

(End of this chapter)

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