I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 177 It's Huashan School Again

Chapter 177 It's Huashan School Again

Taihua Mountain!
After the news of Hong Tianbao's death came back quickly, the entire mountain gate was depressed, and the top of Taihua Mountain seemed to be suppressed by a flood beast, which was so oppressive that the people in the entire mountain gate couldn't breathe.

Mountain Gate Hall!

Hong Baxian sat high, surrounded by countless positions.

At this time, the disciples and elders and deacons of Taihua Mountain were full!
The disciples from Mount Taihua also gathered outside the hall. They are not qualified to enter the hall and can only listen outside.

"How's the investigation going? Who killed my Tianbao? Who bullied me in Mount Taihua?"

A deacon from Taihua Mountain stood up and replied: "I report to the sect master, the second elder sent back a message, but the culprit has not been identified yet, and there is no conclusive evidence that it is the Lantian Pavilion."

Hong Batian was not satisfied with the result, he opened his eyes with a slightly cold expression.

The person who answered immediately said: "Of course, there is no evidence to confirm that it is Xiaoyao Mansion, but the second elder took people to the capital to question Xiaoyao Mansion, arrest Li Bai and other lunatics, I believe it will be reported back to Xixun soon!"

"Hmph! That's what Xiaoyao Mansion did. I want to see what kind of answer Ye Zhen will give!" Hong Baxian slapped heavily on the table in front of him.

If it can't be found out, then Xiaoyao Mansion did it.

That's what the Great Zhou court did.

Only in this way is the most reasonable, and it can also allow Taihua Mountain to obtain greater benefits.

Hong Tianbao died because he could not be resurrected.

Hong Baxian is not only such a son, he wants to avenge Hong Tianbao, and at the same time he wants to fight for the interests of the mountain gate.

Xiaoyao Mansion killed people first, and then killed his son. Ye Zhen wanted to calm things down and stabilize the interior of Dazhou, but he had to pay a heavy price.

"That's right! It was Xiaoyao Mansion who killed Li Bai and handed over Ye Qing. The royal family apologized to Taihua Mountain!"

"Apologize! Apologize! Kill Li Bai, hand over Ye Qing, and avenge the Young Master..."

The clever doorman immediately agreed to win Hong Baxian's support.

Soon the entire mountain gate shouted, as long as Hong Batian gives an order, they can enter Chang'an!
Hong Baxian nodded slightly at this, with complacency in his eyes.

"Report! Sect Leader, something important has happened in Zheng County, please listen to Sect Leader..."

Suddenly someone hurried up the stairs from the outer hall, looking a little flustered!

All the disciples of Mount Taihua made way for this person to enter the inner hall.

The deacon in charge of foreign affairs asked, "Why are you panicking? Tell me slowly!"

The person who made the report stopped, and after bowing to Hong Tianba, he explained to the deacon:

"Return to Deacon Huang, Li Kaitai, the leader of the Golden Knife Gang, was killed!"

"Li Kaitai was killed! Who killed him? Why did he kill him?"

"Return to Deacon Huang, the murderer is Jing Wuming who claims to be from the Huashan Sect. He is at the gate of the Golden Knife Gang in the county seat. The reason is that Li Kaitai is a party of evil, oppressing the people inside and outside the city, amassing money beyond measure..."

"Enough!" Before this person could finish speaking, the Great Elder of Mount Taihua stood up and said:
"Master! Please send someone down the mountain to investigate this matter, and kill Jing Wuming or arrest him up the mountain."

Claiming to be Huashan School!
Where did they put Taihua Mountain!
The Golden Knife Gang relied on their Taihuashan gang, relying on Li Kaitai and the Golden Knife Gang to control the Jianghu forces in Zheng County.

The Golden Knife Gang didn't know how much food they would pay to Mount Taihua for a year.

Xiao Xiaojing had no life to kill Li Kaitai in broad daylight and destroy the Golden Knife Gang, obviously against them in Mount Taihua.

It must be eradicated as soon as possible.

Hong Baxian's face turned cold when he heard half of the scriptures, his eyes were filled with killing intent, and he waved his hand lightly and said: "Yes, this matter will be arranged by the Great Elder!"

Only then did the Great Elder order a few capable disciples of his sect, and let them go down the mountain to arrest Jing Wuming.

As soon as the people left, another person went up from the outer hall.

"Report! Master, Taohuagang was picked by a man who claimed to be Huashan Sect, Yang Guo, who killed all the people in Taohuagang and set fire to Taohuagang!"

"What? It's Huashan School again!"

This time, the people from Mount Taihua were even more shocked and began to discuss.

This time it went too far, Taohuagang was burned!

This Yang Guo is too violent and bloody.

This time there was no need for the Great Elder to arrange, Hong Baxian directly ordered: "Fourth Elder, you take a team and kill Yang Guo! Don't ask me back!"

"It's the head!" The four elders of Taihua Mountain clasped their fists in response, and then led their disciples down the mountain gate.

As soon as the people left, this time everyone saw people going up the mountain again, and there were quite a few people, there were four or no. 50 people.

These people were also carrying a dead body!
"Won't something happen again?"

"It seems to be! This time I don't know which sect or faction is under my Taihuashan name!"

"Wait! Those clothes are not... from Shaohua Mountain...!"

Everyone took a closer look, no, the clothes that came up this time were similar to Taihua Mountain, but lacked some special decorations and marks.

But Shaohua Mountain is not far behind, and it is the trumpet of Taihua Mountain, so they often communicate with each other and are familiar with each other.

"This is... Jin Buhuan, the master of Shaohua Sect, the son of the former Great Elder..."

It's my birthday!
Jin Buhuan is a third-rank martial artist, so strong that he can be an elder or deacon on the Taihua Mountain side.

He is also the son of the former Great Elder, and his degree of intimacy with Taihua Mountain is not generally comparable.

He died too?

Who did it?
"What's the matter?"

Seeing that there was a complete mess outside, the Great Elder started arguing, and asked with a clear cough.

Soon someone came in and reported: "Back to the Great Elder, it is... yes... the golden head of the Shaohua Sect was killed, and all the disciples of the Shaohua Sect went up the mountain!"


The great elder spat out a mouthful of blood.

Even Hong Baxian who was sitting on it couldn't sit still at all.

He stood up abruptly, not angry on his own, clenched his palms into fists, stared at the door of the main hall until Jin Buhuan was carried in, and then moved his eyes to the Great Elder.

"Elder Jin's condolences, I, Taihua Mountain, will avenge the head of Jin!"

It turns out that Jin Buhuan is the son of the cousin of the current Taihua Mountain Elder.

He is also a very close nephew.

It can be regarded as the pillar of his old Jin family.

How can the Great Elder not be heartbroken and indignant.

The Great Elder said to Hong Baxian: "Nagato, please allow me to go down the mountain to avenge Shaohuamen!"

Hong Batian nodded, naturally he would not refuse.

Anyone who can kill Jinbuchang must be a master, and ordinary people are really no match.

The Great Elder got the promise, and asked the disciples of the Shaohua Sect who entered the hall: "Who killed your head!"

"Hui Great Elder, they are two Yue Buqun who claim to be from the Huashan School following the wind!"

"Please Great Elder to avenge our Sect Leader!"

"The Great Elder, please be the master of our Shaohua Sect. These two murderers not only killed our head, but also expelled us from Shaohua Mountain, implying to occupy Shaohua Mountain and establish the Huashan Sect..."

At this moment, the entire inner and outer halls were completely blown up!

It's Huashan School again!
This time, he not only killed the head of Shaohua Mountain, but also occupied Shaohua Mountain, established a faction on the mountain, and rooted the Huashan faction in Shaohua Mountain.

What is this for?
Do you want to be an enemy of our Taihua Mountain, and you want to fight to the death with us?

What is the origin of Yue Buqun and Feng Qingyang?
This group of people from the Huashan faction is really more blatant and arrogant than their Taihuashan.

If you want to ride directly on the top of our Taihua Mountain!

"Hahahaha, what a Huashan faction, what a Yue Buqun follow the wind, are you really deceiving me that there is no one in Taihuashan? Then go to hell!" Hong Baxian roared up to the sky, unable to suppress the strong With a strong evil spirit, he glanced at the people in the hall and said:

"Who will accompany the Great Elder to kill these arrogant people!"

Everyone in the Taihua Mountain Gate inside and outside the hall said: "I am waiting to go..."

(End of this chapter)

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