I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 178? Condemning Ye Qing

Chapter 178 Denounce Ye Qing
The cock crows to announce the dawn!

It was a good time to sleep in the morning, but it turned out that Ye Qing was not in a good mood when he woke up!

Huanhuan urged her outside several times, but she almost came in to lift Ye Qing and Wu Linglong's soft and fragrant silk quilt.

In the end, Ye Qing still didn't want to get up!

Lazy on the bed, holding Wu Linglong's Xiangxiang's body with both hands, rubbing her eyes comfortably.

"Your Highness, it's better to get up and go to the court. If you don't go to the court, the officials will attack and slander you!" Wu Linglong pushed Ye Qing to persuade.

To be honest, it's so cold, she doesn't want to get up either.

How cold it is outside, how warm it is under the blanket.

Especially with a man in the same bed.

She felt that she was about to be corrupted by this corrupt life.

It's really comfortable and refreshing to have sex with a handsome man day and night!

She almost forgot her purpose of entering the mansion.

Huanhuan has the support of all the elders in Xiaoyao Mansion in the mansion. If she doesn't urge Ye Qing to be more diligent, she will get a bad reputation as a goblin.

If others say that after Wu Linglong entered the mansion, Ye Qing was obsessed with women all day long, so that Xiaoyao Mansion frequently made faint tricks, provoked troubles, and attracted many criticisms.

It's time for Baixiaoge to scold her.

"Don't go! Don't go! Whoever falls in love with whom, sleeps for a while, sleeps for a while!" Ye Qing hugged Wu Linglong's delicate body tightly, and put his legs on it, making them fit even tighter.

Until yesterday, I received the news that all the officials wanted to play him, which would annoy the Taihua sect and cause turmoil in the Great Zhou Dynasty, and they would demand that he be reprimanded.

Ye Qing made up his mind not to go to court today.

After all, he didn't have the heart to engage in meaningless things like confrontation with those dirty officials.

Moreover, Ye Zhen's attitude is also up and down, so it's better to stay out of sight and be at peace, and it's easier to stay in the mansion.

Provoking Taihua Mountain and annoying Taihua Mountain does not constitute a crime, and it is nothing more than a Xiaoyao Mansion's indiscretion and arrogance for all the officials to participate.

It is impossible to punish him.

That's why Ye Qing didn't want to go to court.

Huanhuan called a few times, seeing that Ye Qing couldn't get up and had to leave.

Wu Linglong persuaded her a few more times, so she also wrapped herself in a silk quilt, kept warm with Ye Qing, and enjoyed the beauty of the Mid-Autumn Festival morning.

Speaking of this side, on Zhuque Street, officials from various prefectures and workshops arrived in carriages or rode horses, greeted each other, and then entered the palace gate, talking while walking.

"Xiaoyao Hou Ye Qing annoyed Taihua Mountain, first killed the third disciple, and then knocked out the second elder. This time, he completely angered Taihua Mountain, and indirectly caused the other five factions to be dissatisfied with my Dazhou, fearing that there will be chaos!"

"Master Zhang's words are justified. When you go to court today, you should visit a book of Xiaoyao Mansion, order him to correct his mistakes and apologize, so as to calm the anger of the six factions, and secure our great Zhou community!"

"It should be like this. You can't let the Xiaoyao Mansion mess around, you should restrain it, and don't let its arrogance and evil wind grow..."

"Count me in, today I will be together with my colleagues, for my great week..."

Soon Dong Juan's carriage stopped.

The healthy and healthy Dong Juan got out of the car, and the officials from Yushitai gathered together, saluted Dong Juan, his superior, and asked:
"My lord, it seems that there are many people who want to join Xiaoyaohou in the court today!"

Speaking of this, the questioner was very sensible and didn't talk about the second half of the sentence.

Only fools need to talk through.

Dong Huang glanced at his subordinates who looked like border soldiers waiting for the military order to go to war, and snorted coldly:
"Today is destined to disappoint some people!"

Also not speaking clearly, Dong Huang walked towards the official road.

Ignore everyone!

Everyone looked at each other!

Definitely a disappointment!
Who is disappointed?
Participated in Ye Qing's?Or Your Majesty?
Or Ye Qing...

Those who want to understand and those who don't understand are also chilled back to reality by the wind blowing from the west.

Wrapped tightly in their robes, they quickly followed Dong Juan's pace.

The family of civil servants was sharpening their knives, ready to make a fuss about Ye Qing's matter.

Talk to each other and wink, and then gather in the main hall of Tai Chi Palace!

It was not until the time when the emperor was about to visit in person that everyone discovered a problem.

"Has anyone seen Xiaoyaohou?"

"I didn't see it! There is no sign of him at the Ministry of War!"

Ye Qing added Marquis with meritorious service in martial arts, and he was happy to generals.

But at the moment, there was no sign of him there.

The civil servants who were sharpening their knives immediately began to search for Ye Qing in the hall.

Talk to each other and try to keep it to a minimum.

No one knew whether Ye Qing had taken another position or squatted in a corner.

If he was by his side and he overheard him and beat him up in front of him, he would not be asking for trouble.

They simply realized that Ye Qing was not around them.

Only then did he feel a little more at ease, and his eyes wandered around more boldly.

"His Majesty is here!"

The voice of the little yellow door sounded.

All the officials looked solemnly and straightened up one after another.

"Your Majesty!"

Until Ye Zhen sat on the dragon chair and looked in the direction of Han Zhan and others from the Ministry of War.

Seeing that Ye Qing was not there, his brows were slightly displeased, but he quickly recovered his expression.

He said without anger and prestige: "Everyone is in peace!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" All the officials raised their heads and leveled their eyes.

"Discuss early if there is anything to do, and leave the court if there is nothing to do!" Huaili eunuch sang according to the rules.

Then Baiguanfen began to discuss matters normally!
After discussing important matters, someone stood up and said, "Your Majesty, I have a statement!"

Ye Zhen made a look at the eunuch Si Li, and the eunuch Si Li sang routinely:


"Your Majesty, I want to report my dynasty Xiaoyaohou's disrespect to the king, causing troubles, arbitrarily killing three disciples of Taihua Mountain in Minwufang, humiliating Taihua Mountain, and destroying people's reputation. Please punish him by Your Majesty or Zongzheng Temple." Improper behavior!" The official who stood up did not dare to look up, holding a wat board, and kept counting.

On the dragon chair above, Ye Zhen's face turned cold, his hands were tucked into his sleeves, and he clenched into fists.

The conflict between Ye Qing and Taihua Mountain is getting bigger!
It was the person who killed Taihua Mountain, and the two sides were fierce to zero.

But Mount Taihua is just a rivers and lakes power after all.

It has its own rules of the rivers and lakes to solve it.

It's not the government. It's not intentional to embarrass him when it's brought up for discussion.

Do you want to embarrass the court of the Great Zhou Dynasty and force yourself to express your opinion?

How could Ye Zhen not be angry.

This kind of matter should be reduced to a small one, and the trivial matter should be resolved in private.

It would be unseemly to get it on the table, which is not conducive to handling.

He is the emperor, the most difficult person in the world to express his opinion on a matter easily.

The golden mouth and the jade words, a promise is as good as it is.

What has been said cannot be taken back.

Be careful what you say and do.

So Ye Zhen really wanted to drag this person out and kill him!
Ye Zhen didn't speak, just stared at this person.

The other officials saw it and knew they had to assist.

Then he stood up and said: "Your Majesty, this matter is quite serious. If it is not handled properly, it may lead to the stability of our country. We still need to find out first. Why don't we ask Xiaoyaohou to come out and explain something in detail!"

"Your Majesty! I agree with you. This matter originally came from the Xiaoyao Mansion. Xiaoyao Hou conquered the Turks in the north and made many military exploits. You should not deal with matters related to it lightly. It is better to ask Xiaoyao Hou to come out and explain!"

"Your Majesty also seconded the proposal..."

Unexpectedly, Ye Qing's figure appeared, Ye Zhen's attitude was not clear, and he tended to be on Ye Qing's side, so the civil servants and aristocratic families who launched the attack first captured Ye Qing and attacked.

Otherwise, if Ye Qing doesn't accept the offer, their proposal is to catch the blind.

Although Ye Zhen was angry when he heard the words, these guys really wanted to make a big deal out of it.

Do you really want to lose face?

In addition to being angry, he was also somewhat dissatisfied with Ye Qing. This kid would not recklessly commit murder on Mount Taihua just because of his dependence on him in the salt industry.

Thinking of this, he also felt that he needed to give Ye Qing a good beating.

It is very important to make money to fill the Shaofu, but... the stability of the empire is more important.

"Where is Ye Qing!"

Ye Zhen asked, turning his gaze to Han Zhan while speaking.

(End of this chapter)

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