I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 179 Hide out of the city

Chapter 179 Hide out of the city
People from the Ministry of War whispered to each other, and Han Zhan said: "Your Majesty! I haven't seen the Sixth Highness coming today!"

Ye Zhen looked at the five teams.

All the ministers and all the officials said: "Your Majesty, there is no Xiaoyaohou here!"

"Your Majesty, maybe Xiaoyao didn't come to court!"

What's the matter? It's obvious that he didn't come!
This time Ye Zhen's face darkened, and he said angrily: "Come here, go to Xiaoyao Mansion and bring me to Xiaoyaohou!"

"No!" Zhi Jinwu, who was waiting outside the hall, took the order, and then led a small group of forbidden troops to Xiaoyao Mansion!
This time, Ye Tao, Ye Wei, Ye Cai and others all had sneers on their faces.

Lao Liu, Lao Liu, do you think you can avoid this cut by hiding and not going to court?

What's waiting for you has just begun!
This matter has been put on hold for the time being, and everyone will continue to go to court to discuss state affairs!
An hour later, everything, big or small, has settled down.

And Zhi Jinwu, who went to arrest people, also came back.

But there was no sign of Ye Qing.

"Ye Qing, why are you the only one waiting to come back!"

"Return to Your Majesty! When we go to Xiaoyao Mansion, His Highness the Sixth Highness is already not at the mansion!" Zhi Jinwu truthfully reported.

"What? Not here?" Ye Zhen was instantly annoyed.

Hundreds of officials are also talking about it.

Has Ye Qing received any rumors?
It's fine if you don't come to court, and now you're not in the house, you've gone somewhere to avoid disaster.

The people in the military department also whispered to each other, but there was a strong sense of ridicule on their faces.

They mocked the officials.

This plan of the officials of the lower official line and the family line is about to fail.

"Then where did he go?" Ye Zhen asked.

Zhi Jinwu replied: "Your Majesty, I heard from the people in Xiaoyao Mansion that His Highness the Sixth Highness went out of the city to investigate outside the city. He also said that he would turn all the wasteland outside the south gate of the city into my Great Zhou granary. He also said..."

off to town!
So clever in hiding!
It's so hard to find this f*cking one, it might be dark by the time we find it!

What a cunning Xiaoyaohou!
Not only dodged, but also made up a very reasonable and bright reason.

Turning wasteland into a granary is simply a dream.

It's like burning paper on the grave, fooling ghosts.

I believe you are a ghost!
"Your Majesty, Xiaoyaohou really cares about the people of our Great Zhou, and knows how to care for our great Zhou society. It is really rare and should be rewarded!"

"Your Majesty! I feel that we should all go outside the city to see how Xiaoyaohou turned the wasteland into a granary. If it is feasible, it should be extended. Dali********, I also think When you go out of the city to have a look, don't let the painstaking efforts of Xiaoyaohou!"

A crowd of hundreds of officials stood up and chased after him fiercely.

hide!Ye Qing, can you hide?
If you go out of the city, you will be arrested.

Even if you have a big reason today, you can't avoid this cut.

Ye Zhen was so angry that he felt uncomfortable at the moment.

It's okay for the officials to be disgusting, but I don't have to worry about the bastard, the sixth son.

It deserves a good beating.

He's been too lenient on favors lately.

"Since all the ministers are keen and eager to learn, and are working hard for the country, they will all go out of the city to look for Ye Qing, and see how Xiaoyaohou seeks happiness for the country."

"It's Your Majesty!"

Baiguan readily agreed.

Although Yijing was very tired after going to court all morning, the thought of hitting Ye Qing and crushing him to death all at once was as if he had been beaten to death.

Full of motivation, and then one after another came out of the hall.

"Master Dong, it is Yushitai's responsibility to impeach the bad atmosphere and maintain the Great Zhou Gang and Changlun Law! Aren't you going to preside over the overall situation?"

Seeing Dong Huang lagging behind, an official who had a problem with him walked over and asked in a strange way.

Dong Huang raised his eyebrows, his face not showing.

I'm not Ye Qing's backstage, you hate Ye Qing, make trouble for him, why burn me here.

The old man just had a little cooperation with him because of the salt industry, but he didn't stand in line.

So Dong Juan snorted very unhappily and said: "You are all young and strong people who are sensitive and eager to learn. The old man is almost dead, so he won't join in the fun with the dolls. He is hungry and needs to be full. Drink enough, only then will you have the energy to do things for the Tian family, and only then will you have the energy to correct the unhealthy tendencies in the court!"

"You!" The official who came to cause trouble could only bulge his eyes wide and tremble with anger.

God damn don't join in the fun with the dolls.

You are so old and shameless, you really think of yourself as a senior.

"Hahaha!" Dong Huang raised his head and laughed, brushed his sleeves aside and walked straight out of the hall.

If Yushitai doesn't go to the middle, all the officials have nothing to do.

Seeing all the officials leaving with the emperor, Zhi Jinwu, who came back to report the letter, was stunned.

"I... haven't finished talking yet, why... I'm going down!"

The emperor rushed out of the palace with all the officials, and then walked along the wide longitudinal avenue to the south gate.

A light cavalry guard of honor had already walked ahead, and after questioning the city guards at the south gate, they left the city in several directions to follow the traces of Ye Qing and others in Xiaoyao Mansion.

Then return to report to Ye Zhen.

Only then did Baiguan and Ye Zhen go directly to where Ye Qing and the others were.

In fact, Ye Qing and the others were not far from the city, they were on a piece of ripe land beside the Jushui River.

So Ye Zhen and the others didn't take much effort to kill them.

"Your Majesty, His Highness the Sixth Highness is on the cultivated land ahead, as if plowing the land!"

The investigators came back and reported to Ye Zhen.

Ye Zhen was slightly surprised.

Plow the land!
Before Ye Zhen could speak, someone among the officials at the side said, "Your Highness the Sixth Highness is really a good county magistrate who has benefited one side. He personally inspected the fields. He is really a role model for my Great Zhou!"

Really good at putting on a show, in order to avoid responsibility, they all ran to the fields!
Even brought the cows?

False and real, have a model.

"Hmph! I'm here to see if he's really benefiting one side, or harming farming!" Ye Zhen said with a cold face, urging the reporter to lead the way.

The crowd followed.

After walking less than a few miles, he saw Ye Qing's figure.

At this time, Ye Qing was plowing the fields with the people from Xiaoyao Mansion.

Moreover, several ridges have been plowed.

However, the ox that was originally the main force was led aside. At this time, it was a person holding the pears, and a person pulling the plow in front.

Ye Qing followed with a few people, pointing and pointing from time to time, very leisurely!
When the officials saw it, they immediately smiled.

So numb!

This is Xiaoyaohou going to the fields to observe the people's sentiments.

If there are cows that are not used, let someone pull them.

And there is a side pointing and talking romantic words.


Agriculture is a major event, and every spring plowing time, the emperor would personally go down to the ground to plow the plow and drive the oxen in a circle to show his importance.

To show closeness to the people and emphasis on agriculture.

So Ye Zhen knew a little bit about it.

Seeing that Ye Qing and others did not use cattle, but only two people pushing and pulling plows to plow the land, they were very dissatisfied.

At that moment, an official stood up and said: "Your Majesty, I impeach Xiaoyao Hou for ignorance of farming, wanton nonsense, harming farmers and land, please ask Your Majesty to ask!"

"Your Majesty, I will second the proposal! Farming is a major event, and you must not mess around. Xiaoyaohou was originally the head of a county, and he didn't want to show compassion to the farmers. Instead, he just wanted to play for fun. He is really not suitable to be an official of parents in a place!"

Ye Zhen heard that the color was darker, and he ordered in a cold voice: "Come here, bring this rebellious son to me, I have to ask him carefully, he, the magistrate of Nancheng County, is just like this!"

(End of this chapter)

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