I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 180 The Dasinong Is Blind

Chapter 180 The Dasinong Is Blind
It's true that the emperor is coming.

All the officials are gloating!

Especially Ye Tao, Ye Wei, Ye Cai and others!
Ye Qing should be punished this time, he can't escape this time!
The person who was going to deliver the order soon approached Ye Qing and the others.

"My lord! Your Majesty and the officials are here!"

The government guard came to report.

At this time, Ye Qing was observing the situation of Xinli with Lu Ban and others.

Generally speaking, it is quite successful, and the curved plow is much easier to use than the straight plow.

However, there are still some problems and it is not perfect.

"Your Majesty?" Ye Qing raised his head and turned to look in the direction of Ye Zhen and the others.

So numb!

A huge piece of black!

Could it be that Ye Zhen received the news so quickly that he knew that his side had improved the straight plow, so they all came to see the field test.

"My lord, all the officials are here too, they are too well informed!"

Lu Ban's thinking was relatively simple, and Qu Li himself was considered a success for the time being, so he naturally thought that the court had received the news.

Come and check it out.

After all, agriculture is the main thing, and emphasizing agriculture is the basic national policy of the Central Plains Dynasty!

Ye Qing patted the ashes on his body and said, "Since your Majesty is here, Lu Ban, you go with me. I will explain in detail later, and you will be the speaker!"

"It's the lord!" Lu Ban was a little excited.

To show in front of the emperor.

This is an opportunity, an opportunity to prove the value of Xiaoyaofu.

Don't screw it up.

Soon Ye Qing brought Lu Ban over, but when he got closer, he realized that something was wrong with the atmosphere!

Ye Zhen had a cold face, and Baiguan, Ye Tao, Ye Wei, Ye Cai and the others gloated and watched the show.

It's not like coming to see the plow.

It's as if he came to Xingshi to inquire about the crime.

The generals headed by Han Zhan winked at Ye Qing vigorously.

It was only then that Ye Qing suddenly realized that it probably had something to do with the fact that he didn't go to court today, and it must have something to do with the Taihua Mountain incident!

This group of guys really belonged to dogs, and they chased them to the fields.

"Your Majesty, Ye Qing, pays homage to His Majesty! Your Majesty is ten thousand years old!" After Ye Qing approached, he saluted Ye Zhen first.

Ye Zhen's complexion was not good, and he asked in a cold voice, "Ye Qing, are you convicted?"

"Crime? I don't know where the crime came from, please tell your Majesty clearly!" Hearing Ye Zhen's tone, Ye Qing knew he had guessed right.

The emperor came for morning business.

Isn't it just that he didn't go to court?
As for going online like this.

I am the magistrate of the county, and I have the right to handle the affairs of the county without going to court.

A marquis is not a rigid requirement, and must go every time.

On the other side of Taihua Mountain, Hong Batian's follow-up moves haven't come yet, what's the rush?
Ye Zhen was even more dissatisfied when he heard Ye Qing's tone, and the frost on his face became heavier.

He snorted and said, "You don't know what crime you committed yourself? Do you need me to tell you what happened to you in this field?"

Why didn't it happen that he didn't go to court in the morning?
Ye Qing was a little confused!
I... I'm here to plow and clean the plow!

This is also wrong?

I rely on!Other officials go down to the ground to observe their relatives, and they are good officials. Why, come to me, it is disrespectful, and it discredits the royal family, and you lose face?
Seeing that Ye Qing didn't understand, he reasoned, but still didn't react, the chief secretary in charge of agriculture said: "Master Hou, as the county magistrate of Nancheng, it's really not benevolent for you to come down here to make a fool of yourself, hurt the farmers and fields, and treat the peasants poorly." minister!"

After finishing speaking, the chief farmer pointed to the two operators who were still stuck in the field and said: "Master Hou, we have all seen the fact that you let these two people pull and overthrow the ground, and your Majesty can see it clearly! "

Da Sinong fired, and other officials also said:
"Master Hou, you obviously brought the cow, but let it stand aside, slaves and two farmers are plowing the dry land in autumn, hurting the strength of the people, it is really wrong!"

"Master Hou, not only do you not sympathize with the old farmer, but you also make fun of lewd pleasures with the wretch behind you, accusing the old farmer of not doing his best, it really shouldn't be!"

"Master Hou... really shouldn't!"

This... I hurt the farmer and the field?

I made fun of the old farmer?

Luban is a coward?
Your associative power, brain supplement is really cowhide!
Seeing that Ye Qing was silent and didn't reply, Ye Zhen said: "How did you expose it? I'm sorry to refute it. Your performance today really disappointed me."

Originally, Ye Qing's production of refined salt could benefit the country, and he could take back the salt and iron from the aristocratic family in the future.

Ye Zhen still had great hopes for Ye Qing.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be such a face, it is really difficult to be a big responsibility.

"Your Majesty! If Da Sinong and all the officials want to slander me in this way, I will have nothing to say." Ye Qing said unconvinced:
"It is said that seeing is believing. Today, I know that seeing is believing, because everyone's eyes are different. Some people can see the truth, while others can only see emptiness and delusions."

You can still refute!
Still want to argue!

Everyone was stunned.

Even at this time, Ye Qing still hasn't pleaded guilty, and hasn't admitted his mistakes.

Xiaoyaohou, do you really want to make the emperor furious before resigning?
"Slander! You are talking about it, how they slander you!" Ye Zhen was on the verge of fury.

Could it be that there is something wrong with my eyes, I am also delusional, I will be wrong.

Ye Qing made a gesture of invitation and said: "Facts speak louder than words, please move between the fields, Your Majesty, and see it with your own eyes to know the truth!"

"Okay! I will let you give up and convince all the officials!" Ye Zhen stepped up in a cold voice, and walked directly to the fields, without the need for carriages and horses.

All the officials followed, but they were not as domineering and heroic as Ye Zhen. They walked very carefully for fear that their shoes would be stained by the dirt on the ground.

Han Zhan and other generals pulled Ye Qing back and said, "Your Highness, all the officials have come prepared to convict you. Don't be reckless. Be soft with Your Majesty. Don't be too strong!"

"Let the general and the generals worry about it. Don't worry, I will be fine. You will understand when you go down." Master Ye smiled, nodded confidently and calmly.

This... hey!

Seeing that Ye Qing was still like this, Han Zhan and others couldn't help sighing.

Whether it was Ye Qing or Ye Yu, the two highnesses who made meritorious deeds of martial arts were all contaminated with the tough atmosphere of their generals.

Behavior is too upright.

Such a character is bound to be not suitable for gaining a foothold in the court.

"I've come here, what do you want me to see with the officials?" Ye Zhen didn't see anything.

The same is true for hundreds of officials.

At first, I thought it was Ye Qing who was going to do something.

What kind of tricks are hidden in this field, but the result is still the same.

It is the same as what you see in the distance, and there is no difference.

Now they were even more convinced that Ye Qing was trying to force his words.

Ye Qingdao went down to the field, and then asked the chief official in charge of Da Sinong, "Can Da Sinong see the difference in my place?"

Da Si Nong glanced at Ye Zhen, clasped his fists and said: "Your Majesty, I can't see it, I can only see that this place has just been plowed by manpower, I really don't know what Xiaoyaohou means. ?”

"Hahaha, it turns out that the Dasinong of my Great Zhou is blind. No wonder the agriculture of my Great Zhou has not been able to flourish. The grain production is not high. The common people have fields but no food. They cannot eat enough to support the empire's war. , so the problem comes from here!" Ye Qing suddenly laughed after hearing Da Sinong's words.

All the officials were horrified and dumbfounded.

At this time, Ye Qing still pleaded guilty and mocked Da Sinong, this is really going crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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