I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 181 This is Qu Yuanli

Chapter 181 This is Qu Yuanli

"Xiaoyaohou, what do you mean by this, I didn't intend to make things difficult for you, why did you insult me!"

Da Sinong trembled with anger, with an angry look on his face, pointing at Ye Qingyi to ask him for an explanation.

Even Ye Zhen who was on the side was also very puzzled, the coldness on his face became even colder, and his eyes were about to shoot knives.

Ye Qing didn't answer, but just asked for a ruler from his subordinates, and inserted it into the overturned loose soil.

Then it shook until it couldn't be plugged in and encountered an obstacle.

Pinch between the fingers to the position of Litu, and then raise it to face Ye Zhen and Baiguan.

"Don't play charades, Xiaoyaohou. If you have something to say, talk about things if you have something to say, don't play tricks!"

An official from the household department stood up and said.

Agricultural Division is under the name of the Ministry of Households.

Da Sinong is also an official of the household department. Ye Qing said just now that Da Sinong is blind and that he did not manage the agricultural department well. Naturally, he blamed them for not doing a good job in the household department.

"It seems that there is no one who understands agriculture among the princes of the Manchu Dynasty. It is really sad!" Ye Qing sighed, and then explained:
"Did you see this ruler? This depth is far beyond the depth obtained by ordinary plows."

Only then did a few officials react.

But most are still confused.

Including the epicenter, I still don't understand what Ye Qing wants to say.

Ye Qing shook his head lightly and said: "As we all know, the deeper the land is plowed, the better it will be for the growth of farming.

Therefore, on my plowed land, I use the same method to plant agricultural products, and the harvest layer should be increased by half a layer to one layer. "

That's it!

The crowd understood.

It turns out that this is the so-called deep plowing.

They do know this.

No wonder Ye Qing was disappointed in being in the Farmers Association.

Because Da Sinong is in charge of agriculture, he doesn't even understand this common sense.

This is deep farming, but Da Sinong didn't realize it.

No wonder Xiaoyaohou wanted to scold you.

When Da Sinong heard this, his face turned pale and he was a little ashamed.

The land is the same when it is dug up, and the ghost knows if it is deeply plowed.

In order to avoid his own embarrassment, Da Sinong snorted coldly and argued: "The old man does have some eye problems, and it is possible for him not to notice for a while, but this has nothing to do with you hurting the farmers and making fun of the farmers! Please feel free Homer changed the subject!"

The officials of the Ministry of Households echoed one after another: "That's right! That's right! It's not uncommon for Da Sinong to go unnoticed once he enters. Xiaoyaohou should explain his problem!"

"Oh! Is that so? So I was right. Da Sinong is blind!" Seeing the echoed household officials, Ye Qing said again: "He is blind, so are you?"


The officials of the household department were so angry that they wanted to beat people!
I blind your sister!
"Ahem! Sixth brother, please don't talk about what you say." Ye Wei coughed lightly and said to Ye Qing.

Most of the households are from aristocratic families, and they are from his Hongnong Palace.

Naturally, Ye Wei didn't allow it. Ye Qing chased them hard and belittled them wantonly.

"Okay! For the sake of the third brother, I don't care if they are blind!" Ye Qing closed his voice, then pointed at Li's body, and then said to Ye Zhen:
"Your Majesty, this plow is different from my traditional plow in the Great Zhou Dynasty, so I will explain it to you from the Gongshu class of Xiaoyao Mansion."

This time Ye Zhen's complexion improved slightly.

Lu Ban, he had heard of, was the civil engineering supervisor of Xiaoyao Mansion.

Responsible for the construction of Xiaoyao Mansion, as well as the Yingxiong Building of Minwufang, the two streets in front, and Tianxiaxing.

The buildings he built are thick and durable, with a lot of ingenuity.

The technical level is no lower than that of the supervisor of the Ministry of Industry.

Is a skilled craftsman.

Naturally, someone reported this to Ye Zhen.

Ye Zhen still knew about Lu Ban.

Lu Ban bowed to Ye Zhen and said: "Your Majesty, Caomin Gongshu Pan will explain to His Majesty on behalf of His Highness the Sixth Highness."

Ye Zhen nodded, and Lu Ban said: "Please look, Your Majesty, the body of this plow is curved and arc-shaped, not straight.

So its name is Quyuan plow. When plowing the land, it can plow deeply, and it can dig seven or eight inches more than the original straight plow. "

That's it!

This plow is different, it is in the shape of a curved shaft, so it can plow deeply.

Ye Zhen's face became softer, and he said to Lu Ban: "Continue talking."

As an emperor, he knew that Quyuanli must be a new item.

Because I haven't heard of it before, after all, he has to do a show every year.

And he knew that Qu Yuanli had this advantage, and he would definitely replace Zhili in the future.

It can increase the production of half a layer to one layer of grain for more than one week.

More food means more people can be fed!
The value of this is self-evident.

Lu Ban continued: "Secondly, this plow has a plow wall, and this plow wall has the function of crushing soil, which can break up clumps of soil when plowing, without having to spend effort and energy to strike again.

Thirdly, the plow can also turn easily, no matter which direction it is in.

Fourth, and most importantly, although this plow has been plowed deeply, it is more labor-saving than the original straight plow. It can be pulled by manpower, and only one person is needed, whether it is dry land or water... "

"Wait! You said it can be pulled by one person!" Ye Zhen suddenly stopped Lu Ban who was talking.

It seems to have caught something?
The other officials also changed their colors.

This...doesn't mean that just now, pulling the plow by manpower just now is not hurting the farmers, but a normal plowing action.

Lu Ban looked at Ye Qing, Ye Qing smiled at him and nodded slightly.

Lu Ban replied truthfully: "Your Majesty, that's right, one person can pull it. If it is replaced by an ox, plowing the land may be as easy as driving a cart. People who are inexperienced may not even be able to catch up with the ox!"

"Ahem! I can't even catch up with a cow!"

This is an exaggeration!
In ordinary plowing land, I can't wait to beat the cow to make it run faster, so that it is not allowed to steal and play tricks.

You are afraid that the cow will run too fast and you will not be able to control it.

This plowing is really easy to say.

But the facts are in front of us, and there is no room for slander.

The chill on Ye Zhen's face disappeared, a gleam of joy appeared, his eyes brightened, he pointed at the plow and said, "Now let me cover it up again, all you gentlemen, open your eyes wide, and take a good look, and see if this plow is real. As Lu Ban put it lightly."

"It's Your Majesty!" Lu Ban took the order, and then confessed to the two farmers who were plowing the land just now.

Trembling with trepidation, the two began to handle the plow carefully.

The emperor watched himself plowing the land, and there were a group of officials.

This TM can be blown in the next life.

At the same time, the two farmers were also frightened, for fear of making mistakes.

Fortunately, neither their legs nor hands were weak.

Farming is their job, and they should be honest when they do things.

So it was easy to bring the plow.

Under the control of the two, Qu Yuanli began to plow the land with ease.

Everyone could see clearly that the two pulled and pushed without any effort.

You know, this is the soil that has been dry for a long time.

Not a good place to contain proper moisture.

It should have been a difficult task, but the two did it with ease.

"it is good!"

Ye Zhen couldn't help applauding after watching the two plow a ridge.

Ye Qing finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Smiling, Da Sinong said to all the officials: "Everyone, my courtiers and great talents, why don't you take a look at the situation of the cattle farm, who wants to chase after the cattle to wipe it off!"

(End of this chapter)

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