Chapter 182

"Chasing the cow!"

"Cough cough!"

Da Sinong wished he could find a place to sneak in.

It's even more embarrassing to watch it.

"Gongshuban, did you make this thing?" No matter how Ye Qing fought with the officials, Ye Zhen looked at Lu Ban with strong interest.

Lu Ban is really a talent!

Not to mention the diamond-shaped fortress in building, but also the invention of the Quyuanli.

If transferred to the Ministry of Industry, I don't know what will happen.

But this thought was just a flash, and Ye Zhen threw his head out.

Gongshuban is from Ye Qing, from Xiaoyao Mansion.

It is not suitable to get it in the court.

"Your Majesty, this item is Ban's improvement, but the opinion was raised by His Royal Highness, and this item is the second edition, which needs further improvement." Lu Ban replied truthfully:
"That's why I came to the field experiment today to try to find more problems and make the most reasonable Quyuanli as perfect as possible."

"Oh! That's how it is!" Only then did Ye Zhen understand why Ye Qing and Lu Ban were pointing fingers at the farmers just now.

It turned out that Qu Yuanli was being judged, not the person who made the plow!

It turned out that I was wrong to blame Ye Qing!

Ye Zhen looked at Ye Qing with soft and gratified eyes.

Thinking of other things, Ye Zhenzheng said in a serious voice: "Gongshuban and Ye Qing have made great contributions to improving the straight plow. They have added help to our farming in Dazhou, saved people's labor, and increased grain production. It should be counted as a great contribution!"

Ye Qing and Lu Ban said at the same time: "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"Today, the Duke Shuban is the Duke of Quyuan County, with [-] households in Shiyi, and a reward of tens of thousands of dollars!" Ye Zhen rewarded in a deep voice.

Everyone was stunned!
This is the reward!
And it was the county magistrate who came up and gave Lu Ban a high title.

Everyone is envious and jealous!

Gongshuban had a shitty luck.

Lu Ban was overjoyed and looked excitedly at Ye Qing.

Ye Qing nodded to him, and Lu Ban bowed, "Thank you for the reward, Your Majesty! Ten thousand years, ten thousand years!"

Ye Zhen raised his sleeve lightly, then looked at Ye Qing: "Qing'er, what reward do you want?"

You have rewarded Lu Ban heavily, and you clearly don't want to reward me.

Ye Qing is stupid with double stabs.

Sui said: "Your Majesty, if you haven't made an inch of merit, you dare not steal it and claim rewards."

Ye Zhen showed an expression that you know how to die, and stroked the dragon's beard.

At this time Ye Qing said again: "If your Majesty really wants to reward the minister, I dare not refuse it. I have been away from the palace for several months, and I have been missing my great-grandmother. I would like to ask your majesty to allow me to enter Jingtai Palace to greet my great-grandmother!"

Jingtai Palace!

Empress Dowager Dong, I haven't got the ironmaking materials yet.

Since Ye Zhen didn't intend to reward himself, he might as well give up this vain reward and focus on benefits.

"You want to enter the palace to meet your great-grandmother?" Ye Zhen was a little surprised. Ye Qing's request was a bit special, which made him suspicious.

Empress Dowager Dong had no contact with Ye Qing, nor did they have any affection for each other.

What did Ye Qing do when he went to see the old lady?
Not to mention that Ye Zhen couldn't figure it out, even the other officials couldn't figure it out.

Only the officials of Yushitai seemed to think of something, looked at each other, and shook their heads tacitly.

Empress Dowager Dong's Dong family is not so easy to get in touch with.

It's about relatives, and it's easy to get burned.

"Yes, Your Majesty, I miss my great-grandmother very much. Recently, I got a beautiful glass object. I would like to invite my great-grandmother to appreciate it. If Your Majesty likes it, you can also comment on it together!" Ye Qing didn't hide much.

Both inside and outside the deep officials are Ye Qing's eyes and ears.

It's even worse in the palace, Ye Zhen's shadow guards are not vegetarians.

Besides, Ye Qing only entered the palace to check in, he had nothing else to ask for, and he did not have any shady activities, so naturally he was not afraid of Ye Zhen knowing about it.

Ye Zhen thought for a while, and finally waved his hands and said, "Since you miss your great-grandmother, then go, no one will stop you!"

After speaking, Ye Zhen was going to drive back to the palace, but he was not interested in staying in the fields.

"Your Majesty, I still have something to ask for. This matter concerns the country and the people's livelihood." Ye Zhen and other officials wanted to pay in desperation at this moment, but Ye Qing didn't want to miss this good opportunity, so he hurriedly shouted .

Ye Zhen paused, turned around and asked, "What else do you have to do with the country and the people's livelihood?"

"Your Majesty, if I want cattle, the more the better, eight thousand or ten thousand!" Ye Qing solemnly asked.

"Ahem!" Ye Zhen and Baiguan almost staggered.

Not choked to death!

Want a cow!The more the merrier!
Eighteen thousand, not too little!

You thought the cow was brought by the wind.

You want to fly to the sky!
A small Nancheng County wants so many cattle.

Not to mention Nancheng County, even the entire Jingzhao County doesn't have so many cattle!

"Xiaoyaohou, there is indeed a shortage of farm cattle in Xinli, Nancheng County, but you know that farm cattle are scarce, and even within a few counties, you can't get the amount you said. Your request is too playful."

"That's right! Xiaoyaohou, you have improved the plow, you can use human power to pull and push it, why use an ox!"

I didn't have a chance to yell at Ye Qing just now, but now I finally have a chance.

So all the officials spoke up one after another.

Even Da Sinonong finally had a chance to fight back, pretending to be generous and said: "Xiaoyao Hou, my Da Sinonong will help you coordinate and bring in five more cattle. I hope you will not let the people in this county reduce their grain harvest."

This is the great name of Da Si Nong. If you give me five more cows, but the grain tax will be reduced next year, then I, Da Si Nong, will have something to say.

Officials from the household department gave Da Sinong a thumbs up.

Older gingers are more spicy.

The hole was dug quite early.

Ye Qing shook his head and said: "Whoever said that an improved plow would not be bad for an ox, if there is a good plow you need a good ox, so that the common people can reclaim more wasteland, grow more grain, and pay more grain taxes.

At the same time, the common people can also squeeze out more time to complete labor and make greater contributions to the construction and development of the Great Zhou! "

"Besides, what I want is not the cattle in my Dazhou territory, and I don't need to transfer cattle from other places." Seeing that everyone was confused, Ye Qing said again:

"The Turks have cattle, and the Qiang people have cattle. You can buy more cattle from barbarians."


After listening to Ye Qing's explanation, Ye Tao, Ye Wei, Ye Cai and others burst out laughing.

All the officials also covered their faces with their sleeves and laughed lightly.

Xiaoyaohou really doesn't understand farming!

I want to be crazy.

Cattle for plowing the land are not just any cattle.

That is the cattle that have been domesticated in captivity for hundreds of thousands of years in Dazhou before they can be obedient to farmland.

Turkic cattle and Qiang cattle, I am afraid that they will not help you plow the land, but they will fly you to the ground to be true.

Ye Zhen's happy face immediately darkened.

I really want to leave at once, there is no such son as Ye Qing.

The dudes in Chang'an City should also know the difference between Dazhou farming cattle and Turkic and Qiang beef cattle.

The dignified prince would not know.

Very ashamed!

"I know why you are laughing, but I think beef cattle can only be eaten and have no other use!" Ye Qing said confidently:

"As long as it is a cow, I believe it can be used to cultivate land. Give me [-] or [-] Turkic and Qiang cattle this year, and next year I will create a prosperous Nancheng County for you and give you a large Nancheng granary!"

(End of this chapter)

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