I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 187 Tai Chi Eight Diagrams Sword Technique

Chapter 187 Tai Chi Eight Diagrams Sword Technique
Empress Dowager Dong's four maids burst out laughing. Empress Dowager Dong was taken aback for a moment, then immediately smiled and gave him an annoyed look:
"Slick tongue, not at all like my royal unicorn."

This coquettish anger frightened Huanhuan.

It's over, the young master didn't please the Queen Mother Taihuan.

But then Huanhuan also secretly laughed.

Because Empress Dowager Dong said again: "However, I have a bit of Aijia's temperament. If I have time, I will come to Jingtai Palace to chat with Aijia. Aijia is also very bored here. Few of the royal family can remember Aijia. of."

After speaking, Queen Mother Dong walked towards Meiting.

Ye Qing said: "It's great-grandmother, my grandson will definitely come here often when I'm free."

"Who is this person next to you? He looks like a water spirit, with clear eyes, he is a good boy!" Seeing the timid but stubborn little girl, Mrs. Dong became interested.

Except for those in the palace who are respectful and awe-stricken to her, there is nothing to say but everyone has their own ghosts.

Ye Qing pulled Huanhuan to the front and said: "Back to great-grandmother, this is the female officer in charge of my mansion. She used to go out with me in the palace. Because of her young age, she was a little cute, so she wanted to bring her for great-grandmother to enlighten her. Be smart."

"Hehe! You are so straightforward. You are not ashamed to ask your great-grandmother to work for you when you first came here." After Qingqing gave him an annoyed look, she waved at Huanhuan.

Although this girl Huanhuan is not very smart, it is her sincerity that makes Empress Dowager Dong feel good about her.

Huanhuan hesitated, Ye Qing nodded encouragingly, and then gently pushed.

Things are going better than expected.

Bringing Huanhuan is really right.

The empress dowager, who has lived in a high-ranking official for a long time, is bored, and it is just needed to have someone to talk with.

Huanhuan's appearance and interior all fit such a role.

Huanhuan pursed her lips, pinched the corner of her clothes, and walked carefully towards Queen Mother Dong.

Ye Qing then said: "Originally I brought a gift to my great-grandmother, but after seeing the plum groves all over the garden and the celestial beauty of my great-grandmother, my grandson felt that the things he brought were a bit vulgar and did not match the scenery, so I Get ready for a change!"

Empress Dowager Dong signaled Huanhuan to sit down, took Huanhuan's little hand, and said softly, "Don't be nervous, just like in Xiaoyao Mansion, Ai's house doesn't eat people!"

"Yes... the empress dowager!" Huanhuan replied with a nod like a mosquito.

Empress Dowager Dong patted her softly to appease the little girl, and then looked at Ye Qing: "I like to give you anything, since I brought it here, just put it away!"

A maid director walked towards the main entrance of Jingtai Palace outside the garden.

When Ye Qing and Huanhuan came in, they were empty-handed.

I want to get something on the horse of the car.

There is no need for words, just one eye, and the maid must know how to understand.

Ye Qing walked towards the woman holding Queen Mother Dong's sword, stretched out his hand to take the sword in her hand, and then swung the sword backwards, and then said to Queen Mother Dong: "Great-grandmother, my grandson has seen a sword technique called Taiji Bagua. Swordsmanship, I just haven't practiced it, but I remember some routines and fake moves, I respectfully ask my great-grandmother to correct me!"

"Oh! Tai Chi Eight Diagrams Sword Art! It's a good name." Empress Dowager Dong scratched her mind, but she had never heard of this sword art.

She really understands the gossip about the Book of Changes!
Qishan Pavilion is playing the Book of Changes and Bagua, and majoring in inner family mentality.

Mrs. Dong came from Qishan Pavilion, so he naturally cultivated in this way.

Judging from the name alone, this Taiji Eight Diagrams swordsmanship should be a very mysterious swordsmanship.

So she suddenly had a strong interest.

Ye Qing jumped up, and the tricks he had seen in the past appeared in his mind.

At this time, combining his own martial arts, he danced his sword and moved around, every move and style was pushed back and forth like Tai Chi.

Starting and turning, moving the body and moving the body, stepping on the sword and coming out, all coincide with the way of gossip.

From slow to slow, it is getting faster!
There are a total of 32 gestures of watching the wind, examining the situation, holding the tripod, pulling the horse and picking clothes, and turning the fan back.

Although there were many mistakes along the way, fortunately Ye Qing performed it completely.

Empress Dowager Dong stared straight.

This Tai Chi Eight Diagrams sword technique is truly mysterious and boundless.

It can be fast or slow, soft or rigid.

To be able to defend and attack, one has to cultivate one's morality.

It is really a blessing for the elderly.

This kind of swordsmanship can be practiced continuously, it is quite a great way, and it is easy to go further.

Empress Dowager Dong looked excited and her eyes were eager, as if she had found a treasure.

The frequency of patting Huanhuan's small hands was also higher, and the smile on his face was stronger.

After finishing the fight, Ye Qing cupped his sword and said, "I don't know if great-grandmother is satisfied?"

"Satisfied! Qing'er's swordsmanship is something your great-grandmother has never seen before. This swordsmanship is brilliant and delicate, beyond the reach of ordinary people. It is really rare for you to be able to practice this far at such a young age. In the future, you will practice diligently at home. After falling into this skill, I believe your martial arts can go further!" After the Queen Mother Dong finished speaking, she said to Huanhuan:

"Why don't you come and pay for the people, the butcher shop, and the fruit cakes here at Ai's house? I'll walk alone with my dear grandson!"

"It's the Empress Dowager!" Huanhuan wanted to stand up, but was held back by Empress Dowager Dong, signaling her to just sit down.

Standing up and walking out of the Meiting, Empress Dowager Dong said to the four maids: "You stay with the girls and treat each other well."


The four maids bowed in response.

Empress Dowager Dong then said: "Qing'er, follow me for a stroll, and tell me about this Tai Chi Eight Diagrams sword technique..."

"It's great-grandmother!" Ye Qing nodded to Huanhuan at Meiting, and followed the pace of Queen Mother Dong, strolling in the plum garden.

While walking and chatting, Ye Qing first told Empress Dowager Dong the basic formulas of Taiji Bagua swordsmanship.

Empress Dowager Dong nodded straight after listening, and then told him his understanding of Taijian Bagua swordsmanship and Ye Qing's mistakes just now.

Ye Qing accepted it humbly and said that he would continue to practice after returning.

Then Empress Dowager Dong introduced her Jingtai Palace to Ye Qing.

It turned out that there were no more than ten people in Jingtai Palace including Empress Dowager Dong.

And all of them are official women, not a single eunuch.

Jingtai Palace is actually very big, and there are many rockeries and ponds in the palace, but it is still dominated by green vegetation, showing the breath of life everywhere.

It seems to be an ecological park, where people live in Jingtai Palace.

There will be a feeling of comfort and close to nature.

The state of mind is naturally peaceful and comfortable.

Unknowingly, Empress Dowager Dong took Ye Qing to the hall of the inner hall.

As soon as he approached the door of the hall, the voice of the system immediately sounded in Ye Qing's mind.

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for successfully checking in at Jingtai Palace and obtaining a copy of the iron-making technical materials!"

finally come!

Ye Qing was secretly happy.

Today's harvest is guaranteed.

He looked up at the plaque above his head, and suddenly found that the plaque was carved with a sword.

It was not crafted, nor painted.

"Great-grandmother, you couldn't have carved this plaque yourself with a sword-like brush!"

"Qing'er has good eyesight, I wrote it with a sword." Empress Dowager Dong didn't hide it, and then went straight in.

It's really her!

Ye Qing was a little uncertain about the strength of Empress Dowager Dong.

With the skill of using a sword to transform a pen, I am afraid that it is at least on the same level as Li Bai.

Because Li Bai likes to use a sword to engrave stones or bricks, pick up a pen, write poems and leave a name.

Even if the Empress Dowager has such strength, how many existences are hidden in the depths of the Great Zhou Palace that make people outside the palace daunting?

(End of this chapter)

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