I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 188 What Do You Think of the Dong Family?

Chapter 188 What Do You Think of the Dong Family?

"Qing'er, I heard that you have conflicts with Mount Taihua!"

Entering the hall of the inner hall, Empress Dowager Dong asked directly.

Her eyes were scorching, like a pair of searchlights, not allowing any ghosts to hide.

So direct!

The matter with Mount Taihua was originally a sensitive topic.

Ordinary people dare not talk like that.

But the person in front of me is the Empress Dowager Dong of the Dong family of Qishan Pavilion.

Nature has no taboos.

And Ye Qing suddenly understood why she brought herself here alone.

There are some words that even the most intimate and trusted confidants cannot listen to.

Ye Qing replied: "Great-grandmother, it's true. One of my subordinates named Li Bai was impatient. He had a conflict with a troublemaker student from Mount Taihua who entered the workshop. Afterwards, things became more and more misunderstandings, and it became the current situation."

Seeing that Ye Qing did not avoid cheating, Empress Dowager Dong asked again: "How do you want to settle this matter?"

"Let it take its course!" Ye Qing also said very simply.

Go with the flow?

Empress Dowager Dong was stunned, as if she didn't believe it.

Ye Qing explained: "Great-grandmother heard it right. For this matter, my Xiaoyao Mansion's attitude is to let nature take its course. If Taihua Mountain practices rituals, we will treat them with courtesy; if we practice martial arts, we will reject them with force!
The purpose of Xiaoyao Mansion has always been that when friends come, there is wine and meat, and when enemies come, there are strong bows and hunting knives! "

After listening to Ye Qing's explanation, Dong Qinghou smiled.

"You have a very good temper, and you have the backbone of my big week." Pointing to the mat beside him, he said:
"But, do you know the true energy of Mount Taihua? Do you know how many strong people there are on Mount Taihua? Do you think that madman Li Bai in your mansion can take over all the anger of Mount Taihua?"

Ye Qing walked over to sit cross-legged according to Empress Dowager Dong's instructions.

Although I don't like this posture very much, it's up to you.

It is not good to disobey the Queen Mother Dong.

But after sitting down, Ye Qing also replied very bluntly: "My grandson has heard about the strength of Mount Taihua, and I heard that its head, Hong Baxian, was a sixth-rank powerhouse ten years ago, and his strength is similar to that in the sect. They are really strong, and with the ability of Li Bai in my house, it seems that he can't stop him now.


"But what?" Empress Dowager Dong didn't refute it, but asked about Taihua Mountain with a nod.

Ye Qing continued: "Great-grandmother, if there are not only one Li Bai in Sun'er's mansion, but five or ten, can Taihua Mountain still be as wanton and domineering as it is now?

Or will the great-grandmother and His Majesty watch their grandson being bullied by Taihua Mountain, so that Da Zhou's face and prestige will be damaged? "

"Uh..." Empress Dowager Dong was taken aback for a moment, then she showed a doting smile, and said softly, "Zhuzi! You are so cunning!"

"Hey, great-grandmother, grandson, this is an upright conspiracy. How can you use a derogatory term? You should be smart." Ye Qing grinned and bared his teeth.

The old lady is a sensible person.

It's true that she came from the Dong family, but after all, she married into the royal family, the empress dowager.

That's the royal people.

"You're the only one who can quibble!" Empress Dong Da said angrily, "You think very well, but your father may not be willing to let Da Zhou take the blame for you. Ask about nosy things, but I don't have the energy to help you fight injustices.

Forging iron requires self-strengthening. The way to strengthen oneself lies in self-strengthening. Others are foreign objects, like flowers in the moon in the water, which will disperse at any time. "

"It's great-grandmother, grandson remembered it." Ye Qing knew that from now on, the old lady really treated him as a great-great-grandson.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to say such a thing.

"Qing'er, let me ask you, what do you think of the Dong family? Everyone knows that the Dong family comes from Qishan Pavilion, and Qishan Pavilion is a member of the Six Sects. Everyone fears the Dong family like a tiger, and dare not go deep into it. In terms of theory, there are many precautions, lest the rivers and lakes and the court will be mixed together, so that the country will not be the country!" The Empress Dowager Dong pondered for a while, and suddenly asked a sharp and sensitive topic.

The Dong family originally had the convenience of the Qishan Pavilion, and was also the head of the harem, so that in the first two dynasties, the Dong family was powerful and was suppressed by all parties.

In Ye Zhen's dynasty, he is even more reluctant to mention it.

If one is not good, all the previous efforts may be in vain.

Ye Qing didn't know what the old lady wanted to do.

After pondering for a while, he looked at Empress Dowager Dong and replied:
"Great-grandmother, my grandson thinks that home is the smallest country, and the country is the biggest home. If there is a country, there will be a family. If there is no country, there will be no home. Whether the family is good or the country is good, as long as it can make the Great Zhou prosperous and powerful, why bother to live in the country?" call out the judgment of the outside world.

If the Great Zhou is strong, the Dong family must be strong. The family and the country are closely related. If the Dong family wants to become a real famous family in the world, sticking to the nine counties is just watching the sky from the well.

Only rest with the country, enjoy the same prosperity with the country, assist the country to go out of the customs, and unify the east, where the country's borders are, and where the Dong family's children are. Have your own answer! "

Ye Qing's words are undoubtedly sound words!

Empress Dowager Dong was shocked.

A home is the smallest country, and a country is the largest home. Only a country can have a home.

Big Zhou is strong, and Dong's talent is strong.

It is nothing to be strong in Dazhou, let Dazhou walk out of Hangu Pass, unify all countries, and go far away with the empire.

No matter how big the country is, Dong can go far.

At that time, when the branches and leaves are scattered, what is the difference between a family and a country?

The layout and vision determine the scenery and height.

That's what a 14-year-old said.

What kind of Fengying has he seen before to be able to have such a bearing.

"Qing'er's words are wonderful, your great-grandmother has never heard anyone say that." Empress Dowager Dong collected her expression, returned to normal, and asked calmly:
"Then Qing'er thinks, how can the Great Zhou be truly powerful, how can it go out of the Kanto, and change the pattern of the East."

Ask such a sensitive question again.

Ye Qing would have thought more if he hadn't known that Queen Mother Dong never interfered in political affairs.

After thinking about it again, Ye Qing carefully replied: "Simple, the will of the people must obey the will of the empire, and the will of the empire must obey the will of the king;

If you want to fight against the outside world, you must first settle down inside. If you are uneasy inside, you will continue to be disturbed outside! "

The answer was vague, but also very specific.

The meaning is ambiguous, but the attitude is clear.

To sum it up in one word is centralization!
After all, Queen Mother Dong is the old queen who has been in the deep palace for so many years.

I have seen countless strong winds and waves.

I have eaten more salt than others have eaten rice.

At this moment, there are also ups and downs, and emotions are surging.

After thinking too much, she felt a little tired, rubbed her temples, Empress Dowager Dong waved her hand and said: "People are old, useless, talk about something, and you will get sleepy after chatting for a while, it's better for you young people, you can be lively , go, go to the plum garden and have a romantic relationship with your little maid, otherwise she won't be able to wait."

It ended inexplicably.

Could it be that the words of difficult talents are too exciting.

Ye Qing didn't ask any more questions, he stood up and bowed.

When Ye Qing was about to exit the hall and turn around, Empress Dowager Dong said again: "What you said today, don't tell other people, not even your father.

Come and visit Ai's family when you have time, let Huanhuan come over if you don't have time, I think that girl is very nice, no one can bully her in Jingtai Palace, even when she is out of the palace..."

(End of this chapter)

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