I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 189 Almost Lied To Me

Chapter 189 Almost Lied To Me

Ye Qing and Huanhuan met Zhang Rang not far from Jingtai Palace at a turnaround!
Zhang Rang saluted respectfully:

"Your Highness! Your Majesty wants you to go to the imperial study before leaving the palace! Please come with me, Your Highness!"

"Lead the way ahead!" Ye Qing had already guessed that Ye Zhen would find it.

So no surprise.

Soon Zhang Rang took him to the Imperial Study Room.

Ye Qing asked Huanhuan and the others to wait, and went into the imperial study room by himself!

"How is your great-grandmother!"

At this time, Ye Zhen was reviewing the memorial, and asked without raising his head.

Ye Qing replied: "Your Majesty, my great-grandmother is still in style, full of energy, and her sword dance is still exquisite. The air in the whole plum garden is fresh, and the green plums are bearing fruit. It is too beautiful to behold!"

"Oh!" Ye Zhen was a little surprised, stopped the imperial brush in his hand, and looked at Ye Qing enviously:
"I have never been in the Plum Garden. There are so many wonderful places in Jingtai Palace. I didn't expect your great-grandmother to like you very much."

Ye Qing was also a little surprised!

Ye Zhen has never been in the Plum Garden.

Why does it sound a bit awkward!

Could it be... Ye Zhen has a bad relationship with Empress Dowager Dong, or Empress Dowager Dong didn't pay much attention to Ye Zhen back then.

"Don't be surprised, there are many royal disciples who have never been in the Plum Garden or even the Jingtai Palace." Perhaps to hide the embarrassment, Ye Zhen forced a reason to prevaricate it.

You are the emperor!

It is very different from other royal children.

However, Ye Qing did not expose Ye Zhen's wounds.

Also secretly rejoicing.

It seems that I not only entered the plum garden, but also got the instruction from the Empress Dowager Dong, and entered the hall of the inner hall to speak alone.

If such treatment was spoken out, Ye Zhen would probably be able to pinch his own neck.

"Since your great-grandmother appreciates you so much, did she mention Taihua Mountain to you!" Ye Zhen changed the subject.

After holding back for so long, it was the first time he had talked to Ye Qing about the disturbance caused by Ye Qing.

This incident had a great impact on the empire and the royal family.

If you don't handle it well, the game will crash.

Ye Qing didn't add much thought to reply: "Please rest assured, Your Majesty, this matter will be basically resolved by the scriptures!"

How to solve it, Ye Qing doesn't want to have a deep relationship with Ye Zhen.

Just perfunctory me like this!

Just one sentence?

I believe you are to blame.

However, Ye Zhen's real goal of finding Ye Qing to come here is not to light up Mount Taihua.

So he asked: "Yesterday you made a bold statement outside the south city gate that you would turn the wasteland outside the south city into a granary within a year. What's the matter?"

Turning the worthless wasteland into fertile land within a year, anyway, Ye Zhen couldn't do it, even with the power of the whole country.

There are only tens of thousands of people under the rule of Nancheng County, so they can't all rush to open up wasteland and farm!

Even that can't be done.

Because there is a piece of bad land outside Nancheng, the land is not good enough, and nothing will grow, so it is very good to grow grass!

But it's just weeds, and it can't be fed to horses.

In short, it is a place of no value.

"Of course this is true. Just give me [-] cows, and I will be able to perform a miracle." Ye Qing's solemn tone was the same as yesterday.

Another [-] cows, the cows can lay golden eggs for you.

Ye Zhenwen said angrily: "The specific method?
"I can't say for the time being. If your majesty wants to know, I can only tell your majesty that I will build river embankments to store water, and I will also lead tens of thousands of people in Nancheng County to open up wasteland and work hard to get rich!" Ye Qing didn't intend to be too specific, because That way Ye Zhen would feel crazier and even more impossible to complete.

Ye Zhen was so angry that his nose was almost crooked.

You can't say that you want to ask the immortals to cast spells, but you are afraid that others will learn from them.

"Then what do you want the cattle for? They are Turkic cattle, which cannot be cultivated. It is rumored that you want to buy cattle and sell them in the Yingxiong Building to collect money. You are not doing things for the country and the people?" Ye Zhen stared. Staring at Ye Qing fiercely.

As long as Ye Qing admits this, the imperial pen in his hand will be thrown at him and stabbed to death.

What's the use of a prince who only looks at money.

You need to know the right to have everything.

Money is just a bunch of numbers.

If you want, there are ten thousand ways to get rid of it.

It's just to see if I can bear that level.

Ye Qing knew this and couldn't hide it. If he didn't explain clearly, Ye Zhen would not agree to import so many cattle, let alone pay for it.

So he replied truthfully: "Your Majesty, I want cattle for farming, not for appetite. If it's just for the business of Yingxionglou, I can do it quietly. I don't need many cattle all year round, and I don't want to mobilize teachers. "

Listening to Ye Qing's explanation, well, you really are.

There was still a hint of doubt on Ye Zhen's face, he stared at Ye Qing tightly.

Ye Qing said again: "Although the Turkic cattle are beef cattle, they have never been trained, but as long as they enter the land of my Great Zhou, and arrive at my Nancheng County, I will have a way to turn them into farming cattle, and they are bigger than my Dazhou. The cattle must be obedient, and they will naturally contribute to my farming in Da Zhou."

"Sure enough, you have a way to turn a beef cow into a farming cow!" Ye Zhen's breathing became short of breath, and his hand holding the pen tightened even more.

With a sudden snap, the royal brush was snapped off by his mother finger.

Farm cattle!

If tens of thousands of beef cattle were transformed into farming cattle, the entire Dazhou would be a scene.

Harvests are everywhere, farmers can cultivate more land and produce more grain.

The food tax paid is also more.

Every family has cattle, how much labor can be saved, and these people will join the army and become soldiers, how many soldiers can be added to the Great Zhou.

It can be said that a small farming ox can directly change the style and national strength of the entire Great Zhou.

Why is Ye Zhen not excited.

Seeing the broken pen, Ye Qing knew that most of the success was achieved. He bowed and replied, "I did an experiment yesterday. I used a thick needle to pierce the cow's two nostrils and made one nostril out. The cattle rope goes through the two holes and is tied around the head and neck of the cattle, so that even a small boy of five or six years old can lead and drive the big cattle.”

"What, punch a hole for the cow, and pass the rope through the two holes!" Ye Zhen was a little incredulous.

You can still play like this.

This thing has never been swabbed.

In the past, a cow's harness was made to encircle the cow's head like a horse's harness to drive it away.

Moreover, cattle are extremely valuable, and they are usually offered as uncles.

How could he be willing to punch a hole for it to wear a rope, if he got sick and died from blood infection, he would lose his head.

Who would have thought that the easiest way to subdue a stupid cow is to punch a cow in the nostrils.

"Yes, Your Majesty, it's that simple." Ye Qing reminded:

"Your Majesty, please keep this matter a secret for the time being. Once the news comes out, the Turkic people will not sell us cattle. We should buy beef cattle from the Turkic and Qiang people in large quantities while the news is out. good."

"It should be like this!" Ye Zhen was so excited this time that he slapped the dragon's case again and said:

"Don't worry, I won't take a single cent of the money stolen from the aristocratic family and the officials this time. I will use it all to buy cattle. If it is not enough, I will buy more cattle even if I empty out the Shaofu." .”

Ye Zhen is not stupid, if it is true, he will not hesitate to buy as many cattle as he can.

At that time, it will be distributed throughout the country. He will have ten thousand cattle, and one hundred thousand cattle will plow the fields.

It's the whole scene.

How the people of the entire Great Zhou would praise him.

He, the Great Zhou Emperor, is bound to overwhelm the Kanto countries and become the Holy Emperor of a generation.

At this time, Ye Zhen suddenly had a thought, whether the sixth child deliberately made that bet in order to lure the cattle in.

Granary, granary, I am afraid that the granary and the miracle he mentioned are the miracles created by the entire Great Zhou turning into a granary.

My son, the layout is so big that I was almost fooled.

(End of this chapter)

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