I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 190 Wu Linglong's Exploration

Chapter 190 Wu Linglong's Exploration
"Your Majesty Shengming!"

Ye Zhen's words are enough, Ye Qing knows that Ye Zhen still wants to be a promising king.

Although Ye Zhen is a bit mean and ruthless, he is a king who wants to make a career.

In this regard, Ye Zhen is still qualified.

"Okay, it's okay, you can go back first!"

Knowing the whole story clearly, Ye Zhen waved his hand to send Ye Qing away.

Ye Qing couldn't help but label him again.

Sure enough, it is unplugging the ruthless, once it is worthless, it is like chasing flies immediately.

This made Ye Qing feel contemptuous.

But he didn't leave, but continued: "Your Majesty, I still have something to say!"

"Hmm! What else do you want to talk about!" Ye Zhen put down the broken pen and closed the memorial.

Ye Qingdao: "My minister thinks that Dazhou and Turks can establish some mutual markets to facilitate the purchase of large quantities of beef cattle, and at the same time facilitate the export of snowflake salt."

Without a mutual market, his wool plan cannot be carried out.

The value of wool is worthless. If there is no mutual market, it is impossible for the Turks to smuggle it into the country.

Even if you can fool Murong negative, you can only get a little bit.

It can't support his textile factory at all.

"This..." Ye Zhen hesitated.

The mutual market is not a trivial matter, it is related to the national policy of the Great Zhou, and it is okay to buy cattle, because it is a one-sided business.

So it is very much needed in the big week.

Seeing Ye Zhen's hesitation, Ye Qing continued: "Your Majesty, I still have a sharp weapon related to the country that I didn't mention. I found that this wool can be made into winter clothes after special processing.

This winter coat is not only soft but also extremely warm. If our soldiers wear one in autumn and winter, the combat power of our soldiers in Da Zhou will double. "

"Winter clothes made of wool!" Ye Zhen was surprised again.

That shit can still make clothes.

It's smelly, loose and irritating!
But soon Ye Zhen chose to believe it, because Ye Qing couldn't lie to him.

It is impossible to come up with groundless rumors, especially the last sentence can double the combat power of the soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty, so that he has almost no reason to refuse.

"Yes, Your Majesty, my Xiaoyao Mansion is experimenting with this matter, and there are more than eight floors of success. Once the verification is successful, then my entire Nancheng County will invest a lot of manpower in organizing this matter. The wool needed will be Astronomical figures, if there is no convenient way to do things, I am afraid that in the end it will be futile to work in vain. If you miss an opportunity to make the Great Zhou country rich and strong, the minister will sigh. The feeling of worrying about the country but not being able to do our best.

This made Ye Zhen even more touched.

Ye Zhen pondered for a long time before lightly shaking his head and said: "I'm afraid this matter is extremely difficult, and the ministers in the court will not agree easily."

Open the exchange market, those old stubborn can't be sprayed to death.

The civil servants are the first to make trouble, and the aristocratic family is even more dissatisfied.

Because whoever is doing the smuggling is undoubtedly the aristocratic family.

Opening a mutual market is to put the interests on the front line and let more people compete for it. How could the aristocratic family allow it.

"Your Majesty, the mutual market is nothing more than interests. As long as there are greater interests and more delicious things to guide, I think all obstacles will be swept away." Ye Qing said in a persuasive way:
"Even for the matter of wool, the purchase price is almost zero, and once it is made into winter clothes, it can be worn not only by Zhou's army, but also in the Kanto countries, whether it is the nobles or the common people. , the benefits involved will be astronomical, and both Chen and Da Zhou can give up some benefits, I think there will definitely be people competing for it!"

Ye Qing's words really made Ye Zhen want to move.

After thinking for a while, Ye Zhen said: "Go back first, don't mention this matter to anyone other than me, I will think about it!"

"It's Your Majesty!"

Ye Qing knew that Ye Zhen was only thinking about the pros and cons, and he had power over other things.

So retreat wisely.

When the bait is thrown out, it depends on how many people come to bite the hook.


While Ye Qing and Huanhuan were not around.

Wu Linglong is half the master, starting her own wrist.

The first person she found was Li Bai.

Because Li Bai is crazy enough, and his personality is too straightforward.

Such a person can get things out with just a little trickery.

So Wu Linglong took the wine and came to the martial arts arena.

At this time, Li Bai was dancing his sword and chanting poems.

However, from time to time, when I smashed my mouth, I always felt that it lacked a little taste.

Soon Li Bai's nose twitched.

A gluttonous aroma of wine wafted faintly, making him refreshed for a while.

Li Bai, who has no wine, obviously has no spirit.

Li Bai turned to take a look.

I saw Wu Linglong walking slowly with a maid.

The maid was holding an altar of heroic spirits in her hand, and it was from Kaifeng.

That's where the aroma comes from.

Li Bai gulped down his throat, staring at the wine jar, his eyes were a little straight.

He turned a blind eye to the two pretty lines of wind and shadow between Wu Linglong and the maid.

This annoyed Wu Linglong and her maid.

Sure enough, he is a dead alcoholic, who recognizes alcohol but does not recognize people.

A pair of good clothes was blinded in vain.

"Ahem, Li Xiashi is very interested, and he is carving poems with his sword again." Wu Linglong said with a clear cough.

Li Bai came back in a daze, he couldn't help feeling embarrassed, bowed his head and said politely: "I've seen Mrs. Wu!"

"Li Xiashi doesn't need to be too polite!" Wu Linglong said: "I heard that Li Xiashi doesn't like wine, and that he needs to drink alcohol when practicing swords and composing poems. Only with wine can one be able to improve martial arts. Specially ordered someone to bring a jug of wine here, please Li Xiashi appreciate it!"

I really invited myself to drink, Li Bai was quite touched, but shook his head lightly and said:

"Thank you Madam Wu, Li Bai promised Your Highness that he will not drink alcohol for the next four months, Madam Wu's kindness is appreciated by Li Bai."

Although Li Bai is a glutton for drinking and knows that Ye Qing is not in the mansion now, he still has his own integrity.

Naturally, he will not break the precept easily.

Mrs. Wu gave her maid a glance, and then said with a smile: "Li Xiashi is serious. His Highness is not here today. It doesn't matter if you have a drink. Li Xiashi has done his best for Xiaoyao Mansion and made many contributions. Linglong is grateful to you on behalf of His Highness. Please don't delay."

Wu Linglong's maid understood Wu Linglong's meaning, twisted her waist, straightened her plump chest, and leaned towards Li Bai holding the wine.

Wu Linglong can seduce Ye Qing, but she doesn't believe that she can't seduce Li Bai with her own beauty.

This time I vowed to help Wu Linglong get some news, otherwise Bai Xiaoge should reprimand them for their incompetence.

But they underestimated Li Bai's determination and his martial arts.

Li Bai is a fourth-rank strength, let alone a little maid, even if Wu Linglong goes off in person, she will never get his clothes dirty.

So with a flash of Li Bai's figure, he moved ten steps away from the maid.

Then he held his sword and cupped his fists and said, "Mrs. Wu has devoted herself to taking care of all the people in the mansion for His Majesty. Li Bai felt very warm. However, His Highness has rewarded Li Bai with a lot of scriptures. Li Bai made an oath and asked Mrs. Wu to forgive me. Please take back this wine and give it to me." Jie Zhi, I believe His Highness will praise Mrs. Wu when he comes back."

Give Cheng Yaojin that bull.

Wu Linglong couldn't help feeling annoyed.

The cow looked clumsy, but it was actually very cunning.

"Okay! Since Li Xiashi has such perseverance, Linglong will not force it." Wu Linglong waved her hand lightly to get the confused maid to step back, and then cupped her fists at Li Bai and said:

"Linglong admires His Highness's martial arts the most. It was His Highness who rescued me on the horse back then, saving Linglong's life and death. Linglong has always been curious about where His Highness's martial arts come from. Now that I have seen Li Xiashi's martial arts, I can understand it. Let me ask you a question." , Your Highness is from Li Xiashi's fellow 'Glory of the King'?"

(End of this chapter)

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