I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 193 Dong Bai Enters the Mansion

Chapter 193 Dong Bai Enters the Mansion
"My lord, after you went to Jingtai Palace today, Mrs. Wu came to me with wine!"

After nightfall, Li Bai knocked on Ye Qing's study, and finally told the day's events.

Ye Qing stopped the water conservancy information he was writing in a hurry, raised his head and said with a smile, "It's okay, he must be asking you about the 'Glory of the King'!"

"My lord, are you really predicting things like a god?" Li Bai had a look of admiration on his face.

Ye Qing said: "Then you can tell her!"

"No, how could Li Bai talk nonsense without the lord's promise?" Li Bai shook his head, expressing his firm stance, and did not forget to add:
"Even if she kept using fine wine to seduce me, I wasn't fooled!"

"Hey, do you want me to praise you?" Hearing this, Ye Qing smiled. Li Bai is not a master of peace, he is born wild and uninhibited. After thinking about it, Ye Qing said:

"You can actually tell him that next time she's trying to ask about the 'Glory of the King', you'll just be like this..."

Li Bai's eyes lit up when he heard it from below, he grinded in the study for a while, and then left happily.

The next day!

Early in the morning, Gu Yangyang came to report.

"My lord, the young master of the Dong family, Dong Bai, is begging to see you!"

"Dong Bai?" Ye Qing didn't have the slightest idea, but he seemed to be able to guess the coming day.

Gu Yangyang explained: "According to Dong Bai's subordinates, this Young Master Dong Bai is the youngest grandson of Dong Huang, the imperial historian!"

Ye Qing said that he knew, so he called Guo Jia, and then went to the front hall to meet Dong Bai.

When I came to the front hall, I saw a young man of seventeen or eighteen years old. He was good-looking, no different from the general sons of aristocratic families.

Jinyi Huafu, with an upper-middle appearance, is full of the temperament of the children of the rich and powerful.

However, he was very modest, and he took the initiative to cup his fists and salute: "Dong Bai, a grassroots man, has met His Highness the Sixth Highness!"

Both words and attitude are peaceful.

So Ye Qingsheng couldn't show any malice.

Ye Qing pointed to the seat on the left hand and said, "Don't be too polite, just sit down and chat. All the chairs in my house are different from yours. I don't know if you will get used to it!"

Dong Bai took advantage of the trend and walked to the upper left position, sat down comfortably and clasped his fists and said: "When you come to Xiaoyao Mansion, you should act according to the rules of His Royal Highness, it doesn't matter whether you are used to it or not!"

As expected of Dong Huang's grandson, he has a certain amount of advance and retreat.

It made Ye Qing look at him with admiration. It seems that the Dong family's family education is very strict.

Recalling Dong Juan's expression of always being owed 10 taels of silver by others, Ye Qing couldn't help but nodded.

"Did your grandfather ask you to come, or your great-grandmother?" Ye Qing asked with his mind back.

Dong Bai didn't hide it, stood up and replied: "Grandpa asked me to come, he said that Xiaoyao Mansion has a lot of things worth learning for me, I think Nancheng County was first established, His Highness should need a lot of people, so I recommended myself to come here Your Highness asks for an errand."

Ye Qing didn't speak, but turned his gaze to Guo Jia on the right.

Guo Jia was leaning lazily at first, but immediately stood up straight, and said to Dong Bai: "The moment Brother Dong Bai entered the mansion, I could see that he is a man of great talent. Watching his deeds and listening to his words, it's really true." It’s worse than worse, and I will face all the troubles in Nancheng County with Lao Dongbai.”

Ye Qing then smiled and said: "Okay, then Dong Bai, you will follow Guo Jia from now on, and he will arrange your government affairs!"

Dong Bai paid homage to Guo Jia: "This will trouble Mr. Guo!"

"I've seen the outsiders, haven't I? What's your name, Mr. Brother? From now on, we'll just eat in one basin." Guo Jia walked over, put his arms around Dong Bai's shoulders, and said with a playful smile:

"As a brother, don't say that my brother doesn't take care of you. The weather is fine today, and it's suitable for you to go out to investigate. You can tell me honestly, where in Chang'an City is the most ecstasy for men, how many times have you been there..."

While talking, Guo Jia led the bewildered Dong Bai out of the hall.

Ye Qing patted his face, feeling the urge to strangle Guo Jia to death.

"Forget it! Leave him alone!"

Ye Qing still had a lot of things to do, so he didn't pay much attention to it. At this time, Cai Lun walked to the front of the hall with the scriptures.

He came in and said, "My lord, you said that you have something to explain today, and you don't know what to order!"

Seeing Cai Lun, Ye Qing thought of something, walked over, and said: "Follow me to a place, you will find out later!"

Take Cai Lun to the northeast corner of the mansion, where the raw materials for papermaking are stored separately.

After soaking for so long, the classics stinks to the heavens.

You can smell it a hundred paces away.

"This is……"

Ye Qingdao: "Cai Lun, from now on, I will order you to be in charge of making paper, to grow for me, and to produce the best paper in the world for me."

"It's the lord!" Cai Lun excitedly accepted the order.

Make paper!

This is a life that lasts forever!
After exchanging a few words with Cai Lun, reminding Cai Lun of some relevant knowledge and precautions, and asking Gu Yangyang to assign some manpower and Yu Jin and others to send some more guards, Ye Qing left.

"Come on, go and call Zhao Yun and Li Cunxiao into the city!"

"It's Your Highness!"

At that moment, a personal guard went out to the racecourse to inform the two of them to enter the city.

Ye Qingping retreated to the left and right, letting Li Bai stay nearby, and then he relaxed, and said to the system:

"System, give me "Glory of the King" Xiang Yu's force!"

I am now a rank one, and I don't know how many ranks I can rise to after inheriting Xiang Yu's military power from the glory of the king.

Some anticipation and excitement.

"Good master! Now I will inherit the King of Glory" Xiang Yu's military power for you!"

As soon as the words were spoken, a ray of purple light descended from the sky and landed on Ye Qing's body.

That's right, from last time, Ye Qing didn't allow the system to adjust the light color to purple light.

Green Light always felt uncomfortable.

The purple light sprinkled on the body, warming every skin and pore of the body.

Inadvertently, Ye Qing let out a comfortable moan.

Close your eyes and feel the changes in your body.

He found that there were countless dark energies hidden in the limbs and bones, and these dark energies seemed to come out to roar at any time, allowing him to fight on without stopping.

The biggest change is in the dantian, as if there is a vortex, where the essence of the outside world is continuously absorbed, and the essence is continuously exhaled.

Let him be full of energy and fighting spirit.

After opening his eyes and looking at himself in the mirror, Ye Qing could obviously notice that his brows were more clear, as if there were twinkling stars.

The facial features and water chestnuts are more distinct, handsome and charming, making him a little bit overwhelmed by a man himself.

"Isn't that too ostentatious? Ah, my damn charm that has no place to rest..."


Where the roof is.

Holding the sword and wandering his eyes, Li Bai, who was inspecting the surroundings, suddenly raised his head and found a purple light flashing and disappearing.

The target turned out to be Ye Qing's room.

He couldn't help being horrified, and immediately moved his body and ran towards the room. Before he broke in, he heard Ye Qing's normal vocal cord self-assessment, stopped his feet, took a step back, and jumped up, as if he had never appeared before.

Then raise your feet at 45 degrees and look up at the sky.

"Is this the legendary Ziqi coming from the east?"

(End of this chapter)

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