Chapter 194
After half an hour!
The martial arts school in the mansion!

Zhao Yun and Li Cunxiao rushed back from the city, thinking that something urgent happened.

It turned out that Ye Qing was going to compete in martial arts.

Xue Rengui was among them.

"My lord, your strength has risen!" Li Cunxiao was the strongest among all the generals, looking at Ye Qing's eyes flickering, revealing surprise and a hint of shock.

It's only been a long time since the lord has improved again, and it's not a realm yet.

This speed is faster than an arrow.

The Venerable Master is really envious!

Now Zhao Yun and Xue Rengui finally knew why Ye Qing called Li Cunxiao back.

Because Ye Qing was originally a first-class strength, like Yu Jin, Cheng Yaojin and others who are top-notch, they can be easily defeated.

Although Zhao Yun and Xue Rengui are both of the first rank, they can only be tied with Ye Qing.

Alone, the Yijing can't be used to practice martial arts for Ye Qing.

The most suitable person is Li Cunxiao.

As for Li Bai, he followed the swordsman's way of assassination, which was not the same way, and could not help Ye Qing consolidate his strength.

"That's right, I suddenly made some progress today, so I called you two back." Ye Qing said:

"Cunxiao, you rest first, Zilong and Rengui fought with me first, I have learned a new sword technique, you two come to attack me and wipe it off."

Zhao Yun and Xue Rengui looked at each other, each nodded, and took up their weapons.

"My lord, be careful, we are coming!"

The other knives were too inferior, so Ye Qing simply took a newly forged Mo Knife.

The Mo knife is a bit slender, but the blade is thick enough and the blade is heavy enough.

Ye Qing weighed it, although the weight is a bit light, it can barely be used.

Zhao Yun and Xue Rengui were divided into left and right sides, and shouted at the same time. Zhao Yun fired his spear like a dragon and was the first to die.

Zhao Yun's spear was extremely fast, like lightning flashing and thundering in an instant.

Ye Qing moved the pole, turned the blade, and went up to meet him.

However, Zhao Yun was actually a feint, withdrawing his gun and returning his momentum, luring the enemy in and preparing to stop him.

But Ye Qing knew Zhao Yun well, so he would not be fooled by him. Instead, he turned the blade and killed him to the other side.

At this time, Xue Rengui stabbed with a halberd, obviously taking advantage of Zhao Yun's cover to make a stealthy move.

"Qiang!" sounded.

Jin Ming was harsh.

Xue Rengui's hand holding the halberd trembled slightly, his expression surprised.

He knows Ye Qing's strength, how did he increase so much this time.

Could it be that his strength has jumped to the third rank?

But he couldn't think so much, Xue Rengui mustered all his energy and attacked desperately.

He knew that he couldn't do it without a fierce attack. The original Ye Qing was strong. If he didn't attack first, he might not have a chance later.

Facing Xue Rengui's onslaught, Ye Qing didn't move, and took the knife with his sword.

And received very calmly.

There were constant ping-pong-pong, and sparks splashed everywhere, pulling the battle into the most intense life-and-death competition.

This made Zhao Yun, who wanted to take defense as the leader, had to give up his strengths and took the opportunity to stab from the bottom lane.

Zhao Yun's rush is fast, and the reality is unpredictable.

Ye Qing moved his body this time, and had to distract himself from the attack of the two.

Played five rounds, each with several tricks.

Ye Qing searched for his feeling while playing, and integrated Xiang Yu's sword technique in "Glory of the King".

Although he was gradually forced back by the two, he became more and more loyal and was not defeated by the two.

On the contrary, it is somewhat adapted to the offense of the two.

"The will to fall into battle!"

Suddenly Ye Qing roared, and the sword technique in his hand changed, and he used a combat technique.

The long knife charged up and swung horizontally at the same time.

The blade handed over Xue Rengui's halberd and Zhao Yun's spear.

The two only felt that the weapon in their hands was shaken by a huge force, and it was retracted uncontrollably, and the huge force transmitted from the body was also shaken back.

With one skill, all the attacks were resolved, and at the same time, a thin opening was made in the tiger's mouth of the two, and a trace of blood was printed and dyed.

The two were taking three steps back, their weapons dropped, and their eyes were full of horror!

"My lord, you are so... strong!"

If Ye Qing was on the same level as them in the past, he is a head ahead now.

Although Xue Rengui and Zhao Yun didn't use their unique moves or nirvana, one can imagine how strong the two combined to attack.

"Barely beat the two of you, it seems that my sword technique still needs to be improved." Ye Qing turned to look at Li Cunxiao and said:

"I respect you for coming!"

"It's the lord!"

Li Cunxiao also looked a little excited.

Both Zhao and Yun and Xue Rengui lost to Ye Qing.

It further corroborated his guess.

In this way, finally someone can fight him head-on, and he can have a good fight.

If Li Bai waits, the advantage lies in his skillful movement, and fighting is very boring.

Men, men who come off the battlefield, like to be tough and tough.

Li Cunxiao walked to the weapon rack on the school field, and took the heaviest horse spear made of fine steel.

After dancing for a while, he walked towards Ye Qing.

Ma Chan is also one of Li Cunxiao's best weapons, and he is skilled in techniques.

The power is astonishing, especially the horse charge, which is even more threatening.

"Good come!"

When Ye Qing saw Li Cunxiao rushing forward, his blood also accelerated, and his fighting spirit was even higher.

Holding the Mo Dao, he slashed across.

Li Cunxiao dodged, but Ma Qian blocked him.

Ye Qing drew back his knife and blocked it!
"Qiang!" sounded.

The knife and lance are separated.

"It's too light, come on!"

That's right, Li Cunxiao obviously lost his strength in the blow just now.

Ye Qing was quite dissatisfied for not putting in all his strength.

"Okay! My lord, let's see!"

As soon as Li Cunxiao's blood surged up, it didn't matter how much he had just lightly struck, he knew from experience that Ye Qing's strength was at least the third rank.

It is really hypocritical to be timid.


Gathering up their momentum, they hit the strongest blow, and the swords and spears of the two collided in the air, and the sound vibrated in all directions.

The fire is electrified and dazzling like a rainbow.

"Clang clang!"

The two of them kept shifting their steps, and the weapons in their hands desperately greeted them.

Or up or down or left or right.

You attack me to block, I attack you to block.

It's hard to say.

The sword came and went, and for a while, sand and soil were flying all around, and the sound of gold was endless.

"Jingsi accepts my move, the ambition to fall into the battle!"

"My lord, take my move, General Lie!"


A loud bang.

It was deafening to hear the impact of the knives and spears, and at the same time the air exploded, and the sand and dust seemed to be cut by several penetrating blade lights.

Then they all fell down.

Like rain, there was a rustling sound.

The parties involved, Ye Qing and Li Cunxiao both took two steps back, and raised their weapons at a 45-degree angle to the outside of their right arms.

The eyes of both of them were a little reddish, and their expressions were serious.



The two stepped on their feet at the same time, jumped and swung their weapons.

"Fearless charge!"

"Break the door!"

People hand over two blades in mid-air, and the blade comes first.

"Boom!" There was another loud bang, and Ye Qing's saber continued to push against Li Cunxiao unabated.

Li Cunxiao's lance was firmly stuck on Ye Qing's Mo Dao, and flames continued to emerge from it.

But his hand didn't loosen, he pressed down tightly.

After landing, the feet stepped on the ground, and the imprints made by the two shoes on the ground were like ruts.

After ten steps, Li Cunxiao stabilized his posture, then deftly moved the head of the horse's lance around the edge of the blade, lunged forward, and stabbed Ye Qing's neck with the lance.

(End of this chapter)

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