I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 196 Repairing the embankment of the reservoir is impossible

Chapter 196 Repairing the embankment of the reservoir is impossible
"What! Do you want to build the embankment? My dear, how much labor will be conscripted this time!"

"Yes! It's over. As soon as the new county magistrate comes up, he will work hard to repair the embankment!"

"It's hard for us little people, what's the use of repairing those two rivers, they flood every spring, what's the use of repairing?"

"That's right, that piece of wasteland, let it be flooded by the flood..."

As soon as they heard that the embankment was going to be repaired, the people who watched the excitement felt their scalps go numb.

His face was bitter and he was in a bad mood.

You must know that whenever the imperial court makes big moves and conscripts labor, most of the people have to do coolies.

And this kind of labor is not only free, but also has to buy dry food by yourself.

Each family has a certain number of days of hard labor each year.

This is stipulated by the law, and if you don't go, you will be dealt with according to the law.

A light fine of money and food, a severe beating and imprisonment.

Originally, after the autumn harvest, there were two directions for general labor.

One is to fight a war, which requires civilian husbands to deliver supplies.

The second is to repair the city.

It is impossible to repair the city every year. If there is a war, the war with the Turks will end early.

He can no longer act as a civilian husband.

So this year is considered a good year, and you can serve less.

As a result, Nancheng County is now newly established, and it is a great achievement to come up.

The people naturally took it for granted, and complained endlessly.

"Cough cough, don't make noise and make trouble." The arrester who read out the notice coughed and said:

"Listen well, the construction of reservoirs and embankments here and now is not forced labor, but voluntary labor. The county magistrate has a law. Anyone who voluntarily goes there will be in charge of food and housing. They will only work for five to six hours a day. If you work for one month, you can get [-] mu of land, if you work for two months, you can get [-] mu of land, for three months, you can get [-] mu of land! After working for four months, you can get [-] mu of farmland!"

All around suddenly quiet.

Everyone's eyes widened and they stared straight at the talking catcher.

The arrest was made by the guards of Xiaoyao Mansion, who had already seen the strong wind and heavy rain.

Smiling, he continued:

"The county magistrate still has a law. Anyone who is a carpenter, mason, or blacksmith can get money, food, and housing subsidies that match their abilities!"

"What? And money, food, and housing subsidies?"

Everyone screamed.

Can't believe it.

"Going voluntarily is not conscripting labor! Is there such a good thing in the world?"

"Your Highness the Sixth Highness is benevolent and righteous. Only His Highness the Sixth Highness has such arrogance. He is willing to pity me and other poor people!"

"I have no hope for subsidy or anything. I don't even care about Tian. The main reason is that His Highness is willing to cover food and housing. Just for His Highness, I, Ye Xiaoer, did it with him!"

"That's right, we are not afraid of working, nor are we afraid of suffering, as long as we are full, I, Niu Hanhan, will go too!"

"I'll go! I'll go too, count me in!"

Soon, many people patted their chests and expressed their willingness to repair the reservoir and river embankment.

Without it, it is affordable!

In the winter, there is no work to do, and I stay at home idle, and a strong laborer has to eat up how much stored food.

If you can save this ration, you will earn money.

Food and housing are included in the county, and they only work five to six hours a day, so they are not harsh people.

So as long as the brain is not stupid to death, people will suddenly become active.

Just in case, if the conditions are not good, you can still come back to work. Anyway, this is not forced labor.

It is voluntary to build reservoirs and embankments.

In addition, this is a good deed, and it will be a fortune for future generations to get rich, and it will be a fortune to go out in the future. You can proudly tell the younger generation that I have done great things.

"Excuse me, where did you sign up? I'm the first one to sign up..."

"Don't worry, everyone. From tomorrow onwards, we will set up stores at the south gate exits of each square, and in every pavilion and township outside the city. We will definitely let everyone who wants to go have a chance. Everyone can rest assured that our Nancheng County's finances are very good. This year Only do one big thing, and the money will be used wisely..."

When the surrounding people heard the words, they were relieved and applauded one after another:
"Okay! Great! Nancheng County Wannian! Nancheng County Wannian..."

Word spread quickly.

Hard labor was not collected for repairing the embankment of the reservoir.

This is simply unheard of, unseen.

All of a sudden, the whole of Chang'an was discussing this matter, and all the previous news was covered up at once.

And this is different from the past, the big news in the past was closely related to the common people.

Most of the people hold the mentality of eating melons.

The so-called irrelevant matter, hang high.

Only when it comes to yourself will you pay serious and close attention.

And it goes on and on.

The news spread to the eyes and ears of all parties who were already paying attention to Ye Qing's movements.

In fact, it also surprised all parties.

Then there is confusion.

Ye Qing is playing tricks again this time!
Xiaoyao Mansion is so rich.

Food and lodging included, if it costs one hundred and eighty thousand, does Xiaoyao Mansion have the financial support?
Even if they were given porridge and bran every day, that would be an astronomical sum.

"Nonsense! It's just nonsense, does he have to be unconventional?" Hearing the news, Ye Zhen patted the dragon chair directly in the imperial study.

Leaving aside something that has never been heard of like a reservoir, the embankment alone has been busy for several years.

And as soon as it comes up, there are two rivers.

How could it be done.

It is even more a joke not to conscript labor.

How could it be possible to support Xiaoyao Mansion's family fortune.

"Go, let Ye Qing withdraw the notice to me, don't embarrass Da Zhou!" Ye Zhen became more and more angry, and this time he had to intervene.

If Ye Qing was allowed to go on like this, the newly built new county would be ruined within a few months.

"No!" Someone replied, and then went down to deliver the decree.

As soon as the person arrived at the gate of the palace, Ye Zhen said again: "Wait, come back, don't go, call Liu Buren to me!"

In the evening, Dong Bai returned to Dong Mansion.

A steward has long been waiting in front of the door.

"Master Bai, the Patriarch said, go to his study when you come back."

"Grandpa is looking for me!"

Dong Bai seemed to think of what to do, nodded, then tidied up his clothes, patted the dust on his body, and then went to see Dong Huang.

Pushing the door open, Dong Juan inside was staring at a pair of calligraphy and paintings hanging on the wall.

After Dong Bai closed it, Dong Huang asked without turning his head:
"The news from outside is true!"

Dong Bai bowed and replied: "Back to Grandpa, the news is true. It is the grandson who heard the order from His Highness the Sixth Highness with his own ears, or it was the documents and files that the grandson personally wrote down."

"What is he trying to do? It doesn't make sense!" Dong Huang continued to stare at the calligraphy and painting, his brows were furrowed, as if a heavy burden was weighing down on him.

Surrounded by clouds, mountains and fog, you can't get out of the maze.

"Grandson couldn't figure it out either. Judging from his tone, he just wanted to repair the reservoir and embankment." Dong Bai thought for a while and added:

"I have had so much acquaintance with Guo Jia. It can be seen that the people in Xiaoyao Mansion are not pretending, but sincerely want to accomplish this. The purpose of all this seems to be to turn the wasteland outside Nancheng into a granary.

They have been planning for this for more than a day or two.And I think its determination is to devote everything to this matter. "

Dong Juan turned around, snorted coldly, "I've only been there for a day or two, you're so sure, they're not performing in front of you."

(End of this chapter)

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