Chapter 197
Dong Bai is still young, and many things are only seen on the surface.

"The grandson is not sure, but the feeling. The grandson feels that Xiaoyao Mansion has a unique temperament, and there is also an atmosphere of being born to do things for the world. Their minds seem to be the whole world, not the Great Zhou." Dong Bai also confided in a complicated mood.

He was born in a family, and he has been nurtured and cultivated since birth, and this is how he has his current vision.

But after entering Xiaoyao Mansion, he realized that his so-called sense of superiority and open-mindedness in conversation were no match for a group of ordinary people who were born in the common people.

"Oh! It's so. Does everyone have the same unyielding ambition like Ye Qing? Has a fascinating life experience?" Dong Juan was also a little surprised, his grandson knew it all too well.

At the beginning, he was not happy to let him go to Xiaoyao Mansion, and his expression of contempt was reluctance.

Now that Xiaoyao Mansion is being praised so much, it can be seen that there is indeed a group of strange talents gathered there.

"Grandpa! It is indeed as you said. Although each of them is different, they all have a centripetal force, all have unyielding ambitions, and all have the lofty ambition to make Great Zhou prosperous!" Dong Bai asked:
"Grandpa, what is the order that my aunt gave us, why don't you let me go to Xiaoyao Mansion the next day!"

I went to Xiaoyao Mansion by myself, this is standing in line.

Completely broke all the patterns.

With the support of their Dong family, Ye Qing is no longer fighting alone or alone.

Qishan Pavilion is one of his backing.

"Your aunt didn't give me any instructions, but she just wrote four words to me on bamboo slips." Dong Huang slowly stretched out his right hand that was tucked into his wide cuff, and a bamboo slip came into Dong Bai's eyes impressively.

Dong Bai widened his eyes when he saw these four words, and finally murmured softly: "Celebrate the prosperity of the Zhou Dynasty!"

"Bai'er, your aunt is right!" Dong Huang threw the bamboo slip into the brazier, and soon the bamboo slip was scorched and turned into flames.

"Ye Qing probably knew the consequences of our Dong family defecting to him, so before the forces of all parties take action, he stabbed himself first, so as not to be plotted by others. This step is quite famous." Dong Huang sighed. Then he said:

"It's just... it's not easy to finish. The knife is a little deep, and it's hard to pull it out. Once you pull it out, you will die. Grandpa may be old and can't see the world anymore. You should keep your eyes open and see for yourself!"

"It's grandpa, my grandson wrote it down!" Dong Bai seemed to understand, his heart was empty.


the next day!
At the Nanfang gate of every square in Nancheng County, there is a team of ten soldiers squatting.

Next to it is a clerk and a desk.

Then start registering.

Many applicants gathered around.

The applicants included not only people from various workshops in Nancheng County, but also people from Wannian County and Chang'an County.

The people of these two counties were equally jealous and crowded in.

Nancheng County accepted all the orders and did not treat them differently.

For young and strong laborers, the more the better.

This side is recruiting manpower. Ye Qing saw the dusty people in the mansion and returned to Li Bing.

After listening to his further report and feasibility analysis, Ye Qing took out the hydraulic engineering knowledge he had learned in the past few days and started to discuss with him.

"Your Majesty, it turns out that there is so much knowledge about the construction of the reservoir and embankment, which really amazes Bing." After listening to Li Bing, his eyes lit up and he was ecstatic.

In this day and age, knowledge is so scarce.

Those who can absorb new blind spot knowledge will spare no effort to learn and absorb it, and turn it into use.

In the next few days, Ye Qing and Li Bing were still learning from each other, drawing structural drawings to facilitate construction, and monitoring the process and quality.

The number of people signing up is increasing every day, and the forces of all parties have not taken any action, and have been watching quietly.

Waiting quietly.

Yang Mansion in the east of the city!

The Patriarch of the Yang family in Hongnong untied the cloth bag and took out the letter in bamboo slips sent from Hongnong County.

"This... how could this happen!"

After reading it once, the Patriarch of the Yang family was still a little unbelievable, and quickly scanned it again with his eyes.

The result is still the same.

"Father! What did you say in the letter, why do you look..." In the hall, the young man who had a trace of trust between the eyebrows of the Patriarch of the Yang family asked.

The Yang family sighed slightly: "The letter said that Mount Taihua was provoked by a sect called the Huashan faction, and the five branches of the Taihua mountain sect, and the top ten gangs were all destroyed by the Huashan faction;

The third elder of Mount Taihua was wounded, and the fourth elder was killed. Headmaster Hong Tianba and the first elder were leading a team to hunt down the bandits of the Huashan sect. They had no energy to go to Beijing, let alone confront Xiaoyao Mansion. "

"What? Taihua Mountain was provoked, and an elder died!" The young man was terrified.

Taihua Mountain is one of the six major sects.

Although it is the bottom of the existence, it is not something that anyone can mess with.

This Huashan pie must have eaten the heart of a bear and the guts of a leopard.

"That's right! I've never heard of this Huashan sect. Four mere disciples are so arrogant and lawless." The Patriarch of the Yang family rubbed his head with some pain and said:

"Now everyone can't wait for Taihuashan's anger anymore, and we have to find a new way to contain and suppress Xiaoyao Mansion."

For ten days and a half months, why is Chang'an City quiet? Isn't it just waiting for news from Mount Taihua?
Now Mount Taihua is in constant trouble, too busy to take care of himself, and has no energy to embarrass Xiaoyao Mansion.

"Xiaoyao Mansion is really lucky to cause such a big trouble, and someone took the initiative to help them divert Taihua Mountain's attention." The young man said angrily:
"Then father, let's just forget about it, and let's forget about the grudge that my brother was demoted and returned to his hometown?"

"Forget it, how is it possible!" The Patriarch of the Yang family sneered and said:

"Ye Qing beat your younger brother first, and caused him to lose his official status. He has no chance to be an official in this life. Then he helped Ye Zhen take away the two items of salt and iron from the Ministry of Households. Every time he came for our Yang family. If you don't Stop him, he will make progress, I am afraid that not only my Yang family will be damaged, but all the aristocratic families will also be disrupted by him, this son must be eliminated!"

"Father, where do we start?" the young man asked, in fact, he had a plan in mind, just to see if it coincided with the father.

The Patriarch of the Yang family raised his head and stared at the beam for a long time, with a sinister look on his face:
"There are so many places to attack, Xiaoyao Mansion and Ye Qing himself have countless loopholes, just like a sieve.

First of all, their money and food is a fatal weakness. He wants to recruit people to repair water conservancy. Although he does not need to pay wages, but to ensure that the group of untouchables eat and drink, he has to spend a lot of money to buy food.

The first point we can drive up prices, increase the speed of his money and food consumption, kill his money and food, and make him a pauper overnight. Even if he has many properties, he will not be able to recover his blood! "

Having said this, the Patriarch of the Yang family paused for a moment, showing a smug smile.

Youth remains.

There are not many other things in the family, but there is a lot of money and food.

(End of this chapter)

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