I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 199 Ten Thousand Numbers and Buying and Selling Grain

Chapter 199 One hundred thousand and buying and selling grain

"Wan San, don't worry, tell me carefully!"

Ye Qing said to Shen Sanwan who came in rashly.

The food price increase was within their expectations, so Ye Qing was not surprised.

Everyone in the hall did not panic, they had already planned.

Shen Wansan then explained the recent changes one by one.

"My lord, this is an abnormal change, it is man-made, it is a large amount of hoarding and purchase, it is aimed at our Xiaoyao Mansion and the business, it is after we announced that we are repairing the reservoir and the embankment..."

After Shen Wansan finished speaking, Ye Qing did not comment, but turned to look at Li Ru.

Li Ru is in charge of the intelligence department.

His subordinate Jin Yiwei must have tracked this down.

All forces are also the key targets of Jin Yiwei.

Who moved and what was done is basically known.

Li Rudao: "The Hongnong Yang family made the first move. Although they did it very covertly, there are still clues."

"Then there are the major families, people from the Fufeng Palace and the Hongnong Palace." Li Ru added:

"By the way, there is also Wuguan. The Chuyue Kingdom has banned the sale of grain to me for a big week. I think it should be the new King of Chu Yecai!"

"So, our opponents have all shot." Ye Qing smiled without further discussion.

Guo Jia said: "That's not right, Wansan, don't we buy our grain from the Hanzhong Grain Shop? The Hanzhong Grain Shop is transported from Hanzhong and other countries in the Shu region. The grain is very plentiful. Yangliu and other aristocratic families want to buy Chang'an and still do it." No way, we have an agreement with Nanzheng County Prince's Mansion."

"Mr. Feng Xiao, this is exactly what I want to say." Shen Wansan was from Hanzhong Grain Shop, and he knew the situation better, so he said:

"Now the Hanzhong Grain Store has also stopped supplying us with food. They said that because of the skyrocketing price of food, all the Hanzhong Grain Stores in Chang'an have sold out of food due to the panic buying these days. One needs to be shipped from Hanzhong, and the other is cold. The war in the state has not stopped, and the military supplies cannot be cut off, so Liangzhou has to be supplied first, so there is no surplus food for Xiaoyao Mansion for the time being."

Seeing Shen Wansan's troubled expression, Li Ru explained: "My lord, Zhang Lu, the eldest son of Nanzheng County, and Zhang Yanran, the county advocate, left in a hurry and returned to Hanzhong on the second day after we issued the announcement. To, go back to fulfill your filial piety and reunite with your family."

"Hehe, it's really time to go." Zhang Yi snorted coldly:

"I have long seen that Zhang Lu is not a good guy, and the Zhang family is not a nice guy. Isn't this a sign of breaking the contract? Hanzhong Grain Store doesn't give us food, so we can't embarrass a few shopkeepers, let alone travel thousands of miles. Run to Hanzhong!"

"It's possible to find the King of Hedong. I'm afraid that this low-key prince should also be closed to thank the guests at this time, and he won't see anyone." Shang Yang also sneered and mocked.

The dog that does not bark will bite, and the bite will be more fierce.

The harmless King Hedong, who has never done anything, is a real threat.

The best disguise is to become someone close to you, a friend and relative.

He dared to say that once he had the chance to strike a fatal blow to Xiaoyao Mansion, the King of Hedong would strike faster than anyone else.

The digging of Zhang Yi and Yu Jin last time is a typical example.

"My lord, how should we deal with it?" Shen Wansan asked while wiping:

"Can we continue to open up the Guandong trade route, and use the forces of the Marquis of Luoyang and Marquis Wucheng to purchase grain from Wei and South Korea?"

"No need! Buying grain from Wei and South Korea has to pass through Hongnong County, and you will still be intercepted by the Yang family and the Cui family. At this time, Hongnong County is still out of control. We will still focus our main force on Guanzhong." Ye Qing After thinking about it:
"Suspend all alcohol production, especially the suspension of wine sales to Hanzhong and Liangzhou, and find an excuse for yourself!"

"It's my lord, Wansan knows what to do!" Shen Wansan replied, whatever excuses Hanzhong Grain Shop used, he could use whatever excuses to refuse.

Anyway, everyone knows it well!
Ye Qing then asked Zhang Yi, "How much grain do we have?"

"According to my lord's grain priority principle, we have been hoarding a large amount of high-quality and low-priced grain since we got online with Nanzheng County Prince's Mansion, especially during the autumn harvest, we quietly purchased a large amount from major grain merchants.

At this time, the granaries in the mansion are all full, and outside the mansion, we have a large amount of grain stockpiled in Minwufang and other workshops, enough to meet the expenses of tens of thousands of people until next spring. "

Ye Qing nodded. Food is the foundation. This is the basic strategy he has set, so food has been just in need of purchase.

In order not to be slapped on the neck.

Therefore, Xiaoyao Mansion has never had any spare money, because if there is any money, it will be used.

At this time, it came in handy.

It's just that this amount is still not enough.

There is uncertainty about how long the reservoir will actually be repaired.

So Ye Qing asked Shang Yang again: "How many people signed up!"

"Returning to my lord, there are 8 people who signed up, and this is still in Chang'an City. The counties around Guanzhong have not yet been counted. I believe there are at least tens of thousands more.

A total of 10 people will be exceeded! Shang Yang blurted out, these numbers were engraved in his mind long ago.

One hundred thousand!

Everyone took a breath.

Although it was expected that there would be many people, the number of [-] is still too large.

There are not so many civilian husbands recruited by the imperial court to fight with the army!

If 10 people are not well controlled, it will be a catastrophe.

Not to mention letting them work, management is a university question.

One hundred thousand strong laborers.

If someone fanned the flames, it would be easy for big trouble to happen.

And just at the foot of the imperial city, how will His Majesty the emperor see him, how will he react.

Everyone stopped talking and all looked at Ye Qing.

It's not that they have no ideas, but that Ye Qing needs to set the tone.

Ye Qing glanced at everyone, and also pondered in his mind before saying:

"I still have more than 3 taels of silver here. Shen Wansan, take it to buy grain, and go to Chang'an City to buy it. No matter how high the price is, you will agree to it and pay a small deposit!"

"It's the lord!"

3 taels is a lot, and you can buy a lot if you buy it normally.

If only a deposit was paid, then it would be possible to purchase more grain, and Shen Wansan could still handle this matter.

Then Ye Qing said to Zhang Yi: "You divide the grain outside Xiaoyao Mansion into four or two shares, find four small merchants, and sell two of the grain directly to Shen Wansan's firm, and sell the other two to Chang'an except Hanzhong Grain Shen Wansan is going to buy these two grains from other grain merchants and grain shops in the store."

"..." Everyone!
What kind of operation is this? It takes so much effort.

The food was tossed, and the grain merchants and food shops in Chang'an City made a profit for nothing.

Isn't this a prodigal?

"My lord, what's next?" Guo Jia seemed to think of something, but he was not sure, so he asked again.

Things are not that simple, how could my lord do business at a loss.

"After that, it is to drive up the price, so that he can raise it as high as he can. Shen Wansan continues to place a deposit, and the amount of food he wants will be doubled for me. In short, it feels to the outside world that we will eat as much food as possible. That's half the battle." Ye Qing smiled and hooked the corner of his mouth and said:

"In the end, it depends on how many fish are hooked!"

(End of this chapter)

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