Chapter 200 Salted Fish
My lord, is this going to trick someone again?
Although I still don't quite understand the principle behind Ye Qing's operation.

But it does not prevent everyone from imagining how the enemy will be tricked.

They have blind confidence in Ye Qing, and Ye Qing's charm has always deeply affected them.

Ye Qing said yes, then it will definitely work!
"My lord, I will understand how to do it."

Although there are still risks, Shen Wansan was born as a businessman, and his keen sense of smell has also discovered the key.

Supply and demand and price are always hand in hand.

"Let's start construction tomorrow, and allocate tasks according to workshops. Since there are so many abundant labor forces, we can call and use them in batches. Let them build embankments and roads first, and make a Daping Road into the mountains, so that we can carry out the follow-up work." Project..." Ye Qing explained other matters.


The next day, the project started. Nancheng County, with the people of Xiaoyao Mansion as the leadership core, first mobilized strong labor from the two workshops near the Nancheng Gate to repair and widen the road.

Then they mobilized people from a workshop in Chang'an County near the west gate to fish with their nets, and at the same time mobilized people from a workshop in Wannian County near Dongcheng to fish with their nets.

At the same time, Shen Wansan hurriedly went to the major grain stores to buy grain, and also pre-purchased grain from various grain merchants.

Nancheng County made a move and finally started construction.

But the movement didn't seem to be as big as imagined.

Not all the recruited people were thrown in at one go, which was beyond everyone's expectations.

It seems a bit thunderous and rainy.

Especially the matter of going down to the river to fish puzzled them.

Why do you want to fish? Is it because you know that there is a shortage of food and fish to fill the gap.

"Fishing! What is Xiaoyao Mansion up to?"

Yang Mingxuan thought he heard it wrong?

Isn't Ye Qing recruiting people to repair reservoirs and embankments?

what kind of fish to catch.

Does he love fish?
"Master, if you don't believe me, you can go and have a look. Xiaoyao Mansion is really fishing with those untouchables. The Weihe River is full of fishing boats and fishermen. Their fishing methods are a bit special." It's true.

Yang Mingxuan was dubious, but he still asked someone to lead the way and went to Weihe River to see it himself.

When I came to the Weihe River, I saw countless civilians busy on the bank.

Both on the bank and in the river.

Shouting and laughter continued.

When I got closer, I found that the bank was full of fish caught from the river, basket after basket, covering a large area.

It was like an ocean of fish, with such a large number and rich variety that he had never seen in his life.

From time to time, boats rowed over from the center of the river, splashing countless waves from the stern.

Let the boat sway, and when the boat stops at the shore, some people with tacit understanding rushed into the cool water to hold the boat steady, and then stretched out their hands to fish for the stern.

Then several people grabbed something and began to drag it to the shore.

The waves in the river were bigger, and then gradually saw countless live fish jumping in the water, and more people on the bank began to help drag them together, until it was about the same time, then reached out and grabbed the fish to the basket on the bank Throw it up.

"This is... they are not fishing, but net fishing?"

That's right, if you look closely, you will find that these huge numbers of fish are all carried in nets and dragged ashore from the river together, instead of fishing with tools and sharp weapons.

Nor is it fishing with cormorants!

"It's no wonder that so many fish have been caught. This method has achieved great results." Yang Mingxuan said humanely to his subordinates:
"Go and ask, what's so special about this website!"

When he said this, Yang Mingxuan looked at the Xiaoyao Mansion soldiers who were patrolling not far away to maintain order.

"Master, my villain is going!"

"Wait! You're trapping those untouchables, what is Yu Xiaoyao Mansion doing with it?" After speaking, Yang Mingxuan took out half of the money from his body and threw it over.

This small amount of money is enough for the untouchables to tell everything they know.

Sure enough, the servants of the Yang family found out soon.

Immediately came back happily and reported: "Young master, according to these fishermen, these fish will be sent to the Minwu workshop, what kind of salted fish are they going to make!"

"Salted fish? What the hell is this?" Yang Mingxuan felt that his brain was not enough.

Forget about this novel fishing method, what is this salted fish?

Never heard of it, let alone ate it.

Saltyness has something to do with salt, is it salted?

But this thing is ordinary, and it consumes a lot of salt. Pickling salted fish doesn't mean it consumes more money.

But suddenly Yang Mingxuan seemed to think of something.

Showing a suddenly realized expression.

Ye Qing bought 5 taels of coarse salt from Shaofu.

He wanted to use up the salt.

It must have seemed so.

Thinking of this, Yang Mingxuan didn't care about it anymore.

Fish and fish are as cheap as grass.

Da Zhou didn't eat fish very much, because few people knew how to cook fish, and it had a strong fishy smell, so powerful people didn't like to eat it.

Only some poor people caught them to satisfy their hunger, but the fishing methods in the past were too backward and primitive.

So basically there are still few people who eat.

There are not many stalls selling fish in the entire eastern and western cities.

There are countless residents in the city and outside the city, but in the eight waters surrounding Chang'an, the amount of fish is extremely rich.

Just one net will be full of fish.

This is also one of the reasons why Ye Qing asked people to organize manual fishing with nets, which resulted in a bumper harvest.

All the fish are sent to the civil affairs workshop non-stop, and then killed, washed, pickled and dried.

The first-class snowflake salt, spread on it, marinated more delicious, more beautiful, without any impurities.

Everyone can see what Dong Xiaoyao's mansion is doing, so no one stops it.

After they found out that Xiaoyao Mansion was going to make salted fish, they were all happy to see the joke.

"Salted fish! Does Lao Liu still have this kind of spare money to make salted fish? Does he really not see the crisis in front of him? Strange!"

The calmer Ye Qing was, the more uneasy Ye Wei felt.

It always feels like something is going wrong.

"My lord, are we still buying food?" the person who reported asked.

Ye Wei thought for a while and said: "Don't sell it for the time being, tell everyone, wait for a while, now we have eaten a lot of food, let's see if Xiaoyao Mansion will really sell a huge amount of food, with his current consumption, It can still last a long time.”

Ye Qing's real water conservancy project has not yet started, but thousands of people have been mobilized to build roads.

The food consumed is too limited.

"It's the prince, I'm going to notify you right now!"

This side of Chang'an City is undercurrents surging, when the waves are turbulent.

In Hongnong County, which is almost forgotten by people, an event that will change the fate of many people is happening at this time.

Luoyang City!
This is the largest city on the border between the Great Zhou Empire and the Kingdom of Wei and South Korea after leaving Hangu.

The north of Luoshui was returned to Wei, the east of Luoshui was returned, and the south of Yishui was returned to South Korea.

To the west of Luoshui is Dazhou.

Luoyang City is a commercial city, connecting the north and the south, generally speaking, the population is quite large, and the commerce and trade are well developed.

Therefore, the competition for interests here is naturally one of the most intense.

At Yunyan Pavilion in the western suburbs outside the city, four members of the Huashan School, Yang Guo, Jing Wuming, Feng Qingyang, and Yue Buqun, could not afford to meet.

About to launch a cleansing of all gangs and factions in Luoyang City, at this time Hong Baxian arrived with the Great Elder and other Taihua Mountain disciples, and surrounded the Yunyan Pavilion.

"Get rid of all the peeping people, and seal the road leading down the mountain!" Hong Baxian waved his hand, never moving his gaze away from the Yunyan Pavilion, and walked slowly.

"It's the master!"

A group of Mount Taihua disciples took orders one after another, and formed a formation.

While going down the mountain to expel the mountain people, they heard the news from the rivers and lakes and came to join in the fun.

"It's a pity that I can't witness Hongzhangshan's thunderbolt attack, sweeping all directions!"

"That's right! This Huashan sect is too ignorant of the heights of the heavens and the earth, and dares to enter Hongnong County to moles the Taihua Mountain. This is playing a lantern in the toilet to seek death!"

(End of this chapter)

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