Chapter 204
"Boss Shen, go slowly, come next time!"

In front of a grain store in Chang'an, the obese shopkeeper kindly sent Shen Wansan away, and sold out all the grain in the grain store.

Until Shen Sanwan walked away with the convoy.

Only then did he return to the shop, his face beaming with joy, thinking about how much he had earned from this batch of transactions.

"This bastard is so easy to make. It's 8000 taels in one hand. It's a pity that there is not much food in stock. If I knew it, I wouldn't have sold it so early."

"Hey, shopkeeper, hurry up and buy food! This Xiaoyao Mansion needs to raise those muddy legs, and this food is definitely not enough!"

Fat shopkeeper's eyes lit up when he heard the words, it's good to make money.

But immediately there was a hint of worry in the eyebrows, and he sighed:

"Where can we get food at this time, so the food in Chang'an City will almost be bought by Shen Wanchang."

"Go out of the city to other counties and counties for trafficking, and it will not be able to enter the city for a while!"

"Besides, the Chuyue Kingdom doesn't sell grain over there. Hedong has to cross the Yellow River, and the two countries of Han and Wei are a little farther away. Can they catch up with this wave of good luck?"

Seeing the shopkeeper's heartbeat, with a look of heartache and worry on the face of being able to make money but not being able to make money, the waiter in the shop reminded:
"As the shopkeeper, I know where there is food, but..."

"But what?" Fat shopkeeper hurriedly asked, but seeing the cheap expression of the shop boy, as a veteran in the mall, how can he not know what he wants, so he took out a penny from his pocket, weighed it and said with a smile:
"As long as you can find food, money is nothing, and I can give you a raise and a promotion."

Xiaoer was overjoyed when he heard the words, and hurriedly confessed his thoughts.

"Boss, our grain stores are out of grain, or they are all holding their hands to continue to increase, but those aristocratic families and rich households who have hoarded a large amount of grain after the autumn harvest have grain in their hands.

Isn't the reason they hoard is to make a lot of money in this situation, why not ask them for food. "

The shopkeeper was overjoyed when he heard the words, and threw Yiguan's money to Xiaoer, but he regretted it immediately, and asked:

"These aristocratic families and rich people are the ones who started this rice frying. They just don't want Xiaoyao Mansion to get the food. I'm going to ask them for it. Isn't it courting death?"

"Shopkeeper, at this time and at that time, their purpose of raising the price is not to sell it at a good price, and they dare not sell it to Xiaoyao Mansion themselves, but if we pass it, it will not cause public anger..."


If the aristocratic family wants to deal with Ye Qing, it is naturally not easy to directly contact Xiaoyao Mansion to buy and sell food, but they can ship goods secretly.

The money is earned, the reputation is gained, and the pit is also pitted.

In the face of one's own interests, how can there be any monolithic.

But it's because the benefits are not enough.

"Wonderful! It's so wonderful!" Fat shopkeeper was overjoyed, so he said to Xiaoer:
"Now there is no work in the store. You all go out to find food for me. No matter how much it is, it is a good job if you can find it. I will report to the boss. Your benefits will be indispensable!"

"It's the shopkeeper, you're busy, we're going to look for food..."

There are many others in Chang'an who have the same idea as this grain shop.

Even if there was no reaction for a while, after hearing the news, they sent people to inquire about the news.

As long as it is food, no matter how much it costs, it must be dug.

Sure enough, they found a batch of grain soon.

And each family can get a small amount of food.

The seller was also shy, and one of them hesitated to speak, saying that he could not disclose the news and had to hide it.

Otherwise, we will not cooperate next time.

The major grain shops and grain merchants naturally nodded in response, with one hand for money and one hand for grain.

There is no problem with money and food, and each of them left happily, as if this transaction had never occurred.

Even if someone reported it, they would not admit it if they were beaten to death.

Unbeknownst to them, the gold and silver used by these grain merchants and grain stores to subscribe soon appeared in the Hero Building.

Several men in disguise put down their money and left after speaking.

"Very well, let's collect food in the afternoon."

Everything was going according to Ye Qing's plan, but Shen Wansan was also worried about what the final result would be.

In the afternoon, Shen Wansan personally went to the grain shops where the grain was sold in Xiaoyao Mansion.

Pay the rest of the money in one soldier.

Before leaving, he said with satisfaction: "Master Zhang, if there is any food, please let us know as soon as possible. No matter how much, no matter what price, I will eat it in Xiaoyaofu. Remember that my Xiaoyaofu is not short of money. We have [-] mouths, etc. Don't delay the important affairs of my Highness!"

The shopkeeper Zhang said with a gracious smile:

"Yes, yes, Boss Shen, don't worry, as long as there is food to inform you as soon as possible, we will try our best to raise food. Your Highness is concerned about thousands of years, and what you are doing is a major event that will benefit the future. We will do our best to help."

If you don't make money, you're a fool.

The hateful thing is that I only grabbed this portion, wouldn't it be better if there were more.

"Farewell, no delivery!"

Shen Wansan left the grain shop, and then went to contact other grain merchants.

After working around, he finally took back the food transferred from Xiaoyao Mansion.

And the news that he spent a lot of money to buy grain was known to all parties at once.

It has become a hot topic of discussion among countless people.

"Damn it, who sold the food, Xiaoyao Mansion bought so much food again, and it lasts a long time, who is it?" Ye Tao was so angry that he threw the pot in the Fufeng Palace.

Ye Wei on the side of Hongnong Palace is also walking.

"It is impossible for the Yang family, the Cui family, and the Liu family to sell the grain quietly. These big families will not give up all their previous efforts for such a small profit. It must be those small families who secretly colluded with each other because they saw a profit. Small grain merchant, let him go secretly."

"Come here, go and check. After you find out, make a list and give it to the Yang family, Cui family, Liu family and other family owners, and let them cook these eating things."

Old Chu Palace!

"Damn it, Ye Qing has bought food again, where did Chang'an's food come from?"

Ye Cai was also puzzled.

The subordinate said: "My lord, I heard that many grain merchants have started to buy grain from the counties in Guanzhong and other counties. Some even went to the countryside to buy grain. It is estimated that grain will reach Chang'an soon."

"Bastard, this group of merchants who only want to make money deserve to die." Ye Cai was very annoyed.
He came from a noble family, he was the prince of the Great Zhou Kingdom, his biological mother was also the Queen, and his grandfather and uncle were both emperors of the Chuyue Kingdom.

The real Tianhuang nobleman has a higher bloodline than Ye Zhen.

Although he is not as idiotic as his elder brother Ye Mao, his sense of superiority is not lower than anyone else.

"My lord, this is not the worst. The villain heard that many grain merchants have gone to Wei and South Korea to sell grain!"

"There are rumors that Dazhou will break off diplomatic relations with Chuyue Kingdom in the future and will no longer buy grain from Chuyue Kingdom. It is said that Chuyue Kingdom is unreliable. In order to protect the interests of Dazhou and the supply of grain, the court will focus on In Wei and South Korea, after all, there is a shortage of food every year, so don't expect Chuyue, a cowardly and ambitious person, to..."

"Shut up..."

Ye Cai was furious when he heard the words, and immediately drank his subordinates to continue talking, his eyes were full of murderous intent.

(End of this chapter)

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