I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 205 The King of Xiliang Wants to Transfer Guards

Chapter 205 The King of Xiliang Wants to Transfer Guards
"My lord, the first round of reselling has been completed, and the price of grain on the market has reached our expected price, and it is still rising. Not only are the grains of each family not sold, but they are also tightly covered."

Shen Wansan went back to the mansion and reported the whole situation to Ye Qing.

At present, everything is still going according to Ye Qing's plan. What is the last step?

He was also curious.

Not only him, everyone wanted to know Ye Qing's last operation.

Ye Qing looked at Li Ru, and Li Ru said:

"According to the information we reported, both Fufeng Palace and Hongnong Palace are conducting self-examination, thinking that the food sold by their officials and aristocratic families, and now they themselves are suspicious of each other."

After speaking, Li Ru added:

"But there is still no movement in the Hedong Prince's Mansion. The Hanzhong Grain Shop has been writing letters to Hanzhong, and hastened to report the information here. However, there is no plan to open a warehouse to deliver grain. The shops in the market are still empty."

"What about other grain merchants and grain stores?" Ye Qing asked.

"They are all transferring grain from other places at a high price. They are madly transporting grain from outside in order to obtain huge profits. Some even went to Wei and South Korea." Li Ru sneered:

"According to my lord, the news about Chu Yue that was released has worked. Driven by interests, some people believed this lie."

"No! This is not a lie. It may be true. Although the Chuyue Kingdom helped Ye Cai suppress us this time, it also allowed His Majesty to see the threat of the Chuyue Kingdom, and even more to see the Chuyue Kingdom's influence in the Great Zhou Dynasty. threat." Ye Qing analyzed:

"It may be a long time in the future. I will double my guard against Chuyue Kingdom in Dazhou. Your Majesty and the court officials are not fools. In the future, we will definitely open up the grain road between Wei Kingdom and South Korea. Even if the transshipment fee is higher, it will increase. Great efforts, after all, compared to no food, the higher price is not unacceptable."

"What my lord said is true. I think your majesty has a lot of fear of Hanzhong. The three princes and nine ministers of the court have long objected to the king of Nanzheng's control of the Zhou army's rations. After this matter, he will be even more jealous and will Weaken the influence of the Shu Han grain road and increase the grain transport capacity in other areas, so as to avoid the embarrassing situation that Hanzhong will have trouble one day, there will be no grain in Guanzhong, there will be no grain in the Great Zhou Dynasty, and there will be no grain in the army.” Guo Jia also echoed:
"So, this time, the Hanzhong Liangpu is doing nothing on the surface, but in fact, the scriptures just aroused the thorn in His Majesty's heart.

Now that Chang'an's power in the world is clear, it's hard to say who His Majesty will focus on next, hehe, I hope it's not them! "

"So, my lord, can we make a move now?" Zhang Yi asked, he was in charge of money and food, and now there is a lot of food, the problem is that the money is gone.

There is no half a word in the huge Xiaoyao Mansion.

The various expenses were astronomical, and the money flowed away.

"No rush, it's not time yet. We can take action when those people's food is on the road, and I need to find the biggest gambler. If he doesn't take action, all the tricks will be lost!" Ye Qing laughed.

Everyone still wanted to ask, but at this time Gu Yangyang said outside the study:
"My lord, someone is coming from the palace, it's Eunuch Zhang!"

Hearing Gu Yangyang's report, Ye Qing stood up and said:
"Look, the person I'm looking for is here!"

It's the Son of Heaven!
How can this be?

The person the Lord is waiting for is the Son of Heaven.

This time, even Guo Jia, who has always been extremely smart and unique in analysis, was stunned.

Ye Qing ignored them and came to the lobby of the front yard, where Zhang Rangyihou was here.

Seeing Ye Qing, he bowed respectfully and said: "Your Highness, Your Majesty has invited you to enter the palace, and I have told you that it is best for Your Highness to wear plain clothes!"

"Do you know why His Majesty summoned me?" Ye Qing asked bluntly.

Zhang Rang glanced around, and then replied softly: "Returning to Your Highness, Xiaoyao Mansion recently purchased a large amount of grain, which caused the price of Chang'an grain to soar. I am afraid that His Majesty is for this!"

it is as expected.

Ye Qing smiled and said: "You go out of the mansion first to the palace, and I will catch up with you on Zhuque Street."

"No!" Zhang Rang naturally didn't dare to ask more questions, passed the order, and left the mansion.

When they arrived at Suzaku Street, Ye Qing and two plainclothes men appeared in front of them as expected.

Both sides formed a team with a tacit understanding, and then entered the palace gate.

When he came to the imperial study, Ye Zhen was correcting a military report in his hand.

Without raising his head, he asked, "Do you know that the war in the west is tense?"

How to ask west side questions.

Ye Qing snorted secretly, and then replied in a serious voice:

"Returning to Your Majesty, I have heard a little bit that the Qiang people and the Liangzhou army stopped fighting from time to time, and they attacked and defended each other very hard."

"Since you know that the battle in the west is hard, why do you still cause trouble in Chang'an, raise food prices, and Chang'an is in turmoil, can Liangzhou be stable?
If Liangzhou is unstable, the western part of the empire will be unstable. If the western frontier is unstable, the empire will be unstable. You are trying to bring chaos to Zhou Dynasty! "Ye Zhen threw the bamboo slips he was correcting in front of Ye Qing's eyes.

Ye Qing was taken aback.

Ye Zhen meant to ask the teacher for the crime.

But in the end, it is still a matter of ignoring Chang'an.

But just when Ye Qing was proud, he glanced at the bamboo slips.

His eyes were firmly attracted in an instant.

It turned out that the contents of the bamboo slips turned out to be a request for help from Ye Yu, the king of Xiliang.

The book requests the elite cavalry of the Great Zhou Dynasty to reinforce Liangzhou again.

Ye Yu, the king of Xiliang, promised to eliminate a Qiang king in Baqiang this year.

Destroy the land of Yiqiang.

But what really caught Ye Qing's attention was the emphasis on the four words "Xiaoyao Fuqi" mentioned above.

There are also Li Cunxiao and Zhao Yun.

What does Ye Yu want to do?
He wanted to transfer his cavalry guards from Xiaoyao Mansion, and also wanted General Li Cunxiao and Zhao Yunxi to join the battle against Qiang.

This made him unable to understand.

The cavalry guards of Xiaoyao Mansion are Ye Qing's private army, not in the imperial order.

They are raised with Xiaoyaofu's money.

How could it be possible for you Ye Yu to use it.

"Why, I'm confused, trying to guess the intention of the King of Xiliang?" Ye Zhen looked up at it with a optimistic expression, and the corners of his mouth floated up:

"I approved it. If he can really destroy a part of the Qiang kings, not to mention Xiaoyaozeng's cavalry guards, even all the cavalry guards of the princes and counties will be transferred there!"

When he said this, Ye Zhen's whole body was domineering.

The semantics are undeniable, extremely domineering.

The attitude is extremely strong, and it is consistent.

Ye Qing stared at the bamboo slips and did not move away. He gently grasped them and put them in his sleeves.

The air seemed to freeze, and it was eerily still.

"Your Majesty! Is the treasury short of money and food?"

Suddenly Ye Qing asked.

He didn't even raise his head, and his body didn't make any other movements, and he still maintained the original posture.

Ye Zhen was taken aback!
Is the treasury short of money and food?

What does it mean.

I am talking to you about the light cavalry to aid Liangzhou, and you want to transfer the guard cavalry, what kind of treasury money and food are you talking to me about.

Ye Zhen sat up straight, leaned forward fifteen degrees, and opened his mouth interestingly:
"What do you want to say? You have endless money in Xiaoyao Mansion!"

(End of this chapter)

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