I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 206 You Can Sell Official Food

Chapter 206 You Can Sell Official Food

Shen Wansan of Xiaoyao Mansion is now a celebrity in the entire Chang'an City.

The big money tycoon and the nouveau riche who are not short of money, spend money like dirt and buy on a large scale.

I don't want to know!
Who is behind Shen Wansan, of course, is Ye Qing from Xiaoyao Mansion.

Does Xiaoyao Mansion have so much money?
There are only a few items that can make money.

Even if the profits are huge, it is impossible to keep flowing.

According to Shen Wansan's posture, it seems that he wants to buy the whole Chang'an.

"Back to Your Majesty, Xiaoyao Mansion naturally doesn't have endless money, but Your Majesty does!" Ye Qing said:

"As long as His Majesty wants it, there is endless money to spend!"

Ye Zhen's face was suspicious, but the majesty of the king was always on his face, and it became even colder.

Ye Qing was playing charades with him.

Of course he was not happy.

Ye Zhen just looked at Ye Qing like this, without saying a word.

Ye Qingdao: "Your Majesty, the food price in Chang'an is high now, but it has nothing to do with the common people. The common people bought and hoarded the winter needs in large quantities after the autumn harvest, and at the same time did not harm the country. Even if the price in the market goes up or down, there will be no more grains in the official warehouses.”


After hearing Ye Qing's explanation, Ye Zhen realized that it seemed to be the case.

At this time, those who should have stockpiled food should have stockpiled what they needed for the winter.

The price does not affect the livelihood of the people, let alone the needs of the imperial army.

Because the price of military rations has been negotiated a long time ago, the goods are directly obtained from the place of origin.

Most of them are in charge of the Zhang family in Hanzhong.

Chang'an can go up, but does the Zhang family in Hanzhong dare to raise the food price of Ye Zhen's army?

Everyone knows the reason for the high food price in Chang'an, it's to deal with Ye Qing.

You can't deal with Ye Qing, and then come to the emperor, to break the contract and increase the price of the emperor's pre-ordered goods.

That would not only have no business ethics, but you also don't want a head on your neck.

Therefore, the current inflated food price does not affect people's livelihood.

It will not disturb Chang'an, let alone Dazhou.

"What do you want to do?" Ye Zhen asked in a deep voice and angrily.

Ye Zhen couldn't understand Ye Qing's layout, which made the emperor Ye Zhen very uncomfortable.

He doesn't like this feeling.

Ye Qing is no longer trying to keep a secret, and the emperor can't wait for the scriptures.

So he came out and said: "Your Majesty, the high food price in Chang'an at this time is not raised by the minister, but by a group of food speculators maliciously. Therefore, the minister wants to do three things. One is to help the court fill the treasury. I want to take this opportunity to crack down on these hoarders and let them learn a profound lesson so that they will not do such harmful things to the country in the future. For the people of the empire to eat cheaper food."

The latter two Ye Zhen didn't care much.

The previous point reached Ye Zhen's heart.

Da Zhou is too poor.

The treasury is empty, and he doesn't want to get more money all the time.

Otherwise, he would not have listened to Ye Qing's words last time and brought the salt and iron to the Shaofu.

"Go on!"

Money is always something that can make a king's heart move, Ye Qing went on to say:

"As I said before, since this price increase does not harm the people or the country, why not take the opportunity to sell the official food to these renegades, and use this opportunity to earn several times the price difference."

Ye Zhen's forehead seemed to be struck by lightning, and it was also like being hit by a flood, and he suddenly realized it.

It turned out that this kid had this idea.

Ye Qing can't figure out how to sell the official food from the official warehouse.

But do the math, if you sell all the grain in the official warehouse, how much grain will you get, and how much can you sell for.

Even though Ye Zhen was the emperor, he was short of breath at this time.

70 million taels of silver is an easy task.

If the operation is good, millions of taels are also possible.

Ye Zhen's heart was moved, and he wished he could execute it immediately.

But although the benefits are great, he is not a three-year-old child, let alone ordinary, he is the emperor.

He considered more and more comprehensively, and said in a cold voice: "The official food is sold, and there is an accident. If Chang'an suffers a disaster and needs to open an official warehouse, some money can't make up for it. Even if you have ten Not enough heads to cut off!"

"Sell it and buy it back." Ye Qing explained:

"Your Majesty also knows that the price of grain is too high at this time, and those grain shops and grain merchants who want to make a lot of money have already transferred grain from other places. Soon there will be more grain in Chang'an, so much that no one will buy it. If we are not buying grain, who can raise the price, even if someone dares to speculate, I think the laws of the empire will not allow it.”

The relationship between supply and demand will always dominate the price.

The supply exceeds the demand, and even there is no demand. It is strange that the price can be high.

In addition, you are the emperor, and you still hold a knife in your hand.

It's like a game, with referees and players.

If you want to win, you can win.

"Ugh!" Ye Zhen choked on his breath.


The knife is in my hand, and it is not my decision.

When it comes to wrist, Ye Zhen won't lose to anyone, not to the kings of all dynasties.

After Ye Qing's analysis and agitation, Ye Zhen suddenly had a clear understanding of the whole matter.

There's a lot going on here.

Ye Zhen tapped the dragon table lightly with his right index finger a few times, and at the end a bright light flashed in his eyes, and he said in a deep voice:
"Ye Qing listens to the decree, this matter is all up to you, you must increase the revenue for the treasury, and at the same time crack down on Xiaoxiao who maliciously hoards food to drive up prices, but if there are those who block it, I will give you the right to kill first and then play. The tiger and ben guards will be suspended for a while, and I will leave it to you to command and dispatch until the matter is over."

"No! Minister Ye Qing accepts the order!"

The emperor is finally settled, and I have the official warehouse in my hands.

Both the cavalry guards of Xiaoyao Mansion and the cavalry of Huben Guard can stay in Chang'an first, so that they can do many things and ensure the smooth progress of things.

The leader Ye Qing was about to resign, at this time Ye Zhen said coldly: "If I don't bring up the memorial, do you want others to know?"

Depend on!
Obviously trying to tell me not to get carried away.

What are you doing so arrogantly?
After hearing this, Ye Qing picked up the bamboo slips, stepped forward and placed them on the dragon table, then slowly backed away from the imperial study.

Seeing Ye Qing's leaving figure, a deep smile gradually appeared on Ye Zhen's face.

"Come here, call Liu Buren here, it's time for my sword to be used!"

Back in the mansion, Guo Jia, Shang Yang, Zhang Yi, Li Ru, and Shen Wansan went into the study to discuss matters again.

"My lord, what's the big deal when His Majesty called you into the palace this time?" Zhang Yi asked.

Ye Qing took a look at the five people, then sat down and said: "One piece of news, Xiliang king Ye Yu asked the court to send more cavalry to Liangzhou, and promised to wipe out a part of the Qiang king. My Xiaoyao Mansion Rider and Jingsi follow Zilong!"


All five of them were taken aback.

What is the king of Xiliang trying to do?
Transfer their Xiaoyao Mansion's cavalry guards?

He also asked general Li Cunxiao to follow Zhao Yun by name.

When Xiaoyao Mansion is his vassal of Xiliang King or his own.

"My lord, then...how does His Majesty approve?" Zhang Yi asked again.

(End of this chapter)

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