I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 207 Continue to Buy Grain

Chapter 207 Continue to Buy Grain
"His Majesty agrees!"

Ye Qing said generously.

"This... how could he do this!"

When everyone heard the words, they couldn't help feeling dissatisfied in their hearts, and their faces were full of disappointment.

In the eyes of His Majesty the emperor, has his lord never been looked at seriously?

I didn't even think about his feelings.

Xiaoyao Mansion has never treated them normally.

"However...he promised to suspend the transfer of troops westward to Liangzhou, and wait until we have finished dealing with the Chang'an grain price issue." Ye Qing said:

"So this matter is determined by the scriptures. Next, we will do a big one, so that those who are behind the scenes can experience the feeling of heaven and hell."

Everyone heard the words and had no choice but to do so.

Then I heard Ye Qing tell the real final plan.

After listening, everyone took a breath.

The lord is still bold!

Still the hero is bold.

He even thought of reselling the official warehouse and using the grain reserves to make money.

This is something they dare not even think about.

Not to mention them, even those who secretly cast ghosts would never have imagined that Ye Qing would make such a big move.

After this move, if you want to follow suit in the future, you have to weigh your ability to bear it.

They seem to have seen countless people cry bitterly and kowtow to regret it.

Of course, the more they listened, the more excited they became.

This matter is done, enough to write a strong stroke in the history of Da Zhou.

After the discussion, each division of labor for the next step of planning.

The next day!

Nancheng County made a big move, and Xiaoyao Mansion mobilized more men and women from Fang to dredge the river.

There are also arrangements for people to build row houses in the exploration land where the reservoir is built to solve the problem of food and accommodation for the labor force when the reservoir is built.

This news completely detonated Chang'an City.

Not only will Xiaoyao Mansion not suspend the huge project in Nancheng County, on the contrary, it will continue to expand.

Carry out two-pronged construction.

Soon there will be a beautiful sea of ​​people from the South Gate to the Qinling Mountains.

One hundred thousand labors!
How much did you eat, drink and sleep this day?
How much is the daily food consumption.

The food that Shen Wansan raised to buy a few days ago might be gone within a few days.

There will be a steady stream of fundraising in the future.

This is rushing silver.

Now as long as you can get food, you are making money.

"Brothers, how about crowdfunding? The price of food is high now, but as long as we get food, when Xiaoyao Mansion runs out of food, hehe, this change of hands can save us twice."

"Old Wang, I can't do it. My money has already been given to my cousin to go outside to fetch food, but I don't know if I can get it."

"Lao Li, come, let's discuss it. As long as your cousin gets food, we will buy it at the current highest price. You must not give it to others."

"This... well, based on the friendship between you and me for many years, I will sell it to you at the highest price now, but you have to pay a deposit in advance. You know, Shen Wansan of Xiaoyao Mansion has to pay first for the food reservations. Deposit."

"It's easy to say, as long as the price doesn't increase..."

Hongnong Palace!


"I believe everyone has heard the news. I won't say much about who sold the grain before. I must have bleed in my heart. The grain will be higher after a while, and what we have to do is to let it At a higher level, until Xiaoyao Mansion runs out of food." Ye Wei looked at the heads of the various families below, his face full of pride.

Especially when looking at the Yang family, the smile became stronger.

The Yang family is the vanguard this time, the main force in the charge.

Seeing Ye Wei looking over, Yang Biao stood up and said, "We and our family should unite as one, deal with the enemy together, make money together, and enjoy the beauty of our future together."

"Here, let me make a statement. My Yang family will continue to buy grain. I am only a little bit taller than him. I just won't let him get the grain until there is no more grain in Xiaoyao Mansion. At that time, he will either stop the project, or bow his head and buy food from us."

"It is impossible to suspend work. Xiaoyao Mansion is rich and powerful, and there is money that can't be spent. Ken will still buy at a high price. What we have to do is to speed up their consumption of money and food."

"That's right, it's not enough just to raise the price of food. You can also encourage those mud-legged people to make trouble. If you want Xiaoyao Mansion to let them start work, as long as 10 people are in place, Xiaoyao Mansion will be ruined even if it is a mountain of gold and silver."

When the Hongnong Palace held a meeting to negotiate, Ye Tao from the Fufeng Palace sent people out of the palace to buy grain.

"Go out of the city and block those small retail investors out of the city. I will collect as much food as there is. This king will also make a good profit this time."

Old Chu Palace!

"One hundred thousand people are strong, so what if I give you food, how long can you feed them?" After hearing the report, Ye Cai immediately entered the palace, and he wanted to mention this matter to Queen Xiongyue.

The checkpoints can be opened in Chuyue Kingdom, and food can be transported into Chang'an.

If it was too late, it would really let Wei Guo and the Korean department snatch the market.

Far away in Hanzhong!
A place in the Qinling Mountains named Nanshan.

Zhang Lu, who returned to Hanzhong, admired the scenery in late autumn at the Gaopo Pavilion.

At this time, the water potential of all the rivers in Hanzhong is extremely low, the valleys are flat, and there are sometimes no plank roads.

The exposed shoal, the ruts on it are constantly crushed, and there are groups of one-way civilians.

"My son, there is a letter from Chang'an, please take a look!"

Suddenly a cavalry galloped towards him, rushed to the side, knelt on one knee and held up the bamboo slips wrapped in a cloth bag.

Zhang Lu untied the rope, took off the cloth bag, and took out the bamboo slips for a closer look.

"Okay! Great! As expected, Ye Qing is still single-minded. He is really a stubborn person!"

Throw the bamboo slips into the brazier, and the sparks aroused add some warmth to the cold outside.

Zhang Lu tightened his coat tightly and looked into the distance.

"Five days later, transfer the grain hoarded here to Chang'an, sell most of it through other channels, and a small part go directly to Shen Wansan, saying that I, the Nanzheng County Prince's Mansion and the people in Hanzhong, have saved a lot of food and finally saved a batch of grain, so that Xiaoyao Mansion can rest assured , as long as I, Zhang Lu, have breath, I will definitely fulfill the agreement, and I will not starve Xiaoyao Mansion."

"No!" The people of Nanzheng County's palace took orders to go down.

Only then did Zhang Lu show a sneer:
"Praying mantis catching cicadas and orioles are behind, all want to eat meat, hehe, can you be as fast as my Nanzheng Palace? You are capable, can you have an advantage over my Nanzheng Palace?"

"This time, we will not only bring down Xiaoyao Mansion, but also bring you all along. The shitty Fufeng Mansion, Hongnong Mansion, and Chu Mansion are just a bunch of short-sighted people."

Just when everyone was acting secretly, staring at the food price in Chang'an, and preparing to eat meat with all their strength.

But he didn't know that the official warehouse in the city was taken over by the Tiger Benwei infantry.

The official warehouses outside the city were also taken over by the Tiger Guards.

"I don't know which adult came here. Hasn't this year's grain been inspected? We haven't had any problems here, and there is not a single grain missing!"

The grain officer guarding the granary felt uneasy and confused.

Only when the grain is harvested in summer and autumn every year, the higher-ups will send people to check it. Why did it suddenly come again this year?

Is there a problem here.

Especially seeing the most elite Tiger Benwei approaching, all of them were full of murderous intent, as if they were trying to capture the important criminals and pull them to execute, it was really scary.

Qin Hu walked into the official warehouse with the people arranged by Shen Wansan and Zhang Yi.

"No less is good!" Looking at the full stockpiles of grain, he nodded slightly and said, "Don't worry, this time it's not for inspection, but there is a big good thing waiting for you. Your Majesty has ordered you to do it well." If you get promoted and get rich, if you don’t do well or leak the news, your whole family will go to jail.”

(End of this chapter)

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