Chapter 208
The Yang family in the east of the city!

After the meeting, Yang Biao, the head of the Yang family, returned home and arranged for his subordinates to handle all the affairs.

At this time, his son Yang Mingxuan came over.

"Father, although everyone is raising the price and buying food like crazy now, I'm afraid that before Xiaoyao Mansion runs out of food, someone will quietly sell it again."

Yang Biao said with a smile: "Of course, no one is stupid. If we wait until that day, when everyone collectively sells food, can the price still be so high? It must be sold in advance to be safer."

"Then father, what should we do?" Yang Mingxuan asked.

Yang Biao said: "Keep an eye on Hanzhong's grain and Hanzhong's official road, and send people to Hu County to guard it. Once the Hanzhong's grain arrives in Guanzhong, they can sell it immediately. We must beat everyone else. To eat meat!"

Hanzhong Grain Store is the biggest variable!

And the most direct, if they change their strategy, or want to join this split army, then they have to be careful.

Although Nanzheng County's palace is low-key, their family knows best what virtues they have.

Because the essence of great love is the same, and there is one more thing in the Nanzheng County Palace, which is military power.

This is more dangerous than them.

After listening to Yang Biao's words, Yang Mingxuan's eyes twinkled brightly.

Chang'an City is like a gold-absorbing beast, devouring everything crazily.

From this day on, there are countless grain transactions in Chang'an City warehouses or grain shops every day.

The same is true outside the city. Batches of grain trucks that were about to enter the city were intercepted long ago.

The forces of all parties have tried their best to rely on their strengths.

Five days later, the grain from Hanzhong quietly arrived in Chang'an.

The shopkeeper of the Hanzhong Grain Store had already found his distributors and asked them to immediately find the buyers they had contacted earlier.

At this time, the Yang family in the east of the city also gave an order to pass on.

The grain depots hoarded in other workshops began to open their front doors, ready to load and transport grain.

In order to sell them as quickly as possible, they even prepared the car to provide convenience for the visitors as much as possible.

It's just... At this time, the grain shops and grain merchants in Chang'an City hurriedly headed towards the Hero Building.

"Boss Shen, I have enough food in my place, and now I can pull it out!"

"Boss Shen, I also have several warehouses piled up in my place, go and get mine first!"

"Boss Shen, I politely turned down a lot of people for you. This batch of food was prepared for you, go get me!"

At this time, the shopkeepers of the grain shops were the bosses, and grain merchants of all sizes crowded the second floor of the Hero Building.

They can't be in a hurry, because in order to know who leaked the news, Hanzhong brought a large amount of grain. The Hanzhong Grain Shop may reconnect with Xiaoyao Mansion, and the grain from Hanzhong Grain Shop will be sold to Xiaoyao Mansion again.

What is the Hanzhong grain store? It is the largest grain merchant.

Once they supply Xiaoyao Mansion, Xiaoyao Mansion will naturally buy less from other places.

Can you be in a hurry?

Now that the price is so high, if you sell it early, you can make a lot of money. If you sell it later, the price may drop five days ago, or even ten days ago.

Everyone is a shrewd businessman who has seen through the situation.

As the saying goes, eat meat early and drink soup late, and you won’t have to lick if you don’t grab the bones.

"Here... Everyone, please be quiet. Now our business has enough food and we haven't finished eating it. We have to wait for a while. Don't worry, everyone. If our business buys food, we will definitely find you. After all, I have put a deposit on everyone. In my hand, if I don't buy it, I will suffer a lot." Shen Sanwan looked at the people on the first floor, his heart was full of joy, but his face was still calm, calm and calm, comforting everyone from time to time .

Everyone was right when they thought about it. Shen Wansan had paid a deposit and didn't buy from them. Wouldn't it be silly to lose the deposit for nothing?
The witty echoed at the moment, helped Shen Wansan speak, and then urged everyone to go back.

After everyone had left, someone in disguise soon knocked on the back door of the Hero Building.

"Hey! Shopkeeper Zhang, what is your outfit like?"

Shen Wansan pretended not to understand and asked.

The shopkeeper Zhang cupped his hands and said: "Boss Shen, let's keep it clear. I'm here to sell grain to you. As long as Boss Shen is willing to buy the grain from Zhang Ji, I will share it according to the price five days ago. How about the text not rising?"

"Hey, Boss Zhang was joking. I said it all. Our firm still has food. I will buy it from you after eating in a few days. I still have a deposit with you. Don't worry, we will definitely buy food." Shen Wansan didn't want to eat it. This set, I sneered in my heart, the price five days ago was also frighteningly high, your current food is all pulled from the official warehouse, and you are playing with me.

Seeing that Shen Wansan didn't let go, the shopkeeper Zhang was very embarrassed and said again: "How about this, Boss Shen, I really didn't make any money from you at the price eight days ago. I lost several taels of silver per stone. The more you owe, the more you will gain!"

Shen Wansan knew that the other party was selling at a loss, but he was unmoved, and still smiled and responded happily:

"How can this be good? How can I let Boss Zhang lose money? Boss Zhang will go back first. When my firm really needs food, I will be the first to find you. When the time comes, it will be based on the market price. It is still the same sentence, no matter how high it is. Everyone agrees, if I don't buy it, then the deposit will be regarded as my filial piety to you."


Shopkeeper Zhang really wanted to spit out a mouthful of old blood after hearing this?
Compared with your small deposit, I sold it a few days later, and I lost ten times and a hundred times.

It is obvious that you and Hanzhong grain shop have made a deal again.

The hateful Hanzhong Grain Shop, the hateful Nanzheng County Prince's Mansion, how can you change as you say.

Shen Wansan is the buyer, if he doesn't buy it, he can't sell it by force.

Moreover, he said that it was enough face for him to be so benevolent and righteous.

In Moji, I am afraid that Shen Wansan will turn his face and be ruthless later.

Not long after shopkeeper Zhang, the people below came to report: "Shopkeeper, Boss Chen is here!"

"Bring them here, there are more in the back, arrange them separately!" Shen Wansan said to his opponent with a deep smile on his face.

Now these people are all begging for themselves. A few days ago, they worked hard to collect food and cover it, and told you to sell it, but now... huh!
"Yes!" The subordinate replied, and then went to attract people!
Just when Shen Wansan received these grain store owners, or grain merchants big and small.

The turmoil in Chang'an City became more turbulent, emerging from the dark to the bright.

The streets and alleys are discussing the topic of everyone going to the Hero Building.

Some people bluntly said that Nanzheng County Prince's Mansion is going to sell grain to Ye Qing again.

So Shen Wansan was not in a hurry to buy high-priced food.

Suddenly everyone was dumbfounded?

The Nanzheng County Palace turned against the water?

How could they do this.

This time, everyone panicked.

All the grain from Hanzhong was transported to Chang'an, and it was being dumped to Ye Qing at a low price. Ye Qing would definitely accept it. Who would buy high-priced grain?

All the high-priced food in his hands will be thrown into his hands.

How can we not panic!
at night!

In the mansion of King Nanzheng in Chang'an, all the shopkeepers went to meet the steward who stayed here in charge of King Nanzheng's mansion!
"Guard Zhang, what should we do now? We haven't sold our grain yet, and we haven't even found a buyer. Now people in Chang'an are spreading the word, and everyone in Chang'an will think that we are going to trade cheap grain with Ye Qinghe. .”

A shopkeeper asked worriedly.

(End of this chapter)

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