Chapter 209 Four million taels
"Yes, report this matter to the prince and the prince in the morning! Otherwise, our Nanzheng County Palace will offend all the nobles and families in Chang'an City this time!"

Compared with the loss of money, the loss in other aspects is even more unbearable for Nanzheng County Palace.

After this trouble, their Nanzheng Zhang family will become everyone's enemy.

The Zhang family, who had always kept a low profile, was completely hated by all parties.

In the future, I will not be able to keep a low profile.

Guanshi Zhang was born as a disciple of the Zhang family, but not from the direct line.

Zidang also considers for the Zhang family.

Looking at the anxious shopkeepers, Zhang Guanshi said: "I have sent someone back to Hanzhong to report the matter. It is obvious that the son's plan cannot be carried out. Now we don't do anything, don't say anything, and continue to close the door." Shop, don't sell a grain of grain, and don't have any contact with people from Xiaoyao Mansion or Shen Wansan's firm.

As long as we don't sell grain, the rumors will be self-defeating, and only in this way can we minimize the reputation loss of our Nanzheng County Palace. "

"Guan Zhang is right. As long as we don't release grain, the price of grain won't come down, so we can't be blamed. Moreover, Xiaoyao Mansion can't get grain. According to the current consumption rate of the people, his grain can't support him. how long."

"That's right, this plan is very good. After returning, the people in charge of each shop are not allowed to leave alone from now on, in case they are caught with excuses."

The Hanzhong grain shop did not sell grain, which was beyond everyone's expectations.

how?Didn't King Nanzheng hook up with Xiaoyao Mansion?
Why is there no more food all of a sudden?

What a trick.

Although the price of grain was not released at the Hanzhong Grain Shop, everyone couldn't figure out the way.

However, the news that Hanzhong grain entered Beijing has been further verified.

It was Nanzheng County Prince's Mansion that started the price drop, and it had to bear the blame if it didn't.

The food price on the market has not been suppressed, and it is still going down.

Because the food base of the official warehouse is too large.

The amount of grain transported from the granary outside the city in just five days is an astronomical figure.

A large amount of official grain is flooding the market, and every grain shop and grain merchant has too much stockpiled.

There are so many that their warehouse can't hold them.

Moreover, most of their warehouses are not durable professional granaries, and it is impossible to store them for a long time.

Over time, the quality of these grains will inevitably be damaged, and the selling price will be even lower.

All of a sudden, they were as anxious as ants on a hot pan.

Still can only go to the hero building to find Shen Wansan.

The Yang family in the east of the city!


Yang Biao dropped the teapot in his hand heavily to the ground, blowing his beard and staring with anger.

"It's such a Nanzheng County Prince's Mansion. It played a good show with Xiaoyao Mansion, and everyone was trapped in it at once." Yang Biao cursed angrily.

His son, Yang Mingxuan, also cursed and analyzed: "Only Nanzheng Palace can do this. Our Yang family alone bought [-] shi of grain in the past five days! Other families also bought tens of thousands of shi.

In the past few days, there have been 200 or [-] grain merchants hoarding crazily in grain stores. Including those retail investors, it is estimated that the total amount of grain bought is no less than [-] million shi. Only the Zhang family can do such a huge amount.

No wonder they have to transfer them from Hanzhong. Ken Li’s warehouse has already been emptied, so they don’t have much food to sell at this time, so they haven’t opened a store to sell it. They just help Ye Qing spread the news and suppress the food. price. "

200 stone!

Hearing this number, Yang Biao gasped, feeling extremely jealous.

Even if converted from the lowest price of 220 yuan a stone when the rice was not fried, the price of buying in these five days has increased by eleven or twelve times.

In addition to the original cost, that is, one stone earned an inflated two taels of silver.

200 million shi, that is, earned 400 million taels of silver.


Four million taels of silver!

Nanzheng Palace helped Ye Qing loot 400 million taels of silver from all the aristocratic families and dignitaries.

This silver can be piled up into a big mountain of silver.

How could such a huge number not make him jealous.

Selling their Yang family did not have 400 million taels of silver.

Nanzheng Palace only used a mere 40 taels of silver to earn more than 400 million taels of silver.

The profit has reached ten times.

The god damn Nanzheng Palace.

Now the Zhang family can no longer become a super family, rich as an enemy.

After finishing the calculation, Yang Mingxuan couldn't help being astonished.

This time, the Yang family ate no less than 20 shi of grain and spent 256 million taels of silver.

I spent more than 20 taels of wronged money.

More than 20 taels, this is obviously a large fortune of the Yang family.

Although the Yang family is a big family, but there is not much more than 20 taels.

As soon as the food was handed over, more than 20 taels were lost, and my heart was so painful that I trembled.

And a chill down the spine.

"Father! What should we do now? We can't just let this account go!" Yang Mingxuan lost his mind and his eyes were red.

Yang Biao's face was ashen, and he also sneered: "Of course we can't forget it like this. Let's dispose of the last batch of grain. We don't have so many warehouses for storage. If we don't sell it early, we will lose money." More."

Now not only the grain from Hanzhong has arrived, but even Wuguan has been opened and closed, and the grain from Chuyue Kingdom will flow into Chang'an again. If it is not sold, it may not be sold.

By the beginning of next spring, all the food will be moldy and spoiled, so it will be worthless.

The Yang family only has so much storage capacity, so Yang Biao is also very helpless.

"That's right! It was sold under the name of the Nanzheng Palace. Didn't the Nanzheng Palace want to avoid responsibility? I want them to retreat!" Yang Biao added, and the fierce look in his eyes became stronger.

"It's the father! The child understands!"

Yang Mingxuan nodded in response, but Yang Biao didn't mention how to deal with the Xiaoyao Mansion. Yang Mingxuan decided to use his own method, which is the simplest method that Yang Biao once said.

It is really unwise to compete with Xiaoyao Mansion.

Not to mention the trouble, but fell into the big pit all of a sudden.

There is only the simplest way, and there must be many people who want to strangle Ye Qing to death anyway!

Without knowing it, even if you fail, you can blame others.

Just do what you say, Yang Mingxuan is a young man after all, and he still does things vigorously and resolutely.

However, Yang Biao didn't know that his son was about to do a stupid thing, otherwise he would stop it.

It's just that he doesn't know...

in the study,
Shen Wansan and others came to report the results of the battle together!

All of them had joy on their faces.

Because they succeeded!
Although there was no gunpowder in this battle, it was more dangerous and exciting than ever.

And hearty, even more exciting.

"My lord, this time we sold a total of 210 million shi of official warehouse grain, and the cash receipt was 4408 million taels." When Shen Wansan said this, his body was straight, his pride was beyond words, and his body was trembling with excitement.

(End of this chapter)

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