I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 214 Killing on Mount Taihua

Chapter 214 Killing on Mount Taihua
"General Qin bid farewell!"

Ye Qing didn't want to spend time here with Qin Hu, so he took his people and left!
Qin Hu stood there for a long time, but couldn't figure out the ins and outs of this matter.

The subordinate asked: "General, what should we do?"

"Let's go, let's go back to the city!" I don't know how Ye Qing and Xiaoyao Mansion will really deal with this matter.

Qin Hu felt that this matter would cause big trouble, but he felt that Xiaoyao Mansion would not really trouble Taihua Mountain.

But this matter involved the six sects of Mount Taihua.

Then it was beyond Qin Hu's control, and it was no longer under his control.

So the top priority is to go back and report to Ye Zhen.

Ye Qing returned to the city, and immediately rushed to the east with Zhao Yun, Li Bai, Li Cunxiao, Leng Lingqi, Linghu Chong and five hundred riders.

The big move of Xiaoyao Mansion alarmed everyone at once.

At first everyone didn't know what Ye Qing and Xiaoyao Mansion were going to do.

But later I heard that Taihuashan sent people to assassinate Ye Qing, and suddenly realized it.

"What? Lao Liu went to Taihua Mountain to settle accounts. Who does he think he is and wants to break up with Taihua Mountain?"

Ye Tao almost burst into tears after hearing this.

"It's good to go, good to go, he's too overconfident, he wants to fight against Taihua Mountain with his little strength, I'm afraid he didn't wake up, he's just asking for shame!"

Hongnong Palace!

"It's impossible, Taihua Mountain is absolutely impossible to assassinate the sixth child." After hearing the report, Ye Wei directly denied it.

"Now that Hong Baxian was wounded by the Huashan faction, how could he have the heart to deal with Ye Qing? Who is framing Taihuashan, and whose killer is it?"

"It can't be the Yang family! Yang Biao shouldn't be so stupid!"

"But it doesn't matter if Lao Liu has trouble with Taihua Mountain, both sides will suffer!"


Old Chu Palace!

"Ye Qing, that idiot, is getting more and more complacent! He thought he had successfully deceived everyone about the food this time, so he became arrogant and arrogant."

"Mount Taihua is so easy to provoke. The background of the six sects is beyond your imagination. Just a few masters think they are invincible."

"Go, go die!"

Ye Cai was still a little depressed when everyone failed to block Ye Qing's food.

As a result, seeing that Ye Qing was so irrational and went to Taihua Mountain in person, he was in a much better mood while ridiculing.

Tai Chi Palace!
Ye Zhen received both reports from Liu Buren and Qin Hu.

He was so angry that he kicked the dragon case to the ground.

"He! Who does he think he is? With a few men of high-level strength, he dares to fight Taihua Mountain with only five hundred riders. He has a few heads. He is so calm and restrained in the front. How can he fight against Li Bai now? Just as crazy and idiot."

Ye Zhen scolded several times and walked back and forth on it.

Taihua Mountain, one of the sects.

If Taihua Mountain is moved, the other five factions will be involved.

Don't think about peace in Da Zhou.

"Chasing, chase me back, bring that rebellious son back, immediately, now, go!"

Qin Hu hurriedly said, "It's Your Majesty!"

After Qin Hu left, Liu Buren said again:

"Your Majesty, there is one more thing I haven't had time to report!"

"What's the matter? It's still as serious and urgent as the current one!" Ye Zhen glanced at Liu Buren angrily:
"Whether the killer is from the Blood Shadow Pavilion or from Mount Taihua?"

Damn it!

He is obviously from the Blood Shadow Pavilion, how could he become a disciple of Mount Taihua.

Could it be that Mount Taihua colluded with the Blood Shadow Pavilion?

Liu Buren replied: "There is no doubt that it is a person from the Blood Shadow Pavilion. As for why it became a person from Taihua Mountain, in my opinion, it was made by someone substituting the identity plate. Xiaoyao Mansion buried three Taihua disciples. Corpse."

There is no need to mention the extra.

Only Xiaoyao Mansion can do this.

Ye Zhen frowned: "You mean, this is what Lao Liu did, why? Just to seek death, just to humiliate himself."

"This is another matter that I want to report!" Liu Buren said:
"According to our informant, the newly emerging Huashan faction in Hongnong County has destroyed many affiliated forces of Taihuashan. Huashan faction Yang Guo, Jing Wuming, and Feng Qingyang beheaded the elder Taixuan in Yunyan Pavilion in Luoyang City, and killed Hong Baxian, Hong Baxian was chased back to Taihua Mountain by Feng Qingyang and Jing Wuming, I thought that His Highness Sixth Prince might also know the news, so I thought..."

"So I want to take this opportunity to take the life of Mount Taihua. Li Bai is a fourth rank, Hong Baxian is injured, and his strength may be around the fourth rank." Ye Zhen muttered to himself, as if he knew something.

After thinking for a while, Ye Zhen's eyes suddenly flashed a bright light and murderous intent.

"Go, send all the masters to draw a net under Taihua Mountain, and don't let any Taihua Mountain disciples come down from Taihua Mountain, especially Hong Baxian."


Liu Buren was stunned for a moment, and immediately took orders.

His Majesty finally made up his mind to remove Mount Taihua.

Our Sixth Highness is too troublesome.

Mount Taihua is not in His Majesty's plan.

You... are really the nemesis of the Jianghu, you have to sweep the entire Jianghu to be reconciled!
After a day and night of raids.

In the afternoon of the next day, Ye Qing and others arrived at the outskirts of Taihua Mountain, and then began to climb the mountain to kill the gate of Taihua Mountain.

When approaching the mountains in the core area.

Suddenly, there were 20 disciples of Taihua Mountain guarding here with swords on the road ahead.

"What are you guys? Now I'm closing the door on Mount Taihua and seeing no visitors, please go back!"

"Oh, we are not here to worship the mountain, but to burn the mountain for revenge." Li Bai went straight forward, with a long sword in white clothes, and said coldly:

"Listen well, you Taihua Mountain sent assassins to assassinate my lord, and now your assassins have been captured by us. Taihua Mountain rebelled and assassinated the royal family. The crime should be punished. Those who surrender will be spared death. Those who resist the order and the law, Kill without mercy."

After speaking, Li Bai stood proudly and swept towards the disciples of Mount Taihua.

The people in Taihua Mountain were all taken aback when they heard the words, and then started discussing with each other.

They didn't send anyone to assassinate Ye Qing.

After discussing for a while, one of the leaders said: "Madman, don't slander Taihua Mountain. We didn't assassinate Ye Qing at all. It is your Xiaoyao Mansion who killed Taihua Mountain. You should explain to us."

"Haha Quan, you can't let your sophistry go. Now the whole Chang'an knows that you assassinated my lord. Since you resisted the decree and refused to surrender, then don't blame us for being angry." Li Bai snorted coldly, drew his sword, and kicked his feet like The immortals floated past.


All the people from Mount Taihua drew their swords and formed formation.

He wanted to trap Li Bai with a sword formation.

Li Bailuo intentionally surrounded them, and said with a smile, "Then let me learn about the bullshit sword array!"


Everyone in Taihua Mountain held their long swords at shoulder height, and stabbed straight at them.

Li Bai swung his sword and fluttered his sleeves.

The sword is as fast as lightning, and the body is like a ghost, flashing back and forth.

There were only a few sounds of sword strikes, followed by more than a dozen sounds of swords being cut or pierced into flesh.

Taihua's disciples in the sword formation all fell to the ground.

"Take it!" Ye Qing waved his hand, and the cavalry guards stepped forward, Zhuge Liannu confronted him, counting Taihua Mountain disciples trying to resist, they were instantly shot to death.

Soon Ye Qing and others reached the gate of Taihua Mountain, and another wave of fighting took down the stronger disciple of Taihua Mountain.

At this time, Ye Baxian was still recuperating in his room.

Suddenly someone came in and said: "There is something wrong with the head of the sect. Ye Qing from Xiaoyao Mansion brought Li Bai and the imperial army into our Taihua Mountain. They will kill us in the main hall later."

"What? They dared to come to my Taihua Mountain, and they are getting impatient. They really think that the head is a vegetarian." Hong Baxian was very angry after hearing the report from his subordinates, and immediately stood up:

"Son, I don't want to avenge you today!"

After finishing speaking, Hong Baxian jumped out of the door, leaving only a strong wind blowing the door.

(End of this chapter)

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