I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 215 Taihua Mountain Destroyed

Chapter 215 Taihua Mountain Destroyed
"Ye Qing, you are courting death!"

Hong Baxian came straight to the main hall, and at this time the fighting at the gate of the hall was in full swing.

Li Bai and the others had their own opponents, and they fought against the backbone masters of Taihua Mountain.

After all, Mount Taihua is one of the six sects.

There are quite a few masters of the second and third ranks in the mountain gate.

Therefore, it is not easy for those who want to clear Mount Taihua in one fell swoop.

Hong Baxian didn't look for anyone else at all, but caught Ye Qing who was in the cavalry with a glance.

It's useless to kill some small shrimps.

Kill Ye Qing, and come to take care of other dogs.

So Ye Baxian flew directly to Ye Qing.

That's right, leaping from the sky, with the long sword sideways in his hand.

Upon hearing the news, Ye Qing looked at the murdered Hong Baxian with a pale expression.

At this time, Hong Baxian, who was injured, recovered a lot after going back to the mountain gate for recuperation.

Yu Jian came, and the murderous aura and strong deterrent power made the surrounding guards turn pale with fright.

They raised their crossbows one after another.

When he shot out in a hurry, Hong Baxian's Yijing fell down.

His speed is too fast, ordinary soldiers can't react well.


Swinging two swords, more than a dozen cavalry guards flew down, were wounded or died.

Ye Qing kicked his legs back, and then stabbed with his halberd, blocking the rushing Hong Baxian in front of him.

Hong Baxian swung his sword at each other.

As a result, he couldn't get around and was slightly surprised.

Isn't Ye Qing'er a first-class strength?

How could the strength and skills be so great and so fast.

"The child will die!"

With a roar, Hong Baxian swung his sword to shift position. With a movement of his body, he knocked down the cavalry guard beside him, stepped on a cavalry guard's chest, flew around behind Ye Qing, and slashed over with his sword.

Ye Qing turned around to block.

The Overlord Panlong Halberd clashed with the sword.

Clang and count.

Ye Qing blocked it perfectly.

This annoyed Hong Baxian.

But this time when he was killing Ye Qingzhi, Zhao Yun's spear stabbed from the side and stopped him directly.

"Hmph, courting death!"

Seeing this, Hong Baxian became even angrier, and swung his long sword more cunningly.

But Zhao Yun is not a vegetarian either, the spear is here, I have it all over the world.

Swinging the long spear, he received all the attacks of Hong Baxian with ease.

This startled Hong Baxian.

After this fight, it can be concluded that Zhao Yun's martial arts is not lower than the fourth rank.

Why does this kid Ye Qing have such a strong general by his side?

Could it be that the dog emperor Ye Zhen sent it.

It must be.

Without his instruction, Xiaoyao Mansion, An dared to be an enemy of Taihua Mountain.

An Gan confronted Taihua Mountain many times.

Thoughts and anger were instantly replaced by more attacks.

At this moment, Hong Ba Xiangen didn't have the heart to think about these things, because Ye Qing also joined the battle group.

He and Zhao Yun had a third-rank and a fourth-rank, and Hong Baxian was defeated steadily.

Can only be tired of coping.

The more he fought, the more Hong Baxian lost confidence.

The last time he was besieged by the three of Feng Qingyang, he was planted with inner demons, and his mind became unstable.

Now there is no result with Zhao Yun and Ye Qing, so naturally he wants to quit.

It's just that this time it's in Taihua Mountain, where else can he retreat, he can only hold on.

Mount Taihua belonged to him, and if he left, he would have nothing left.

Without the master, there is no big Saturday faction, and the prestige that he has accumulated in the arena is gone.

So he can't retreat!

Three continued team battles.

It wasn't until Li Bai and others wiped out the other disciples in Taihua Mountain that they suddenly turned around and looked around.

Like a tiger spying on.

Hong Baxian's heart skipped a beat, and he glanced at other places.

It was this look that made his heart shudder completely.

Everyone under the door died, and almost no one stood intact.

Taihua Mountain is over.

Taihua Mountain has no meaning of guarding.

In an instant, Hong Baxian had an idea, forced Zhao Yun's spear back with a sword, pretended to attack Ye Qing, then retreated with a sword, and fled.

He wanted to escape, but couldn't stay.

Ye Qing, Emperor Ye Zhengou, wait for me, I will come back.

Today's revenge must be avenged.

"Where does Hong Baxian go, leave a dog's life behind!"

Li Baifei chased after him, with a sword first.

Hong Baxian turned around, snorted coldly, and then landed on his feet, and stepped on a leap to get down the stairs.

At this time, a sharp sword suddenly stabbed out.

The sword was so fast that he didn't even let it go.


A sword entered the body, the body was sent back, Hong Baxian screamed in pain and swung the sword towards the person holding the sword.

This person is none other than Jing Wuming.

Jing Wuming drew his sword and retreated quickly, but Hong Baxian's sword could only reach his arm sleeve.

After Hong Baxian landed, he wanted to dodge away, but Feng Qingyang was already ready to go, and Dugu blocked his way with nine sword strikes, and then stabbed in with his sword.

It turned out that he and Jing Wuming had been on guard all along, they didn't join the battle group just now, they just waited for Hong Bashan to escape.

The result was waiting.


Hong Baxian didn't expect that these two damned guys were still guarding the mountain gate and touched under his nose.

Just now, I just focused on avoiding Li Bai, Zhao Yun and others.

But forget that there are two earlier enemies.

"Hong Baxian, disappear with Taihua Mountain!"

Feng Qingyang shifted his sword.

The long sword cut Hong Baxian's throat.

This time Hong Baxian was surprisingly unstoppable.

Because he knew he had no chance.

Since the other party was waiting for him, he must be fully prepared.

It can't be said that there are masters of the dog emperor squatting down the mountain.

Yijing has suffered a crushing defeat, so there is no need to struggle.

It's just that the moment he fell down, he still didn't want to understand where Taihuashan lost!
Finally dead!

Mount Taihua was resolved.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Ye Qing glanced at the forehead of Taihua Mountain.

Simple and atmospheric, but too arrogant.

"Ding, check in successfully..."

Everyone silently cleaned the battlefield without disturbing Ye Qing.

After a long time, Ye Qing turned around and said: "The Huashan sect has a clear wind, and Jing Wuming killed the traitor Hong Baxian. He will be rewarded for his merits. This Marquis will only give this mountain gate to your sect in his own name."

"Thank you, Your Highness!" Feng Qingyang and Jing Wuming pretended not to know Ye Qing, and thanked him.

Ye Qing raised his hand and said: "The mountain gate is given to you, but the contents inside are the spoils of my Xiaoyao Mansion, so I won't share them with you."

"Your Highness, you are being polite. It seems that His Highness helped my Huashan faction to attack and kill Hong Batian. It should be my Hua faction who is grateful to His Highness. How dare you be greedy for rewards." Feng Qingyang said politely.

Be as sincere as possible.

The soldiers who didn't know saw it and nodded.

I think what Feng Qingyang said is absolutely right.

If their Highness hadn't attacked Taihua Mountain, how could the Huashan faction be able to kill Taihua Mountain.

All the credit goes to our Xiaoyao Mansion.

Ye Qing didn't say much, and signaled everyone to start to collect the warehouses in Taihua Mountain.

All the good things can only be taken away.

Just leave something that can give the Huashan faction a foothold.

Such as food, a small amount of funds, and sword books and the like.

Came in a mighty way, left in a hurry, and returned with a full load.

Qin Hu and others who were chasing down the mountain were about to go up the mountain, when they found that Ye Qing and others had gone down the mountain, and they were carrying things in large and small boxes.

The whole person was dumbfounded.

"Your Highness, this is..."

Qin Hu didn't dare to think too much about it. Ye Qing and others came to Taihua Mountain definitely not to entertain guests and bring gifts.

Ye Qing said with a smile: "General Qin came just in time. We have wiped out the bandits in Taihua Mountain. You can help us transport some things. The mountain road is really difficult. It's hard work. After returning to the city, I will invite everyone to drink!"

(End of this chapter)

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