I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 216 1 piece of uproar

Chapter 216 An uproar


Qin Hu's scalp was a little numb.

day oh...

Taihua Mountain was breached by Xiaoyao Mansion.

Mount Taihua, one of the six major sects, was easily captured by the Xiaoyao Mansion and the Sixth Highness.

This is the Taihua Mountain with a long history.

It's not an ordinary cat and dog sect, let alone a small gang.

It was taken down by Xiaoyao Mansion.

In Xiaoyao Mansion, only one Li Bai is in the fourth rank.

In addition to Li Cunxiao's third grade, it is enough to watch.

The others are all first class.

He actually won.

What about Hong Baxian?

Hong Baxian went to eat shit.

He is above the fifth rank, and there are many warriors of the second and third ranks in the sect.

Do they all eat soft rice?
"Why isn't General Qin happy?" Ye Qing asked with a cold face when he saw Qin Hu standing there in a daze.

Qin Hu was shocked and came back to his senses.

He hurriedly said: "Your Highness is joking, how dare the general disobey, but this Taihua Gate was really broken by His Highness, what about Hong Baxian?"

"Didn't you see that if Mount Taihua hadn't been breached, we could go down the mountain safely." Ye Qing glanced at him, and then said:

"As for Hong Baxian, he was killed by Jing Wuming and Feng Qingyang of the Huashan faction when he fled down the mountain gate. The body is still on the mountain. If you want to see it, you have to do it early, or the Huashan faction might collect his body , and burned it."


Huashan faction!
Why did you pull out this new sect that has been in the limelight recently?

But I can't think so much, Ye Qing's words, and the self-confidence and high morale of the people in Xiaoyao Mansion.

Hong Baxian might really be dead.

So with a wave of his hand, he asked the riders from Huben to go up the mountain to help the riders from Xiaoyao Mansion carry things.

Qin Hu went up to the top of the mountain by himself to find out.

Hong Baxian still wanted to confirm whether he was dead or not.

It's good to have an explanation when I go back this way.

In fact, he didn't need to read it, the shadow guard sent the information to Chang'an one step earlier.

When Liu Buren came, he was also surprised, Xiaoyao Mansion broke through Taihua Mountain too fast.

He didn't stop at all, and went straight to the top of the mountain when he came.

Kill all the way.

Not only did the shadow guard fail to have the reaction time, but it also caught Taihuashan by surprise.

After all, the cavalry guards of Xiaoyao Mansion brought two hundred Zhuge Liannu.

Ordinary warriors are really as fragile as paper in front of them.

That's why Xiaoyao Mansion can quickly kill up the mountain.

Surprise everyone.

The news of the shadow guards was sent to Chang'an Palace first.

It was dark at this time.

Ye Zhen went to bed in the concubine's palace.

Still being urged out by the shadow guard.

Because of this matter, Ye Zhen had already confessed.

Both Taihua Mountain and Ye Qing are too important.

This incident is enough to affect the fate of the country.

He must receive it immediately.

Even when you are asleep, you can be disturbed.

Putting on the dragon robe, Ye Zhen came out and asked, "How did it turn out?"

At this time, he didn't care to back away from the left or right, or be careful not to let someone listen.

He just wanted to know the result quickly.

"Your Majesty, Xiaoyao Mansion broke through Taihua Mountain, Taihua Mountain was destroyed, Hong Baxian was killed by Huashan faction Jing Wuming and Feng Qingyang, there is no Taihua Mountain in this world!"

Ye Zhen clenched his fists heavily.

A look of ecstasy appeared on his face.

I was so excited that the coat on my shoulders fell off.

And everyone who heard the news around was also stunned on the spot.

They have heard of the six sects.

That is an absolute power, an existence that the imperial court dare not mess with.

Now it is destroyed by Xiaoyao Mansion.

How can this be?

The sixth prince is so powerful?
and many more?

If Mount Taihua is moved, what about the other five sects?

After staying in the palace for a long time, people will understand people's hearts the most.

It is also the best at pros and cons with means and power.

The six sects are one.

Once Mount Taihua is destroyed, how will the other five factions feel?

Will it alienate and become an enemy with the Great Zhou court?

Then go to war.

"How the Xiaoyao Mansion broke through Taihua Mountain, I will tell you in detail from the beginning!"

Ye Zhen walked to his seat in the hall, and sat down.

Blood vessels swell, emotions surge.

The person who repaid it described it to Ye Zhen from the beginning to the end.

Of course, they are still very clear about some things, which are also reasonable guesses and illusions.

After hearing that Hong Baxian's throat was cut with a sword.

There was a bright light in Ye Zhen's eyes.

A happy smile appeared on his face.

The last time the Second Elder of Mount Taihua came to Chang'an and went to Wei Ya Xiaoyao Mansion, it was to give Da Zhou this emperor to show him off.

Just don't give him face, don't care about him.

That Ye Zhen was quite unhappy, very angry.

Now that Hong Baxian is dead, he will take revenge for this great revenge.

Although Xiaoyao Mansion was a little reckless this time.

But it can capture Taihua Mountain and get rid of one of the six factions.

It can be regarded as a fight for face between the Great Zhou court and the royal family.

After looking at the other five factions, do they dare to despise the Ye family's royal family?

As for whether the other five sects will make noise and panic, their perception of the Great Zhou court will decrease.

Ye Zhen's attitude is, what can it do.

You think if you don't move them, they will have a good look at Da Zhou.

Face is earned by oneself.

The stronger you are, the more you can gain their recognition and belonging.

Zhao is weak, and it is not impossible that the court will be changed by the six factions one day.

"Go down and get the reward!"

Excitement and joy need to be shared, or to vent about one's accomplishments.

Ye Zhen walked back to the bedroom, looked at the bewildered concubine, lifted the silk quilt, picked up the concubine, and climbed up.

"Your Majesty, don't..." The concubine stood up in surprise, her body twitching.

The emperor only asked for it twice in the first half of the night, and now he wants it again, the concubine wants to sleep...


Back to the city, Ye Qing and others marched slowly, not in a hurry.

The news that Xiaoyao Mansion captured Taihua Mountain also spread like wildfire.

It came quickly in Chang'an.

When the news came out, there was an uproar.

It simply blinded everyone's dog eyes.

In Mount Taihua, the six sects suddenly ceased to exist.

How did Xiaoyaofu do it.

"Boom!" Ye Tao confirmed the news repeatedly, feeling a little mad.

Taihua Mountain failed to make Xiaoyao Mansion suffer, and did not kill Ye Qing, so he lost everything.

This is completely different from what was expected!

How did things develop like this.

To say that the most disappointed is Hongnong Wang Yewei.

Because Taihua Mountain is an important force for his support.

Once he has the support of Mount Taihua, then he will be half sure of the road to multiple successors.

As a result, this power has not yet been borrowed, and it has disappeared in smoke.

The most exasperating thing is that Ye Qing's Xiaoyao Mansion was destroyed.

What's even more exasperating is that it was the new Huashan faction who killed Hong Tianba.

As for Huashan Party's own attitude, it is completely unknown.

Such a new big force, in Hongnong Angen, if he can't win over, it may be very dangerous to him.

"It's time for the sixth son to go, the Huashan faction and he have the opportunity to join forces, and they also have the feeling of sending him to the mountain gate.

I'm afraid that the Huashan Party favors Xiaoyao Mansion more, what kind of price can win them over, or make them neutral. "Ye Wei was not entangled in the meaningless question of Xiaoyao Mansion and Taihua Mountain, but began to think deeply about the Huashan School.

(End of this chapter)

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