I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 217 No Enemy, No Enmity

Chapter 217 No Enemy, No Enmity

Yang Mansion in the east of the city!

At this time, the entire Yang Mansion was shrouded in an invisible cloud.

The atmosphere was extremely dull.

Yang Biao and Yang Mingxuan sat in the study.

Ten meters away, there was no one.

"Xuan'er, tell the truth, is it someone from Mount Taihua who assassinated Ye Qing?"

Yang Mingxuan was not surprised, his father's energy was greater than his.

Then he said, "Go back to father, no!"

"It was done by the people from the Blood Shadow Pavilion that Xuan found!" Yang Mingxuan knew that Yang Biao knew that he had paid for the murder.

So there is no avoidance.

Avoiding it at this time is insulting my father's IQ.

All are not fools.

After hearing this, Yang Biao flashed such an expression, and then sighed: "This is a disaster! I hope Xiaoyao Mansion can't find out in a short time, otherwise he is really terrible."

I'm afraid Yang Mingxuan understands what Yang Biao said.

Because it was obviously done by people from the Blood Shadow Pavilion, but Ye Qing didn't point it out, because the Blood Shadow Pavilion is more dangerous.

If you don't have to, it's best not to get involved.

Moreover, Ye Qing took the opportunity to blame Taihua Mountain because it was obviously premeditated and prepared.

And the speed is astounding.

What's even more frightening is that Xiaoyao Mansion has this kind of strength.

What kind of existence is a strength that can instantly destroy the six major factions.

Although his Yang family has great energy, the masters of the entire Yang family cannot be compared with Taihua Mountain.

The Yang family may not lack financial resources, contacts, property, etc., nor fame.

But Xiaoyao Mansion wants to play hard with you, and doesn't play cards according to the rules at all. Just like this time, directly hitting the Huanglong in Taihua Mountain, it will make people vigilant and frightened.

Both Ye Qing and Xiaoyao Mansion are bound to take revenge. If they find out, the Yang family will do something secretly, and they will definitely bear their grudges.

"Then what should father do now?" At this time, Yang Mingxuan felt a little regretful and a little scared.

If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have done such a stupid thing.

Yang Biao snorted coldly, with murderous intent in his eyes: "What else can we do? Now that we have formed an enmity, we can only continue to form an enmity. The best solution is to let the other party disappear completely. Without enemies, there will be no enmity." !"

Yang Mingxuan gasped.

Yang Biao's words were domineering and venomous, revealing his attitude decisively.

But it's very reasonable.

Yes, without enemies, there would be no enmity between each other.

Yang Biao glanced at his absent-minded son, and continued: "I'm looking for the Blood Shadow Pavilion, and killed him before Ye Qing came to the door; at the same time, he encouraged all forces to continue to suppress, and even besiege and get rid of Ye Qing.

If Ye Qing is not dead, no matter whether it is King Fufeng, King Hongnong, King Chu and others, none of them have a chance to become a heir. "

When he said this, Yang Biao was confident and determined.

The experience and vision of a person at the helm of an old family cannot be wrong.

Especially when Ye Qing stormed Mount Taihua this time and wiped out one of the six factions.

Yijing exposed the powerful nature of Xiaoyao Mansion.

Ye Qing has qualities that all princes do not possess.

Capable of both literary and military skills, he can also use strategy.

Yiran overthrew King Xiliang, King Fufeng, and King Hongnong.

At the same time, it also received the support of the Dong family, which was enough to fight against the Chuyue clan.

If the four kings don't join forces to fight against Ye Qing, it will be completely useless.

"Father is right, he should destroy Ye Qing as soon as possible. If he is allowed to grow, no one will be able to control him."

Thinking about it carefully, Yang Mingxuan also discovered the huge threat hidden by Ye Qing and Xiaoyao Mansion.

So I strongly agree with what Yang Biao said.

With this understanding, the father and son began to discuss further.

"Taihua Mountain is so useless again, this time even the entire mountain gate was defeated!"

Ye Cai went crazy.

None of the six sects can rule Ye Qing.

Who does this guy want to deal with him.

"No! Ye Qing must be restrained. If Taihua Mountain can't do it, then change to another one that can do it." Ye Cai thought for a while, and looked towards the sky to the south of the palace gate.


Although Ye Qing returned with a great victory, no one came to celebrate, let alone observe.

Spectacular team, meandering freight team stretched long.

The silent but heroic army showed his might without words.

Walk to the east gate!
The eunuch Zhang Rang, who had been waiting for a long time, picked up the imperial edict from the box and tray entrusted by the young eunuch.

Then go to the middle outside the city gate.

With a wave of Ye Qing's hand, the army stopped advancing.

Zhang Rang said in a straight voice: "Xiaoyao Hou Yeqing accepts the order!"

Only then did Ye Qing jump off his horse, and then everyone in Xiaoyao Mansion also got off their horses.

"Xiaoyao Hou Yeqing, for a selfish desire, raised troops and made enemies, and even damaged the Taihua Mountain of the six sects of the Great Zhou Empire. It really ruined the name of the royal family and defeated the power of our Great Zhou. He should be severely punished..."

After reading this, Zhang Rang paused for a moment, and then glanced at Ye Qing, seeing that neither Ye Qing nor the people in Xiaoyao Mansion had any emotional fluctuations, and their expressions were as usual.

Can not help but be surprised.

However, he quickly read: "Now Marquis Ye Qing will be demoted, he will be demoted to Xiaoyao County Duke, all food and salary will be cut off, he will be banned for half a year, and finally..."

The marquis was cut off, and the salary was fined, but nothing happened.

Ye Qing didn't even cry when he arrived, it was the six-month confinement that made him a little upset.

Although I guessed that Ye Zhen would make a superficial appearance and explain to the other five factions of the six factions.

But Ye Qing really didn't expect to be grounded.

Not being able to go anywhere is uncomfortable.

But there seems to be more behind.

Ye Qing stared at Zhang Rang, Xiaoyao Mansion's eyes were about to kill.

They are even more concerned about Hu Yeqing's title and being banned.

Especially the title of title, the so-called master and minister.

The Lord humiliates the minister to death.

Money and everything are floating clouds, but status and status must not be bad.

Zhang Rang's throat twitched, and then he gritted his teeth and said, "Go back to Xiaoyao Mansion immediately, and nothing will happen!"

Fortunately, the front is full of words, but the back is directly violent.

Zhang Rang really doesn't miss it.

But I have to read it again.


Ye Qing was taken aback for a moment, and then his face twitched.

Everyone in Xiaoyao Mansion was also stunned.

Can imperial edicts be used to swear?
So tall, so mysterious and solemn ceremony.

What's the matter with your rough mouth.

This shit is really an imperial decree, it couldn't be that Zhang asked the dog eunuch to fabricate it himself.

"Your Majesty Ye Qing leads the decree, the Great Zhou Wannian, Your Majesty's ten thousand years!" After Ye Qing realized it, he smiled knowingly and hurriedly accepted the decree.

Everyone in the Xiaoyao Mansion also hurriedly followed: "The Great Zhou Wannian, Your Majesty Wannian!"

Zhang Rang took the imperial decree from Ye Qing, and at the moment of contact, he said softly: "Your Highness, don't blame your majesty. In fact, your majesty is protecting you. I have passed so many decrees, and this is the only one."

Ye Qing smiled and didn't say anything.

After taking the imperial decree, he got on his horse and swung his whip. Everyone followed and returned directly to Xiaoyao Mansion.

Ye Qing's imperial edict soon spread in Chang'an.

The people on the Great Wall were suddenly confused.

How did you break through this group of rebellious guys in Taihua Mountain, and let the Marquis of Xiaoyao confine you?

The Son of Heaven is being silly and confused.

Hedong Palace!

Ye Jin, the fat man, sighed leisurely: "Father is going to favor the sixth younger brother. He punishes the sixth brother openly and secretly, and punishes the sixth brother before the five factions get into trouble. It's brilliant to keep the five factions' mouths shut like this!"

"The sixth younger brother has been favored by the emperor many times. I am afraid that this time he will not be rejected. Although the sixth younger brother has a bad background, his ability has proved everything." Ye Jin paced back and forth, muttering to himself road:
"I can't keep a low profile any longer. Nanzheng County Palace, it's time to show its true strength."

(End of this chapter)

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