Chapter 218

In front of Xiaoyao Mansion!
Because Guo Jia, Zhang Yi, Shang Yang and others all went down to work.

So today, it was Huanhuan and Wu Linglong who made a triumphant return for Ye Qing and the others in front of the gate, washing away the dust.


"Your Highness!"

Ye Qing jumped off the horse, looked at the two girls who came forward at the same time, smiled slightly, held the other with one hand and said:

"It's windy outside, go back and talk!"

"It's Young Master!" Huanhuan whispered softly, her face turned red to the ears.

This was the first time Ye Qing held her hand in public.

How could it not make her excited and her heart beat faster.

Wu Linglong didn't say a word, and the smile on her face became more and more charming.

After returning to the mansion, someone will arrange for everyone.

Get ready for rest.

After taking a shower to get rid of the fatigue of running around, I ate and chatted with the second daughter, and asked about the situation in the past few days.

At night, Ye Qing fought fiercely with Wu Linglong, venting the joy of victory.

Hugging her tightly, Wu Linglong asked, "Your Highness, I have something to say about the assassin!"

"Don't worry, I know that person is not yours, it's an assassin who killed the person you sent to inform me, in disguise." Knowing what Wu Linglong wanted to say, Ye Qing stretched out his hand to pinch her face and said:
"I am very happy that you have the ability to get information and news that is beneficial to me, because my woman is not a vase, but a good helper. I will not ask you about this now. I think one day you will He will tell me himself that everyone has secrets, including me."

Wu Linglong was stunned.

Ye Qing's words touched her deeply.

At the same time, it also made her feel uneasy, and the uneasiness from entering the mansion disappeared.

Suddenly he found that the little guy was not only handsome, but also the charm he exuded was further devouring his heart.

What a wise man this is.

To say such a thing.

Others are trying their best to control others and obtain their secrets as much as possible.

Ye Qingyi knew that he had a secret, yet he could still be so generous, and his thinking was still so clear.

"Of course, in the same way, when you are in the mansion, don't go to some places you shouldn't go, and you can ask me about things you don't understand, and don't go to other people, because there are rules in the mansion, no matter who it is, even if it is Huanhuan can't go beyond, do you understand?" When Ye Qing said this, his words became more serious, and his face became serious.

This is an attitude.

He was warning Wu Linglong.

There are many secret places in the backyard of Xiaoyao Mansion, guarded 24 hours a day, and generally cannot enter.

Experts also sit in the mansion and watch from above.

Whoever dares to break in will lose his life.

Many people have lost their lives in this regard.

Some of these are real dark men who sneaked into the mansion, and some are innocent and lost their way.

But regardless of the truth, regardless of the excuse.

All can be killed.

Regarding this point, neither Ye Qing nor the other people in Xiaoyao Mansion have any objection, and neither will be merciful.

"Understood Your Highness, I know what to do." Wu Linglong answered simply, but her heart was extremely complicated.

The next day!

After breakfast, Ye Qing went to the front yard to deal with the official documents of Nancheng County.

You can still arrange government affairs without going out of the house.

There are Guo Jia, Zhang Yi, Shang Yang and other great talents who can stand on their own. In fact, as long as they are well assigned, they basically don't have to worry about it.


Soon Luban came in and said:
"My lord, the final version of the plow has been finalized, and the next step is to open a farm tool processing factory to produce it in batches."

"This is a good thing! You are still the director of the farm tool processing factory. Go over and give some guidance when you have time." Ye Qing directly gave Lu Ban another official title, and then asked:
"What about other aspects?"

Lu Ban's work is very complicated.

It is the main force of construction.

Lu Ban replied: "The cement plant has been built, and we are going to build the Nancheng County Government Office."

"That's good!" Ye Qing nodded, indicating that he could go down, but Lu Ban had no intention of leaving.

Ye Qing looked up at Lu Ban: "You have other things!"

"My lord, there is one more thing I want to say, but..." Lu Ban hesitated and said:
"My lord, this cement is a good thing. It is very strong for building houses, and it can greatly increase the speed of construction. Look at the construction of the county government, can it be evened out?"

"You want cement!" Ye Qing smiled, but shook his head and said:

"If it is in the future, you will definitely be asked to use cement to cover it at other times, but now there is a large market for cement, and the production capacity is not high, so it cannot be supplied to you for construction for the time being."

Now cement is mainly used to build straight roads and roads leading to reservoirs.

Then use it on the key part of the small reservoir.

Most of them are used in the overall construction of large reservoirs.

So let alone one cement plant now, there are two or three, and the production capacity has also been booked.

It is impossible to use it for other purposes.

Although the county government is important, it also wants to create a sense of fortress.

But the requirement is only temporary, not a long-term project of a century or a millennium.

So Ye Qing would not give the cement to Lu Ban.

Seeing this, Lu Ban had no choice but to give up the idea.

Then I went down to do my own business.

As soon as he left, Cai Lun ran over excitedly.

"My lord is happy, paper... paper has been made." Cai Lun came in with a white paper in his hand:

"My lord, look, this is the best paper for writing. It is not slippery with ink, it can absorb ink, and the saturation is enough."

"Hmm! Really!" Ye Qing was also a little excited.

The real blank paper, this is one of the four great inventions, and it is a great object that changes the course of mankind.

Although I have technical information, it is another matter to make it.

Ye Qing took it, spread out a thick stack, and put down his five fingers to caress.

Take out one sheet separately, then fold it in half, and fold it in half again.

Even directly in the middle of a tear.

With a tear, Cai Lun's eyelids twitched, as if feeling heartbroken.

If you want to say who has the most affection for paper, there is also a unique feeling.

It must be him.

"Yes, this is considered a success, Cai Lun, you did a good job." Ye Qing crumpled up the paper and threw it on the ground, then took out another paper and spread it out on the table.

Only then did he pick up the pen and ink, and then wrote a poem.

"The knowledge of the ancients is inexhaustible, and the young and the old are mature.

What is achieved on paper is always shallow, and I know that this matter must be done. "

After Cai Lun finished reading, his expression became more excited, and he nodded frequently in praise:

"The lord is a great talent, this poem is very good, thank you, the lord, for giving me the poem and Lun!"


Ye Qing is in a daze, where am I writing for you?

Cai Lun, do you want to show your face?

But Cai Lun didn't care so much, he took advantage of Ye Qing's writing and said:

"My lord's first calligraphy is Lun's."

God TM for the first time.

Ye Qing had the urge to hit Cai Lun.

I haven't signed the payment and mentioned the date yet.

Anyway, let me overwrite the big seal, you idiot.

"Okay, since you like it, I'll give it to you." Ye Qing lost his mood all of a sudden, dropped the pen, wiped his hands and said:
"This paper is indeed a success. There is no problem with writing, and it is not bad for ink painting, but..."

"My lord, what is it?" Cai Lun's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly had a bad premonition.

(End of this chapter)

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