I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 219? Paper for toilet use

Chapter 219: Using Paper to Use the Toilet

When Ye Qing saw Cai Lun who was facing an enemy, he thought to himself, you guys will also be nervous and scared.

Ye Qing's complexion changed, and he said in a straight voice: "Don't be nervous, relax, it's a good thing!"

The more Ye Qing said this, the more disturbed Cai Lun became.

Emphasis is emphasizing, then it is definitely not simple.

Cai Lun's body tensed all of a sudden.

Seeing that it was almost done, Ye Qing said, "Writing paper is fine, but next you need to make a paper that is soft, lingering, more absorbent, and easy to tear."

So many conditions.

This is probably more difficult.

The lord is still dissatisfied with this piece of paper?

However, it is good for the paper to be able to write. It is better if it is harder. Too soft is not conducive to the swimming of strokes.

It's even worse for preservation.

Cai Lun asked in confusion: "My lord, what is this special paper used for?"

Cai Lun couldn't think of what this paper could be used for.

"Go to the toilet!" Ye Qing simply spit out two words.

"Ahem! Going to the toilet?" Cai Lun was really choked and stunned.

Isn't paper a refined and elegant thing?
Only the upper class can make it.

It is the best carrier of book knowledge.

The master actually wanted to use it to use the toilet.

This simply changed Cai Lun's understanding and three views.


How could there be such a master.

Take paper to use the toilet.

I can't even imagine it.

"My lord, this is not good!"

Cai Lun really can't imagine what kind of experience it is to use paper to go to the toilet.

Is that thing really more... comfortable to use than other things?

"What's wrong with this? There are many kinds of paper, each with its own purpose. When things are made, they serve people." Ye Qing took the opportunity to teach angrily:

"It's just a part of writing articles. Don't be so limited in your thinking, but broaden your thinking, otherwise you won't be able to achieve great things!"

Faced with Ye Qing's reprimand, Cai Lun had no choice but to nod in agreement.


Why can't paper be used for toilet use?

In the past, the paper was used to burn the dead, and it was used for religious rituals.

Now that we can make paper that is convenient for writing, we may not be able to make toilet paper.

It doesn't hurt to wipe it anyway.

If it is really done, then... Hehehehe!
"Okay, that's it! The production of this level of white paper can be stepped up. Experiment with new paper slowly, and try to get it out as soon as possible. Then there will be a lot of rewards." Ye Qing waved Cai Lun away.

Then take the paper and continue writing.

In the afternoon, Shang Yang returned to the mansion and reported other matters to him.

All in all, the arrangements in Nancheng County are similar to the previous ones.

After Shang Yang came, Shen Wansan also came to report the situation.

"My lord, now we have replenished 100 million shi of grain with the help of the official warehouse, and we have also purchased 100 million shi."

Ye Qing said: "That's right, you can continue to buy food, as long as the price is in the preferential range, you can eat it, but don't worry, lest those people find out."

"Don't worry, my lord, the lesson from the previous time has been very profound. Who would dare to fry rice, not afraid to follow in the footsteps?" Shen Wansan said confidently.

"Maybe, maybe some people like to play to death, like to get on with us." Ye Qing smiled noncommittally.

After the words fell, the sound of the system suddenly sounded.

"Ding! Master, the Yang family of Da Zhou's Hongnong family wants to know the list of the most popular people Ye Qing, Duke of Xiaoyao County in Da Zhou, so that they can use these people to lure Ye Qing out of the palace and carry out raids. They are willing to spend 5000 taels of silver as a reward. Is it for sale!"

"Ding! Master, the branch of Blood Shadow Pavilion in Dazhou would like to know who did the Dibang Yingyi who was killed by Xiaoyao Mansion, so as to evaluate the strength of Yingzang in Xiaoyao Mansion! Would you like to spend 500 taels of silver as a reward, whether to sell it? "

Back to buy information.

This bastard from the Yang family is really ungrateful.

If it doesn't work once, how old it is will come again.

Is it true that I dare not tear myself apart with the family, dare not start a war with Hongnong Palace?

Thinking of the disgusting behavior of the Yang family, Ye Qing became a little angry.

"The system, the first piece of information, how can it be considered as a successful sale, for example, which aspect is the person who is calling?" Ye Qing asked.

The system replied: "As long as there are two or more people the master is really calling, if the master doesn't provide a list, I will randomly provide it on his behalf."

It turned out to be like this, Ye Qing understood at this moment.

"Then Huanhuan and Wu Linglong!" Ye Xiang gave the answer after a little thought.

Huanhuan is ruthless and has no reason, as long as she doesn't leave the house, she will be fine.

After all, Wu Linglong had a skin-to-skin relationship with him, and had a deep and shallow bond, so he was also the person he was talking about.

Similarly, as long as she doesn't leave the palace, it's basically fine.

If you can avoid it, avoid it as much as possible. Now the goal of Xiaoyao Mansion is to develop.

After completing the matter of the reservoir and embankment in Nancheng County, it will be almost done.

At that time, I will settle accounts with the Yang family.

"So the master sold both information?"

"That's right, they're all sold!"

Zhao Yun's strength was actually exposed in the battle of Mount Taihua.

I believe that if it is not for sale, the Blood Shadow Pavilion will know soon.

It's better to sell it for another chance.

"Ding! The transaction was successful!"

"After deducting 20% ​​of the handling fee, master, you still have 5200 taels of silver, and 2 chances to draw prizes!"

Ye Qing continued: "The system draws prizes!"

"Good master, now draw a lottery for you!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for drawing an item card!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for drawing a general card!
Item cards and general cards.

I don't know who can be drawn?
With some small expectations, Ye Qing said again: "The system uses cards!"

"Good host."

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for using the item card and getting a bottle of Rising Dragon Pill (six pieces)!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for using the general card and obtaining Huang Zhong of the Three Kingdoms (first grade)!"

Rising Dragon Pill, it turned out to be it again.

This is good stuff.

And Huang Zhong!

One of the five tiger generals, it seems that the other three may be drawn in the future, so there is a chance to get five cards.

"System, why are they both generals of the five tigers, Huang Zhong's is first-rank, and Zhao Yun is first-class!"

Ye Qing was more curious about this.

Logically, it should be the same.

It's like the four famous arresters.

The strength is first-rate.

The system explained: "Master, the summoned character is determined by age and other reasons, and cannot simply refer to official position or name and reputation."

"So that's how it is!" Ye Qing nodded slightly, that's right, Zhao Yun was too young at the beginning.

He didn't even comprehend the fame skill, so he could only be top-notch.

It seems that Huang Zhong should be a little older at this time.

There will be more unique skills.

So Ye Qing stopped entangled in this issue, but took out the Rising Dragon Pill with a thought.

Unscrew the lid and see that the elixir inside is still the same. After smelling it, the smell is also right, so I am relieved.

System produced, must be a boutique.

Then Ye Qing began to think about who should give these six pills?
At present, there are Yu Jin (first-class), Cheng Yaojin (first-class), Li Siye (first-class), Xie Xun (first-class), Yuhuatian (first-class), Zhui Ming (first-class), Tie Shou (first-class), Ruthless. (First class), Yue Buqun (first class), Leng Lingqi (first class).

"Ten people are first-rate, um, no, and Xu Shu is also first-rate, so there are eleven people." Ye Qing muttered, almost forgetting the newcomer Xu Shu.

11 people are divided into six medicines, which is not enough.

After thinking about it, Ye Qing first ruled out Yu Jin, Cheng Yaojin, and Xie Xun.

It should be because the three of them had just used the Rising Dragon Pill.

The four famous arresters appear together and have multiplier attributes. They can go to the first rank for a walk, and then they are also excluded.

(End of this chapter)

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