I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 221 What Mr. Xu Means

Chapter 221 What Mr. Xu Means
The Huashan faction has occupied the gate of Taihua Mountain, and is now unifying the rivers and lakes forces in Hongnong County. Once completed, it will be one of the largest forces in Hongnong County.

If a person is strong, I am weak, this is the standard of the aristocratic family.

It is bad news for the Yang family and other aristocratic families that there is such a powerful force as the Huashan faction.

It would be even worse if it was still the dark son of Xiaoyao Mansion.

"Do you still need us to check? The reminder is more urgent than us, and the king of Hongnong is more urgent than us." Yang Biao said:

"It's not that Xiaoyao Mansion has never been involved in the Jianghu. Tiandihui is an example. Now Chang'an City has no other gangs except Tiandihui; Ye Qing and Xiaoyaofu pay the most attention to the Jianghu. I am afraid that from the very beginning, he intends to do it from now on. Based on breaking the situation, pry open the door to seize the throne."

If you think about it carefully, it really is.

Ye Qing and Xiaoyao Mansion quickly became behemoths under the contest and fight with the forces of the world.

became a threat to everyone.

It is not impossible for Ye Qing to repeat the same tricks as Xiaoyao Mansion to establish a Huashan faction.

You must know that Li Bai, the strongest warrior in Xiaoyao Mansion, is also a disciple of the mysterious Jianghu force "Glory of the King".

Taking the different road of the rivers and lakes is the most suitable for Ye Qing who has no relatives.

Similarly, why he came together with Dong's family probably because he wanted to weave a closer Jianghu Internet cafe.

Once he unified the entire Jianghu, no, even if half of the Jianghu supported him, it would be enough to change Ye Zhen's attitude towards him.

"In this way, father, we still have to unite with the five major factions and other forces in the rivers and lakes to wake up Xiaoyao Mansion's plan." Yang Mingxuan said worriedly.

Yang Biao said with a scheming and sinister smile: "The five major factions are not fools, nor are the people in the Jianghu. They are smart and vigilant. The demise of Taihua Mountain will make them feel the crisis. What we have to do is to provoke them secretly. Intensify their conflicts, intensify their conflicts, and then everything will fall into place."

"Father is still wise..."

After the foot ban, the turmoil in Chang'an seemed to subside all of a sudden.

The struggles of all parties also seem to have entered the cold winter, and they have begun to hide and endure.

No one is jumping out to provoke Xiaoyao Mansion openly.

Xiaoyao Mansion will not provoke others openly.

Construction started in an orderly manner.

A greenhouse glass shed was also built in the mansion.

Young green shoots will soon be born.


After entering Liangzhou, Xu Shu deliberately slowed down his march.

The people of the King of Xiliang kept coming and going to urge him.

The former Qian war is stalemate, and it is extremely necessary to have a vigorous force to break the balance.

"Mr. Xu, can we march faster?" It's not the first time Qin Hu and his Huben army have entered the cold, so they are familiar with this area.

It's still a long way from the battle at the border.

Xu Shu obviously had plans to procrastinate.

So I was a little anxious, after all, the task assigned by the emperor was to cooperate with the king of Xiliang in destroying a part of the Qiang king.

If you can't complete the task, you will have to eat a board when you go back.

Xu Shu clasped his fists and said, "I'm sorry, General Qin, I'm not used to riding in Liangzhou for the first time, and I need to adjust slowly, so that when I arrive at the battlefield, I can enter the battle as quickly and best as possible. Otherwise, I won't be able to fight anymore. If it is damaged because of this, the casualties will be small, but the morale of the entire Xiliang army will be greatly affected!"

Seeing Xu Shu's serious nonsense, Qin Hu's face twitched.

Xu Shu didn't know how many times he had said this excuse.

In short, it means one thing, tired, not walking fast, for the sake of the overall situation.

"Mr. Xu, to be honest, there is really no need for this. Sooner or later we will go to the border battlefield. If someone really wants to murder you or something, this cannot be avoided. And in my opinion, Liangzhou is not like Chang'an. There are so many demons and monsters, and there are not so many intrigues. Xiliang is a person who understands the general situation, understands the overall situation, and is affectionate and righteous. It's too low-handed." Qin Hu didn't know why he said such a thing.

Perhaps it was because he met Ye Yu in Qiu Baqiang back then and said his opinion and attitude towards Ye Qing.

A pure warrior commander would disdain to do such things that hurt the country and reputation.

"General Qin, I think you have misunderstood. My lord and I have never doubted the character of the King of Xiliang. Although we have never met, we have seen pigs run away without eating pork." Xu Shu continued with a knowing smile. :

"Liangzhou is not a pure land, there are also aristocratic families and civil officials here, some eyes of the imperial court, and even the eyes and ears of the Qiang people.

It is possible that some Qiang people intermarried with local clans, and it is impossible to tell from the outside. I don’t think many people know whether there are mid-to-high-level generals of Qiang origin in the army. "

"Si... What does Mr. Xu mean?" Qin Hu began to think about it after hearing Xu Shu's explanation.

Zhou Qiang has been fighting in the land of Liangzhou for hundreds of years.

The population is constantly mixed, and the forces are intertwined.

There are also some small tribes, those who are not on the stage, some who rely on Da Zhou, and some who communicate secretly.

There is no way to verify whether there are Qiang people among the local generals in Liangzhou.

Unless there is a clear record in the file.

Xu Shu shook his head and said: "Since we entered Liang, I think the other Six Qiangs have known about our existence, wouldn't they be prepared, wouldn't they have any disagreements, wouldn't they make new arrangements and adjustments?
Only by walking slowly can we have a chance and hold the initiative, such as..."

"For example how?" Qin Hu asked suddenly with great interest, Xu Shu whispered: "We are cavalry, we can kill somewhere suddenly!"

"Ahem!" Qin Hu's eyes shot out, and he looked at Xu Shu again.

Sure enough, people born in Xiaoyao Mansion have this taste!
On the road below, Qin Hu was not urging, but instead helping Xu Shu keep asking for things from Liangzhou.

Such as real-time intelligence warfare.

There are also maps, and lists of officials in each city.

They even recruited guides familiar with Liang and Qiang on the spot.

"It's too much this time? Xu Shu, Li Cunxiao, and Zhao Yun from Xiaoyao Mansion actually asked the prince for the right to conscription in Liangzhou!"

"That is, they are cavalry, they are here to help us fight, what are we recruiting our Liangzhou people to join the army as pawns? Could it be to transport logistics supplies."

"There are more than 1000 cavalrymen. Where did the luggage come from? It's obvious that they are deliberately delaying time. My lord, I think I should submit a copy to the three of them in Chang'an!"

In Ye Yu's big tent, the king of Xiliang, the generals who were dissatisfied at the moment started yelling.

Ye Yu, the king of Xiliang, didn't speak, but looked at his advisers and the civil servants of Liangzhou.

At this time, a local official said: "It is inappropriate for the prince to do this. His Majesty finally approved it for us. Now that we have just entered Liang, we are suing the reinforcements. No matter whether it is the problem of riding in Xiaoyao Mansion or not, in the eyes of outsiders, it is my cold." The state made things difficult and neglected Xiaoyao Fuqi, after all, we have no advantage in public opinion in Chang'an, and it is easy to attract bad reviews, so we should consider it carefully!"

(End of this chapter)

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