I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 222 Burning Dang Qiang

Chapter 222 Burning Dang Qiang

Chapter 220 Burning Dang Qiang
"My lord, I also think it's inappropriate. No matter what, they have entered Liangzhou anyway, and they will arrive in three days at the latest. There is no need to make trouble at this time, cause rifts, and make the Qiang people laugh." A wiser and calmer person said. The staff suggested:
"My lord, I think since the Xiaoyao Mansion Cavalry has requirements, then I should satisfy them. With the prince's reputation, it can also let the other side relax. After all, the Xiaoyao Mansion Cavalry is the private army of the Sixth Highness, and it is difficult to be seconded. If it reaches the sky, it is normal for people to have concerns."

Hearing this remark, I wanted to have other opinions, but Ye Yu's face showed his attitude.

Nodding with certainty, with a heroic expression on his face, he waved his hand and said, "That's reasonable. I have nothing else in the Xiliang Palace. I still need a mind. If I don't have the mind to accommodate Baichuan, how can I be convincing? How can I be convinced?" Command the armies of Xiliang."

"My lord learned a lesson in time, it's because my vision is low!"

When all the generals heard the words, they all bowed their heads and admitted their mistakes, and stopped arguing.

After convincing everyone, Ye Yu asked someone to hold an order to continue to open the door to the riding position of Xiaoyao Mansion.

As soon as the messenger left, there was a small future report.

"My lord, something is wrong. Bai Lanqiang suddenly bypassed our army's defense line and launched an attack on our county from Ayang. Now, he has successively attacked several cities, and the north is in a hurry."

Suddenly all the generals including Ye Yu stood up.

Ah Yang went straight down, but all the way to Ji County, the prefecture, with a high pitch.

Counties are in danger.

The slaves have not opened their mouths to ask for true or false information and detailed information.

At this time, someone came to report again.

"My lord, something is wrong. Fuguo and Dongnv Qiang all turned from defense to offense, and launched a counterattack against our army. 2000 people from our army were trapped in Baishitou Mountain..."

Another Qiang tribe suddenly attacked.

It seems...

Killing intent flashed across Ye Yu's eyes, and he looked at the generals who cast their gazes and said: "Issue the order, urge Qin Hu and others to come to help quickly, and the other generals will be divided into different places, and the cavalry guards of the Xiliang Palace will follow me to Baishi Mountain... "

"My lord, this time is no small matter. All Qiangs will attack together. You have to stay here to preside over the overall situation, and you can't take any risks..."


"Mr. Xu, look, the King of Xiliang urgently ordered me to rush to Xiangwu City immediately! Don't delay any longer!"

Qin Hu handed Ye Yu's urgent order to Xu Shu. After reading it, Xu Shu said:
"The Qiang people are in a hurry and want to break the deadlock before we arrive." Xu Shu paused and said:
"Or maybe they just want to grab one last and end this year's fight early."

"This... seems to have some truth?" Qin Hu frowned slightly and asked:
"Then what should we do with Mr. Xu's plan?"

Qin Hu didn't even know why he asked Xu Shu such a question.

He is the leader of this reinforcement.

Xiaoyao Mansion is logically subordinate to him.

Of course, he didn't dare to really use the Xiaoyao Mansion Cavalry as his subordinates.

Xu Shu thought for a while and said, "General Qin, I would like to ask, do the Qiang people have a history of attacking Ji County?"

Qin Hu shook his head: "No, Zeng Zeng has the experience of attacking the city, but they can't beat the Fucheng. You have seen that the Fucheng is too high, and it has been reinforced and repaired. The Qiang people don't have siege equipment. Even if the Fucheng There are only one or two thousand county soldiers, and they can't even think about taking them down."

"That's it! I'm relieved!" Xu Shu showed a confident smile and said:
"So we don't have to worry about the Fucheng being breached. The Qiang people went all the way south to threaten the Fucheng. In fact, they themselves knew that they couldn't defeat the Fucheng. The Qiang Department has an opportunity to take advantage of it.

So I decided to..."

Speaking of this, Xu Shu looked at Qin Hu: "Divide the troops into two groups. General Qin will continue to march westward to reinforce the King of Xiliang. I will take Xiaoyao Mansion and quietly leave the team and go northward, and go straight to Huining to intercept the Bailan and Qiang tribes entering."

This... strategy is not famous.

And it doesn't seem to make sense.

The Qiang people are also cavalry, and if they occupy Huining, they can only force the Bailanqiang back. There is no one and no army to cooperate with Xiaoyaofu cavalry to eat Bailanqiang!

Qin Hu was puzzled.

Did he think highly of this new counselor from Xiaoyao Mansion?

Ye Qing can be entrusted with a heavy responsibility just after arriving, it shouldn't be so mediocre.

The conversation is also very extraordinary.

"That's it, General Qin, without further ado, we will split up at night and make preparations first." Xu Shu was stubborn and refused to explain so much to Qin Hu.

Raise the whip and beat the horse, and go to arrange deployment with Li Cunxiao and Zhao Yun.

"Hey! That's the only way to go, I hope a miracle will happen!" Qin Hu didn't dare to delay, the King of Xiliang led a team to Baishi Mountain to save people alone, he should take care of this more willful coach first.

What is it all about? Everyone in the stall does not listen to instructions or dissuasion.

so tired.

Qin Hu felt that it would be better if he only knew how to fight.

Leave the brain-burning stuff to others.

into the night!

The two armies separated, and Xiaoyao Mansion rode quietly to the north.

However, the matter of their division of troops was quickly passed on to the Qiang people.

The Qiang tribe who are plundering Guangyang County and going southward are not pure Bailan Qiang, but Shaodang Qiang.

Shaodang Qiang is located in the northwest of Bailan Qiang, with the Qilian Mountains in the south and the desert in the north.

The living conditions are worse than those of other Qiang.

Moreover, subject to the control of Bailanqiang, it is difficult to have the opportunity to develop to the south, and there is less culture and technology in natural contact.

At the same time, it is also the only Qiang tribe that does not border Dazhou.

Xianqin City is only tens of kilometers away from Jixian County. King Bailanqiang who received the news thought for a while and sneered:
"If you want to play the king's back, the Xiaoyao Mansion is too tender, and the thousand or so people are not enough for me."

"My lord, should we continue to attack Ji County in the south, or should we return to the north and retreat?" asked the confidant.

King Bai Lanqiang said: "This king will take the main force of our army back, and you will be able to ride in Xiaoyaofu. You will continue to go south with Shaodangqiang, and try your best to take down Ji County. You can indulge the soldiers to plunder southward to Wangheng, but it is definitely not right to go up and tie them up."

"Yes! King!" King Bailanqiang's confidant and beloved general replied.

King Bailan Qiang looked at King Shaodang Qiang.

King Shaodang Qiang nodded repeatedly and said: "Don't worry, King Bailanqiang, our troops will definitely fight closely with Bailanqiang, and we will definitely follow in the footsteps of King Bailanqiang."

People have to bow their heads under the eaves.

As the same Qiang king, whoever is in the headquarters is not the one who is superior.

Dan is that Shaodang Qiang is in a special position, with no access to the north and south, and the strongest Qiang tribe, the Bailan Qiang, controls the east.

After going westward, there is a larger desert basin, vast and vast for thousands of miles, where the barbarians are worse than the Qiang people, and the climate is harsh and fierce.

He Shaodang Qiang Qiang kings of all dynasties tried to expand there, but basically failed.

He could only retreat back honestly and follow Bai Lanqiang.

So Shaodang Qiang speaks naturally polite and humble.

Immediately doing what he said, Bai Lanqiang brought the elite of his headquarters to the north, preparing to fight Xiaoyao Mansion in Huining.

However, after passing through Pingju, Xu Shu immediately abandoned the Guangyang native Minzhuang who had been recruited as an infantry, and directly took [-] cavalry and turned northwest towards the hinterland of Bailanqiang.

"Mr. Xu, can we succeed? Bai Lanqiang has also deployed a large number of troops in Yuzhong, and he will definitely prevent my Zhou army from crossing the border." Li Cunxiao was somewhat skeptical of Xu Shu's decision.

Zhao Yun wasn't very optimistic either, but he didn't ask.

Xu Shu smiled and said: "The so-called soldiers are deceitful. The enemy did not expect that we would give up going to Huining, let alone attack the hinterland of Bailanqiang before Bailanqiang returned. Moreover, we were going to burn, kill and loot without attacking the city. Don't worry about the inherent thinking of the original Xiliang Army.

The lord said that killing and injuring the enemy's vital forces is always the first goal. We just want to break in and destroy the hinterland of Bailanqiang.

Let the resources that Bai Lanqiang robbed in my great week can't make up for the damage caused by the damage to the hinterland, then we will succeed.

As for the credit... the lord said, we don't need it in Xiaoyao Mansion! "

(End of this chapter)

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