I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 223 Muye Pass and Warrior Pass

Chapter 223 Muye Pass and Warrior Pass

Will Ning!

King Bailanqiang finally returned here with his main force.

"Report! Wang, we have lost the target of the Xiaoyao Mansion!"

Bai Lanqiang, who was in charge of monitoring, came over to report.

King Bailanqiang suddenly showed dissatisfaction on his face: "What's going on?"

"Returning to the king, the Xiaoyao Mansion cavalry disappeared. The people who came towards Huining were a group of people temporarily recruited by Xiaoyao Mansion. They walked halfway under the banner of Xiaoyao Mansion Cavalry, and then went south to return to other Zhou people's cities! "Bai Lanqiang Tanqi said truthfully.

Bai Lanqiang Bai was furious!
"Bastard, how did you stare at it, and you can lose such a big target?"

"My lord, the Xiaoyao Mansion cavalry disappeared at night. There are masters in the opponent's army, and we can't get close at all." The Tanqi who reported the letter also wanted to explain that it was not that he was incompetent, but that the opponent was too strong.

There are no more than ten entry-level warriors in the entire Bailanqiang.

There are three of the opponent's team of more than 1000 people.

And it's not the first grade, at least the second grade or above.

No less than five people who were closely monitored died.

Anyway, he didn't dare to get too close.

"Hmph, no need to make excuses, I'm going back to the tribe to deal with you." King Bai Lanqiang thought for a while, and asked his own white witch:

"Where do you think Xiaoyaofu rode?"

White witch is a profession. It is the priest of the Qiang tribe in the Longteng Continent.

The white witch said: "There are only two possibilities, one is that they went back the same way and went straight to Ji County in order to let us divide our troops.

Second... It is also possible that they went to the northwest. They went there to join forces with the Han army guarding the border to attack our Bailanqiang hinterland, but this possibility is extremely low! "

After talking about the White Witch, he didn't want to talk too much.

In the end, how to consider and judge is the power of King Qiang.

King Bailan Qiang considered it carefully, and then said: "Order Meng Duo to retreat with the Shaodang Qiang tribe, and the others will follow me back to the headquarters."

This is the best choice, no matter what Xiaoyao Fuqi's plan is, it can ensure that Bai Lanqiang suffers the least loss.

Qiang people are no better than Zhou people.

There are a lot of people in Zhou, so it's no big deal to lose tens of thousands, it's just the population of a county.

And if the Qiang tribe loses tens of thousands of people, it will almost decline.

Even for a big Qiang tribe like Bailan Qiang, it would be a traumatic experience.

It's just that Bai Lanqiang Bai ignored a problem.

They were passive, retreating north following Xu Shu's rhythm.

And Xu Shu widened the time and distance gap with him.

For cavalry, this is extremely valuable and important.


When King Bailanqiang and others withdrew north from Huining, Xu Shu, Li Cunxiao, and Zhao Yun arrived near Yuzhong after traveling day and night!
Checked the pass.

Only then did Zhou Jun, who was on duty in this area, confirm the identity of the Xiaoyaofu cavalry.

But they were all extremely surprised.

Because there are no orders or prompts, the cavalry guards of Xiaoyao Mansion will come here.

Although his corner is the sharpest bridgehead every year, it seems that every year is going to start a war here.

The atmosphere was the most intense, but neither Bai Lanqiang nor Da Zhou took a picture here as a breakthrough to start the war.

So here also guard each other tacitly.

On the contrary, there are very few wars.

After all, hundreds of years ago, people built the fortress and the Great Wall built on the mountain in this area.

After a hundred years of repairs, both sides have a solid line of defense.

The pass on the side of Dazhou is called Muye Pass.

It means firm walls and clear fields, and grazing in the place, showing the attitude of Da Zhou.

The pass on the Qiang side is called Warrior Pass.

Qiang people worship all brave men, Bai Lanqiang wanted to use this level to elevate and motivate the headquarters.

Makino Guanzhong!

After hearing the request from Xu Shu and the others, all the soldiers seemed to have seen a ghost.

"General Li, you may not know how strong the Warrior Pass is. It took Bailanqiang a hundred years to build it. You must know that the Qiang people have no tradition of repairing this thing. Only Bailanqiang is the only one.

Even if Bai Lanqiang is empty now, it is almost impossible to conquer this level. "The guard sighed:
"Don't say you have more than 1000 riders, even if you add soldiers like me, even if the king of Xiliang brings troops from all over Liangzhou, he may not be able to defeat the Warrior Pass. You have never fought with the Qiang people, so you don't know the Qiang people. How ruthless people are, they are extremely wild and unruly when they fight."

The other generals also nodded in agreement.

After more than 1000 riders, they wanted to beat the Warriors Pass. The people in Xiaoyao Mansion are really too arrogant, too ignorant and fearless.

"You can only fight if you haven't fought before." Xu Shu took the initiative to stand up and said:
"The enemy also knows that the King of Xiliang is coming, and they can't even think about taking the Warriors Pass. Would they care about us having more than 1000 riders? We just want to attack when the enemy is paralyzed and doesn't know the authenticity of our army, so that we can attack in one go .”


The guards at Muye Pass looked at each other in blank dismay.

This is so reasonable to say.

But is this obviously a strong word?
Say who won't say.

"You don't need ink, just do as I say, you tell us all the information on the other side, we have our own way to attack, and we can take it with mere defense. If we can't outsmart it, I can take it by force..." Li Cunxiao is confident. Said.

According to his official rank, he is the largest, and he is nominally the chief official of the outside world.

In fact, it was Xu Shu who came to take charge, so in front of outsiders, Li Cunxiao naturally stood up to Xu Shu and didn't want to dilly-dally with the guards.

The guards had no choice but to explain things clearly one by one.

Returning to the resting place, Xu Shu said: "After half a day's rest, we will attack the Warriors' Pass. If it is true what my general of Dazhou said, the gate of the Warriors' Pass has never been blocked with stones, then the gate of the Warriors' Gate on the opposite side will also be closed." Without stones blocking it, that would give us the possibility of a strong attack."

"That's right, as long as there are no stones, I can wipe them and kill them, and then open the city from the inside. If there are stones, I can't move a whole city of stones in a short time, even with my high martial arts skills. " Li Cunxiao said:
"But I need Zilong to cooperate with me. If there is no Zilong, I will not take the risk."

Zhao Yun is now at the fourth rank, one rank higher than him.

The strength is quite.

With such a partner, I can rest assured.

Moreover, Zhao Yun's archery skills are nothing to say, he can cover himself from kicking the wall.

In this way, the chance of success has increased by [-]%.

Zhao Yundao: "Jing Si, don't worry, give me your back. My arrows will always follow you, but I can't help you if you enter the inner city." Zhao Yun is quite confident in his archery skills.

Xu Shu looked at the two and nodded in relief.

Secret praise, the lord let Li Cunxiao and Zhao Yun partner, it is extremely suitable.

Did the lord expect that we would encounter such a situation.

After half a day!
The stones of Muyeguan City Cave were emptied, and the gate of Chengzhong was opened.

Fifteen hundred rode out of Xiaoyaofu.

Then slowly walked towards the warrior pass opposite.

Like a group of warriors dying, Feng Xiaoxiao went back and forth.

"It's a pity, he is obviously an elite, but he is going to die in the end!"

"That's right! This is probably because one general is incompetent and exhausted the three armies. His Highness Xiaoyaohou doesn't know who he is. He chose such three idiots to lead the army. He didn't know how he was able to defeat [-] Turks."

"Maybe the Turks are easy to fight..."

"The Qiang people are different. Let everyone pay attention. If they escape back, they must open the city gate in time. Don't let the Qiang people take the opportunity to chase and break through Muye Pass."

"It's the general. Let me understand that after all, the Xiaoyao Mansion Cavaliers are members of my Great Zhou, and they will never refuse to leave the customs."

(End of this chapter)

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