Chapter 224
Under the regretful gaze of a group of great Zhou soldiers, the Xiaoyao Mansion Cavalry slowly approached the Warrior Pass dozens of kilometers away.

The Qiang people quickly noticed this force.

Be alert now.

But after seeing that there were only more than 1000 rides, he relaxed again.

With more than 1000 cavalry, what does Zhou Jun want to do?
Soon Xiaoyaofu rode stopped 500 meters away from Warrior Pass.

The wind blowing from the northeast kept whistling.

Above and below the city, flags fluttered.

The wind was too strong, so Xu Shu asked all the soldiers to dismount and rest.

The Qiang people in Guancheng couldn't understand the intention of Xiaoyao Fuqi.

Fifteen hundred riders came to the Warrior Pass.

Don't talk, don't leave, what exactly do you want to do?
There is a strangeness.


"Damn it, is this a demonstration against us Bailanqiang? Thinking that we dare not leave the city, you actually use this to humiliate our Bailanqiang warriors!"

"Master Zhuobu, I request to go to battle, let me take two thousand riders to beat them up!"

"Master Zhuobu, I'm going too. These Zhou people are really low. They dare to provoke us with more than 1000 riders. If they don't teach them a lesson, they really think that we, Bai Lanqiang, are easy to bully!"

All the generals asked to fight one after another, and the leader of the Zhuo Department shook his head, showing a determined and confident sneer:
"You think that the Zhou people are really here to die. This is a simple trick to lure the enemy. They want us to go out of the city to fight, and then hold you back, so that the Zhou army from Muye Pass over there will come.

When the time comes to take the opportunity to break through the city gate, how can I fail to see through this little trick! "

When the Bailanqiang people heard the words, they all suddenly realized.

It seems so reasonable.

They all praised: "Master Zhuobu has a sharp eye, and he saw through Zhou people's insidious tricks at a glance."

The commander of the Zhuo Department touched his waist knife and looked proudly at the Xiaoyaofu cavalry under the city.

The eyes are full of complex colors.

What exactly Zhou Bing meant, he was completely guessing.

The ghost knows if it is a strategy to lure the enemy.

The time was like this, spent bit by bit under the tacit silence of both sides.

Xiaoyao Mansion rode down to rest, the horses were rattling, the wind and sand were constantly blowing, and the loess on the ground was rolled up once and twice, sweeping inside and outside the Guancheng.

The Qiang people on the Guancheng stared non-stop, neither the soldiers nor the soldiers dared to relax.

After all, they don't know the purpose of Xiaoyao Mansion riding.

Hit and don't hit, leave and don't leave, don't even yell or scold.

Is this to show your presence?
The sky will be dark, and the last ray of light on the earth will fall.

Suddenly the wind stopped.

The Qiang people thought that the day was coming to an end.

I can finally go back to rest.

After half an hour, it was time for Lunban to change positions.

At this time, Xu Shu drew his sword and pointed to the sky, "Get on the horse!"

All the soldiers stood up suddenly, Li Cunxiao and Zhao Yun looked at each other, and then used their strength to get on their horses.

One thousand five hundred soldiers also got on their horses one after another, and the team was divided into three ranks.

Xu Shu got on his horse, pointed his long sword and said: "All officers and men obey the order, follow me to attack the city!"

After speaking, Xu Shu rushed over first, and the first team of five hundred riders followed him to speed up their horses.

Guancheng, which was 500 meters away, rushed to Guancheng very quickly. When he was close to the place of an arrow, Xu Shu waved his sword and pointed again, turned his horse's head and went to the left.

At this time, the five hundred riders bent their bows and shot arrows, and shot at the Qiang people in Guancheng. After shooting, they followed Xu Shu to the left and left.

"Kill!" Li Cunxiao was the second echelon, urging his horse to catch up, and he didn't stop when he reached the point where the arrow was shot, but went straight to the city cave.

These five hundred soldiers also shot fiercely at the Guancheng, then turned to the right and ran in a direction.

How could the Qiang people in Guancheng think that Xiaoyao Mansion Cavalry would attack at this time, and they were coming fiercely, with arrows raining down like rain.

Just when he wanted to fight back on the city, he was shot down countless times.

"Hurry up, call someone up, Zhou Qi is crazy, play arrows with us, let me shoot them to death!"

The Qiang people are very hot-tempered. The Xiaoyaofu cavalry attacked, and they couldn't show weakness. They immediately transferred a group of people from the inner city to start a counterattack against the Xiaoyaofu cavalry below the city. However, they didn't notice that they should have turned right. Li Cunxiao rushed to the city cave while not paying attention.

The horse ran fast and entered the cave, and the Qiang people couldn't find it.


The third 500 people from Xiaoyao Mansion rushed to Guancheng under the leadership of Zhao Yun, and then approached the place of an arrow, Zhao Yun shot an arrow.

Half a person's height in the middle of the city cave.

The arrow was sharp, and shot directly into the cracks in the stone, firmly fixed.

Then Zhao Yun took another arrow, which hit a person's height diagonally to the upper right.

The arrow is firmly inserted in it again.

Then Zhao Yun continued to shoot two arrows, which hit half the height of the city wall and one third of it.

The soldiers who followed Zhao Yun rushed to cover Zhao Yun while shooting and turned to the left.

When Zhao Yun finished shooting the fourth arrow, Li Cunxiao leaped with his lance in hand and stepped on the first arrow on the wall.

Then use your strength to step on the second arrow in the upper corner, followed by the third arrow and the fourth arrow.

After borrowing strength from the last arrow, he suddenly jumped higher and leaped out of the wall.

It suddenly appeared in front of the Qiang people in the city.

The Qiang people were shocked for a while.

"The Qiang people who reacted, after a short moment of astonishment, slashed with a knife.

At this time, a flying arrow flew past, and with a whistling, it flew past Li Cunxiao's shoulder, and then shot down the Qiang man who was swinging a knife in front of him.

Li Cunxiao took the opportunity to land on the wall, and then waved his spear, sweeping and killing the other Qiang people who were charging.

Then he didn't bother, and scanned the inner city with his eyes, and found the stairs.

So he leaned forward, stabbed with a long lance, and pushed back the rushing Qiang people, knocking them down.

Then one jumped to the front of the stairs.

At this time, a Qiang man with a bow wanted to shoot Li Cunxiao from behind.

Before the arrow was pulled, an arrow passed through the throat.

The hand was tilted at 45 degrees to the sky and shot, and I don't know where it fell.

Zhuo Bu, the Qiang defender on the city, was startled. He pointed at Zhao Yun outside the city and said, "Shoot that thief from Zhou."

Just now, the arrows shot by Zhao Yun, the capital of Li Cunxiao, were accurately escorted. It was obvious that this was a cooperative cover.

How could Zhuo Bu not be angry.

Immediately, he commanded the archers of the headquarters to shoot and kill Zhao Yun.

On the one hand, they sent generals to besiege and kill Li Cunxiao.


Li Cunxiao made three strikes, five strikes, two kills and two kills, and then he jumped down the inner city with a light leap.

Then, with a sweep of Wu Leng, a second-rate Qiang who rushed over would be cut into two pieces.

This frightened the ordinary Qiang soldiers to retreat in unison.

At this time, the first-class Qiang general who guarded the city cave seemed to realize something, and rushed forward with a knife in his hand.

Li Cunxiao swung his lance to block, and then stabbed back, knocking the man flying against the wall, vomiting blood, lying limp on the ground, although the man was not dead, he did not stand up for a long time.

Li Cunxiao is like a thousand, and he keeps dancing his long spear.

The Qiang soldiers who killed the city cave were killed and wounded.

Then he finally occupied the city hole, and then a spear pierced out, right in the center of the cork.


Li Cunxiao let out an angry roar, the Shuan wood, which was generous and heavy and needed to be carried by eight people, suddenly left the bracket.

"Go away!"

Li Cunxiao raised his strength, and then swung it in the direction of Wengcheng.

The Qiang soldiers and Qiang generals who were rushing were so frightened that they ran away one after another.

Those who didn't dodge were hit by the magnanimous and clumsy strike.

They vomited blood one after another, fractured their bones, and greatly damaged the inner palace.

After being hit by the ground, the Qiang soldiers under the ground kept howling.

Li Cunxiao didn't care about the enemy behind him, he retracted the lance with one hand, made three steps into two steps, stepped forward and opened the heavy city gate.

The creaking city gate slowly opened.

Seeing this, Xu Shu, who launched the second charge outside the city, liked it so much, he pointed his long sword at the city cave and said:

"General Li opened the city gate for us with scriptures, and all the soldiers followed me to enter!"

Fighting with a sword as a counselor, taking the lead, suddenly aroused the high fighting spirit of the Xiaoyaofu cavalry, each of them drew their swords with a low growl, held their guns, and urged their horses to speed up...

(End of this chapter)

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