I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 225? Occupying the Warriors Pass

Chapter 225 Occupying the Warrior Pass


The riders followed and rushed to the city gate in an instant.

At this time Li Cunxiao opened the two gates, and the Qiang people gathered and rushed forward again, this time the ordinary Bailan Qiang soldiers were not in the lead.

But the four generals are the main ones.

Of these four people, one is third-rate, one is first-rate, and Zhuo Bu himself is first-rate.

At this time, the gate of the city is open, and it is meaningless to stay at the top of the city to command.

So he jumped down with people himself.

"Kill Zhou Thief!"

What Zhuo Bu held was not a Qiang sword, but a long soldier in the shape of a mace.

After the heavy swing, Li Cunxiao's face paled, and he swung his lance to block it.

"Clang!" Zhuo Bu stepped back two steps.

The arm went numb.

There was a slight pain in the tiger's mouth.

His face changed greatly.

Although he knew that the generals of the Zhou Dynasty like Li Cunxiao were very brave, he relied on his own strength to kill the top of the city, and opened the city cave, accomplishing an impossible feat.

But in this confrontation, Zhuo Bu really discovered Li Cunxiao's strength.

The strength of his first-rank realm was unexpectedly easily repelled by the opponent.

This must be a general with the strength of the third rank.

Yijing is the best among generals, among them Bai Lanqiang can be the most powerful, even the Qiang king has to treat him with respect and kindness.

Think about how terrifying such a powerful enemy is.

Just when he was thinking about it.

Li Cunxiao's long lance stabbed into the chest of a first-class Bai Lanqiang general.

Then Li Cunxiao drew a lance to block, took over the attack from the other two, and then counterattacked with a lance.

Another lance knocked one person into the air, and then lance cut off the other's head.

When Zhuo Bu responded, Xu Shu led people to the city cave with scriptures.

Li Cunxiao turned around and took a look, then jumped forward, and the long spear stabbed at Zhuo Bu again.

Zhuo Bu hastily accepted the fight, his body was heavy, and he moved back a few steps.

At this time, Li Cunxiao waved upwards and attacked.

The body that had just been fixed on the table flew off the ground before he could slant the weapon down to block it.

Then, in a burst of pain, he hit the stepped wall behind him.

After falling, I rolled a few times, and then my body twitched, with more air intake and less air output.

The Qiang soldiers were terrified, and all were terrified.

Seeing Zhou Qi entering the city, who dared to resist, turned around and ran away.

He was beheaded by Xu Shu and others who came up from behind.

Li Cunxiao went straight to the top of the city, and led the dismounted soldiers to win the top of the city.

Zhao Yun followed Xu Shu into the Guancheng.

Take the final blow to Bai Lanqiang who resisted and did not escape.


Makino Guanzhong!

The generals guarding the gate who were drowsy after waiting were sleepy.

"Why haven't you come back yet?"

"It's been a long time since I've been there, so it must be a real siege!"

"If this is the case, then...they may all be killed in battle! Hit the stone with an egg, and there is no time to die."

"That's right! They've been here for so long, but they're still tough, and none of them escaped. They're all good soldiers!"


The chief general guarding the pass also shook his head and sighed, but as the chief general, he said to a personal guard: "Go and see the situation in the Warrior Pass!"


Go down with personal guards, and then ride out of the city.

As soon as the people left, everyone in the pass city noticed that there was thick smoke rising from the direction of the warrior pass.

"Si, look, what is that?"

"No, the fireworks soaring into the sky are a bit big. If Xiaoyaofu is attacking the city by cavalry, at most it will be shooting some rockets. It can't cause such a big fire. It's weird!"

"Could it be that Xiaoyao Mansion's cavalry took down the Warrior Pass and burned the pass city!" Someone guessed it with divergent thinking, but he himself didn't believe this statement.

The others glanced at him, gave him a blank stare, then shook their heads and said:
"Impossible, they only have [-] riders, how could they pass the Warriors Pass."

"Of course, it would be great if it was really shot down. It's just this kind of thing, just think about it."

The guard who went to inquire about the news hurried back, and with him were five soldiers from Xiaoyao Mansion.

"General, great news, great news, the warriors are shut down, the warriors are shut down!"

As soon as the guards rushed to the bottom of the city, they shouted at the guard above.

"Why don't you come back, let me explain in detail!" The guard was a little excited, his personal guard just said that the warrior had locked him up.

Could it be that the Xiaoyao Mansion Cavalry captured the Warrior Pass.

"General, the Xiaoyao Mansion Cavalry took down the Warrior Pass, which was taken down by my Da Zhou. Now General Li and General Zhao have entered the pass, and the entire pass city has been set ablaze."

"What? Really hit!"

All the generals stared, still in disbelief.

Warrior Guan Na, just like that.

There was no omen.

The key is that the opponent only has [-] riders.

They didn't even bring siege equipment.

This is too childish.

"Generals, there are no warriors without warriors. My General Li stepped on the arrow wall and opened the city gate from the inside. My Xiaoyaofu cavalry has now entered the city. If you don't believe me, generals, you can go and have a look." The person in charge of the Xiaoyao Mansion riding back said proudly and boldly.

"Let's go! Let's go and have a look, take all the cavalry, and the infantry stay at Muye Pass."

"I'm going too, I want to see what bullshit this warrior is, it's so vulnerable!"

Soon everyone arrived at the Warrior Pass, and sure enough, the Bailanqiang flag at the Warrior Pass was destroyed.

Holding the flag of the Great Zhou Dynasty and the unique battle flag of Xiaoyao Mansion.

From the moment people entered the city gate, the Qiang soldiers in the city were largely wiped out, and Xiaoyao Mansion took hundreds of prisoners with ease.

Countless materials were seized.

Everyone was even more excited, they didn't expect Xiaoyao Mansion to win the Warrior Pass with only [-] riders.

It's incredible.

The crowd soon came to the temporary resting place of Li Cunxiao, Xu Shu and Zhao Yun.

At this time, Xu Shu, Zhao Yun and others occupied Zhuo Bu's room and found many good things from it.

For example, the map and some other things are discussing the next plan.

"General Li!"

"General Zhao!"

"Mr. Xu!"

"Congratulations, you have made a great contribution, and you have won the Warrior Pass in one fell swoop, greatly increasing my prestige."

The other generals also praised him sincerely.

The warriors shut down for a while, and then the battles of the Liang army's armies will be easy to fight.

"Generals, this achievement was made by all of you. It belongs to the Great Zhou. Today's victory is the result of decades of accumulation by our soldiers in Liangzhou of the Great Zhou. Without your long-term confrontation, the Qiang people would have been paralyzed." , it is impossible for us to capture Guancheng so quickly, so everyone has a share of this honor." Xu Shu said:

"I would like to ask everyone to finish the battle report. I hope that everyone will try not to over-beautify our Xiaoyaofu ride."


The guards were all taken aback when they heard this.

Is this still possible?

Don't take credit if you have credit, or don't take it all alone.

You must know that this was fought by the Xiaoyao Mansion cavalry alone, they did not send a single soldier.

"That's it, the merits of my Xiaoyao Mansion will come later." Xu Shu spread out the captured sheepskin map and said:
"Let's look at it, generals. The warriors are locked up. The next thing that stands in front of us is Yuzhong. If we go around it and attack Huanglong directly in the center of Bailanqiang King's court, what will happen?"

(End of this chapter)

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