I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 229 Ruthless VS Zhao Feiyan

Chapter 229 Ruthless VS Zhao Feiyan

"Bastard! What are you? How dare you insult this princess!"

Zhao Feiyan exploded instantly.

This damned disabled woman dared to call her a fake woman.

At that moment, Zhao Feiyan lifted the door curtain, flew out of the carriage, and put one foot on the head of the horse in front.

Lift the other foot half a foot forward.

Holding a sword in one hand and swinging the other sideways.

The figure is graceful and graceful, as light as a swallow.

Looking at her face, her eyebrows are like swords, and her eyes are like a river of stars, but it is just a rolling river with murderous intent hidden.

The high bridge of the nose is sandwiched between the eyes, which is extremely three-dimensional. Under the Qiong nose, there are seven-point cold pink lips, and the silver teeth are lightly biting.

Her black hair was like a waterfall, flowing down her shoulders to half her waist, gently waving.

The red clothes are slim, hot, expensive and comfortable.

When men see her, they can't help but be attracted and admired by this woman's appearance and aura exuding from her body.

But absolutely dare not profane coveted.

Because this woman's whole body reveals wealth, as well as the killing intent brought by that powerful aura.

"Xiaoyao Mansion Sheng Yayu!" He stared at Zhao Feiyan ruthlessly and said:

"In the eyes of Ruthless, there has never been a princess, but a prince who has changed his face!"

Two people face each other in four pairs.

The strong smell of fire can be smelled in the air.

A strong killing spirit shot out from the eyes of the two, and then spread from the whole body to the surroundings.

Let the people around involuntarily step back.

These two aunts are afraid that they are going to fight.

The sword has no eyes, and if it was hurt by the two of them, it was for nothing.

No one asks, and there is no sympathy.

Even Li Mu squinted his eyes, and took a step back.

He knows who this third princess of his family is.

If you don't come out with the sword, you're done, but if you go out, you will see blood.

More domineering and violent than men.

Of course, the scene yesterday was extremely rare.

The more prominent the factor, the stronger she is.

Li Mu couldn't help thinking about what kind of man could accept his third princess.

You must know that the younger generation of Beishi Kingdom are as strong as clouds, but none of them can fall into her eyes.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have come to Dazhou with her, hoping to make an earth-shattering event in Dazhou.

All made for victory.

Ye Qing defeated the [-] Turkic army at the age of [-], which was a sensation not only for Dazhou, but also for Beishi.

Turkic elite, Ye Qing defeated the Youxian King's tribe with only five hundred cavalry.

Killing [-] people is a great feat.

Let me ask you that Beishi Kingdom is also hostile to the Turks. For thousands of years, there is no one who can achieve Ye Qing's feats.

And still so young.

Let me ask why the tyrannosaur, the third princess, doesn't want to come for a while, and doesn't want to mess with Ye Qing.

"you will die!"

Zhao Feiyan lowered her eyebrows, and opened her mouth to let out harsh words.

Nothing can mess with her.

She is the third princess of Beishi, and she is also the commander of the Beishi women's army, commanding five thousand.

The Beishi women's army is so famous that even the Turks fear it.

A retainer in the county mansion dared to insult her like this.

That must die.

Zhao Feiyan slowly drew the long sword, silently, but it was about to pour down like a torrential flood.

"will not!"

Wuqing also has cold eyes and a cold face, not weak at all.

Sitting in the wheelchair, I didn't even move half a minute.

Maintaining the status quo.

Yiran won a point in momentum and behavior.


Such a ruthless demeanor disgusted Zhao Feiyan even more.

What kind of female doorman is this, there is no fluctuation in expression.

His face was as white as paper, and he was sickly pale, especially his icy eyes, which were also as cold as ice.

As if it was born with it.

Zhao Feiyan flew towards him with a sword.

The body is like a swan goose, and the killing intent is surging.

But ruthless is not Fan Fan's generation, he patted the wheelchair with his palm.

Immediately, a small sword flew out from the side of the wheelchair.

Xiaojian directly blocked Zhao Feiyan's path.

Zhao Feiyan swung his sword and struck.

Accurately hitting the small sword, although the attack was resolved, but the body paused and stagnated for a while.

With this breath, Wuqing waved his hand, and two small swords flew out in an instant.

One locks the opponent's top lane, and the other locks the opponent's bottom lane.

The two small swords were extremely fierce.

But Zhao Feiyan's eyes were fixed, he just swung his sword and knocked out the one that came first, and then turned around.

Dodged another sword.

After three sword strikes, Zhao Feiyan landed on the ground, pointing at Wuqing with the long sword.

At this time, she was only two feet away from Wuqing.

"Are you from Lantian Valley?" Zhao Feiyan asked.

No wonder this ruthless woman dared to challenge herself.

It turned out to be from Lantian Valley.

As we all know, Lantian Valley is famous for its hidden weapons.

In addition to practicing martial arts, the disciples of the sect are good at using hidden weapons, borrowing their strength, and using them to achieve the purpose of attacking.

It is extremely difficult for ordinary people to guard against this kind of martial artist's method of using hidden weapons, because it is impossible to guard against. With the same strength, it is obvious that the people of Lantian Valley have one more killing move.

And it can be fatal with one move, turning the situation around and turning defeat into victory.

That's right, people in the world are extremely afraid of Lantian Valley, and they don't want to provoke them easily.

Whether Wuqing is Lantian Valley, of course, there is no doubt, but she still only replied two words with a blank face: "Guess?"

"Guess your sister!"

Zhao Feiyan is a domineering person, at most she is asking, she is Princess Beishi, and she is not from Da Zhou, so why bother.

So in her eyes, the people in Lantian Valley were still killed.

Zhao Feiyan's movement is still light and graceful, so the distance is less than two feet, and she can reach it in an instant.

A sword pierced the heartless chest.

Wuqing didn't use a concealed weapon either, he just turned the wheelchair slightly and slid to avoid it.

Then hit with the handle.

Hit Zhao Feiyan's foot.

Zhao Feiyan also flashed and floated behind Wuqing.

Then a sword stabbed sharply, piercing the back of Wuqing's neck.

Ruthless seems to have eyes in the back.

The wheelchair slid forward.

Directly opened the distance, and then turned around.

At this time, Zhao Feiyan swayed, and the sword edge was drawn towards the ruthless chin and cheek.

Every move and style of Zhao Feiyan is a killer move.

They all wanted to strike a sword and ended up ruthless.

There is no room left at all for a backhand.

The ruthless head tilted, the wheelchair was sent backwards, and flashed back.

Then with a wave of his hand, another small sword shot out.

Then his eyes fixed on Zhao Feiyan's.

At this time, Zhao Feiyan also retreated quickly.

Kankan dodged the ruthless little sword.

"Hmph, it's just a small product, let's see how long you can last."

After some fighting, Zhao Feiyan found that Wuqing's strength was not strong.

She quickly saw through the weak fluctuations in luck that had just entered the first-rank realm.

So the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he swung his sword again.

She is sure that she can kill Ruthless within ten rounds at most.

But at the moment she left, the ruthless cold eyes changed, as if two pupils appeared.

Then no matter how Zhao Feiyan attacked, how sharp, vicious and tricky he was.

Ruthless can easily escape, and even predict it in advance.

It made Zhao Feiyan more and more strange, and made her more depressed.

After ten rounds, with her second-rank general strength, she couldn't even touch the corner of Wu Qing's clothes.

After twenty rounds, Zhao Feiyan lost her patience and retreated with a single sword, and then it was like watching a monster, without the ruthlessness of ruthless fluctuations.

"Are you from Lantian Valley? Why do you know the body and mind of other sects?"

(End of this chapter)

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