I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 230 You Are Not Afraid Of My Sudden Attack

Chapter 230 You Are Not Afraid Of My Sudden Attack

The famous hidden weapon is Lantian Valley.

Body technique is Xiaolongmen, mental technique and internal strength are Qishan Pavilion.

This lame and hateful girl has three directors in her body.


He even fought with him for more than 20 rounds at the first rank, but he fell behind.

It was really hard for her to accept.

So she has to ask.

"you guess?"

Ruthless and unmoved, he still cherishes words like gold, and doesn't say a word at all.

Zhao Feiyan was a little crazy.

Fighting must be a draw, and even after a long battle, you will lose.

No, I lost by myself.

In twenty rounds, he couldn't take down a martial artist who was one level lower than himself.

The opponent was still a lame man.

Don't want to lose.

As proud as she is, Yijing can't accept such a fact, so she put the sword away and said:

"I'll be back!"

After finishing speaking, Zhao Feiyan went straight to Wuqing.

Wuqing didn't move his position, tilted his head, completely ignoring her.

After passing by, Zhao Feiyan took another step back, parallel to the ruthless wheelchair.

"You are not afraid that I will suddenly attack you!"

"No!" Ruthlessly spit out two words.

Zhao Feiyan's body shook violently.

will not!

Very simple two words.

But it contains a lot of things.

Many things suddenly appeared in Zhao Feiyan's mind, and then the corners of her mouth turned up slightly.

"It will happen next time!"

Zhao Feiyan left after speaking, this time there was no delay.

Riding on the carriage, the groom drove the horse and gave birth. Li Muduo glanced at Wuqing, and was extremely curious about this weird girl.

What kind of person can cultivate such a strange woman.

And what is the appearance of the Xiaoyao Mansion that gathered her.

Ye Qing and Xiaoyao Mansion who are like a fan.




After hearing the report from his subordinates that the Warrior Pass had been lost, King Bailanqiang fainted from anger.

The pass that Bai Lanqiang built for so many years was broken.

And still by a group of cavalry.

Cavalry is cavalry, only one thousand and five.

It has been agreed that one husband will guard the gate, and ten thousand husbands will not open it.

This is paperless.

It was captured so easily.

It's just child's play.

If it wasn't for Zhuo Bu's death, he really wanted to pull out and flog the corpse.

"Where's Yuzhong?"

After waking up, King Bailanqiang hurriedly asked.

But don't let Yuzhong be breached, then Bai Lanqiang will suffer a catastrophe.

"Back to the king, Yuzhong is still there, and there are not many Zhou people. This time, they failed to break through the city and were successfully blocked."

Only then did King Bailanqiang's face turn better.

Although the Qiang people are not good at defending the city, they still have a geographical advantage in numbers, so there should be no problems.

"Send the order to continue marching, rush to Yuzhong as fast as possible, encircle and annihilate the Zhou army, and retake the Warrior Pass."

Although the warrior Guan Yijing was destroyed by fire, the prototype and foundation of Guancheng are still there.

It just needs some repairs and it still works.

It is said that when King Bailanqiang changed his way to Yuzhong, Xu Shu, Li Cunxiao, Zhao Yun and others took a detour through scriptures and rushed to the hinterland of King Bailanqiang's court.

Along the way, in order to keep secret, Li Cunxiao and Zhao Yun acted as fast horse scouts in front.

Clear the Qiang people and Qiang soldiers along the way.

Xu Shu followed behind with an army.

After some twists and turns, he finally arrived at the royal court in the hinterland of Bailanqiang.

In the evening, Xu Shu and others stepped up a gentle slope on the hillside of Nanshan Mountain, looking north and east.

"This is a land with luxuriant water and grass. It is a good place for nomads or for settlement and city building." Xu Shu pointed to the distance and said:
"The big river bends, flows from west to east, and then goes north, forming an alluvial plain here, a long and narrow plain valley.

If anyone controls this place, they can go to the north to burn Dangqiang, invade the desert, or explore the barbarian states in the far west.

To the west, you can deal with the various Qiang tribes, detour from the side, and wipe out all the Qiang tribes. "

After all, Li Cunxiao and Zhao Yun are only military generals, even if they are handsome, they are only limited to commanding soldiers, and they can arrange troops in battle.

But the big strategy is still unclear.

Hearing Xu Shu's words at this moment, everyone was surprised, ecstatic and yearning.

If Bailan Qiang can be wiped out and captured here, the battle against Qiang will enter the final stage.

The western part of the Great Zhou is safe.

"That Yuanzhi, let's take this place and wipe out Bai Lanqiang." Li Cunxiao clenched his fists proudly and domineeringly, staring straight ahead.

It seems that by injecting supreme power, it can destroy everything.

With a faint smile, the mast and scull were wiped out.

Zhao Yun also had a glowing expression and a high fighting spirit.

Not to mention them, even the soldiers who came here also had infinite yearning and longing in their hearts when they heard the words.

But Xu Shu shook his head slightly and poured a basin of cold water.

"Now is not the time. When the lord can control Liangzhou, he will have the final say on the Great Zhou. Only then can we really occupy these places, because only when the lord's idea is implemented can we truly control the land of the Qiang people for a long time. , others can’t do it, it’s too much and it will damage Dazhou’s national strength and people’s and material resources.” Xu Shu sighed slightly:

"What we have to do now is to smash Bai Lanqiang to pieces, so that he will be unable to go east, so that he can't pose a threat to Liangzhou in the Great Zhou Dynasty in a short time.

Of course, at the end, by the way, separate Bailan Qiang and Shao Dang Qiang! "

Everyone nodded, Xu Shu was right, only their lord could truly bring peace to the west, and no one else could do it.

Even if they can capture the hinterland of Bailanqiang now, if they want long-term peace and stability, the loss will be huge, and they will fall into endless scrambles and counter-scrambles.

More national power was consumed, which made Dazhou exhausted.

After nightfall, everything is quiet.

The royal court in the hinterland of Bailanqiang is adjacent to the Yellow River in the north and mountains in the south, so as long as the narrow mouths from east to west can be guarded, its safety can be ensured.

Therefore, Bai Lanqiang built a simple fortress in the narrow area between the river and the mountain in the east, which of course cannot be compared with the Warrior Pass.

And there are far fewer people stationed there, all of them old, weak, sick and disabled.

Jing Zhuang had already been transferred to the east by King Bailan Qiang.

In addition, the guards here, because there is no war, belong to the rear, so their vigilance is extremely poor.

At midnight, suddenly, several vigorous figures approached.

Then keep moving.

For a while, the yellow moves, and for a while, it leaps.

A short soldier in hand.

Then the patrolling Bailanqiang soldiers let out a muffled grunt.

They fell one by one.


Suddenly a second-rate guard who was sleeping in the room heard the movement and couldn't help but let out a soft drink.

Then, with a flash in front of his eyes, a black shadow struck.

He could feel the enemy's breath, but before he could make a countermeasure, his neck was twisted.

in the unconscious.

"Second rate!"

The murderers were naturally Li Cunxiao and Zhao Yun.

Soon the two swept the entire garrison, and then opened the simple wooden door.

All the riders had their feet wrapped in cloth, and their mouths were covered with silencers.

Fifteen hundred riders passed quickly.

Soon [-] riders arrived at the place where Bailan Qiang lived.


Soon the entire hinterland of Bailanqiang was on fire, and countless fire points gathered into fire dragons under the action of the wind, eventually becoming a big fire dragon.

The Bailan Qiang people who reacted just took up their weapons when they were beheaded by the roaring Xiaoyaofu cavalry.

Murder and arson, Feng Gaoye.

Half an hour later, Xiaoyao Mansion rode like a ghost, there was no trace when it came, and there was no warning when it left.

It's as if it didn't appear.

(End of this chapter)

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